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IEC-Houston بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم دعاء التوسل Compiled by IEC-Houston. Please visit us at:

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Presentation on theme: "IEC-Houston بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم دعاء التوسل Compiled by IEC-Houston. Please visit us at:"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEC-Houston بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم دعاء التوسل Compiled by IEC-Houston. Please visit us at:

2 IEC-Houston اللهم إني أسألك وأتوجه إليك بنبيك، نبي الرحمة، O Allah! I ask you and turn to You through Your Prophet, the Prophet of mercy,

3 IEC-Houston محمد صلى الله عليه وآله، يا أبا القاسم، Mohammad [Allah bless him and his Household]. O Abal-Qasim!

4 IEC-Houston يا رسول الله، يا إمام الرحمة، O Messenger of Allah! O Leader of mercy!

5 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master!

6 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah,

7 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants,

8 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

9 IEC-Houston يا أبا الحسن، يا أمير المؤمنين، O Abal-Hasan! O Commander of the faithful,

10 IEC-Houston يا علي بن أبى طالب، يا حجة الله على خلقه، O Ali, son of Abi-Talib! O proof of Allah on His creatures!

11 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master!

12 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, House of Imam Ali (AS)

13 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. House of Imam Ali (AS)

14 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

15 IEC-Houston يا فاطمة الزهراء، يا بنت محمد، O Fatimah, As-Zahra’! O Mohammad’s daughter!

16 IEC-Houston يا قرة عين الرسول، O light of Messenger’s eyes!

17 IEC-Houston يا سيدتنا ومولاتنا، O our chief and our Lady!

18 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بكِِِِ إلى الله Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah,

19 IEC-Houston وقدمناكِِِ بين يدي حاجاتنا and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants.

20 IEC-Houston يا وجيهة عند الله، اشفعي لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

21 IEC-Houston يا أبا محمد، يا حسن بن علي، O Aba-Mohammad! O Hasan, son of Ali! Al-Baqhi

22 IEC-Houston أيها المجتبى، يا بن رسول الله، O the Chosen one [Mujtaba]! O son of The Messenger of Allah, Al-Baqhi

23 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures! Al-Baqhi

24 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master! Al-Baqhi

25 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Al-Baqhi 1942

26 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Al-Baqhi 1942

27 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

28 IEC-Houston يا أبا عبد الله، يا حسين بن علي، O Aba-`Abdillah! O Husain, son of Ali!

29 IEC-Houston أيها الشهيد، يا بن رسول الله، O the Martyr! O son of The Messenger of Allah

30 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures!

31 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master!

32 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Head of Imam Husain in Syria

33 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants.

34 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

35 IEC-Houston يا أبا الحسن، يا علي بن الحسين، O Abal-Hasan! O Ali, son of Husain! Al-Baqhi

36 IEC-Houston يا زين العابدين، يا بن رسول الله، O Adornment of worshippers [Zain al- `Abidin]! O son of The Messenger of Allah Al-Baqhi

37 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures! Al-Baqhi 1942

38 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master! Al-Baqhi 1942

39 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Al-Baqhi

40 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Al-Baqhi

41 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

42 IEC-Houston يا أبا جعفر، يا محمد بن علي، O Aba-Ja`far! O Mohammad, son of Ali! Al-Baqhi

43 IEC-Houston أيها الباقر، يا بن رسول الله، O Splitter of knowledge [al-Baqir]! O son of The Messenger of Allah, Al-Baqhi

44 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures! Al-Baqhi

45 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master! Al-Baqhi

46 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Al-Baqhi 1942

47 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Al-Baqhi 1942

48 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

49 IEC-Houston يا أبا عبد الله، يا جعفر بن محمد، O Aba-`Abdillah! O Ja`far, son of Mohammad!

50 IEC-Houston أيها الصادق، يا بن رسول الله، O Righteous [As-Sadiq]! O son of The Messenger of Allah

51 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures!

52 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master!

53 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah,

54 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants.

55 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

56 IEC-Houston يا أبا الحسن، يا موسى بن جعفر، O Abal-Hasan! O Musa, son of Ja`far! Kadhamain

57 IEC-Houston أيها الكاظم، يا بن رسول الله، O Sipper of anger [al-Kazim]! O son of The Messenger of Allah, Kadhamain

58 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures! Kadhamain

59 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master! Kadhamain

60 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Kadhamain

61 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Kadhamain

62 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

63 IEC-Houston يا أبا الحسن، يا علي بن موسى، O Abal-Hasan! O Ali, son of Musa! Mashhad

64 IEC-Houston أيها الرضا، يا بن رسول الله، O Satisfied [ar-Ridha]! O son of Messenger of Allah, Mashhad

65 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures! Mashhad

66 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master! Mashhad

67 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Mashhad

68 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Imam Redha’s (AS) Grave

69 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

70 IEC-Houston يا أبا جعفر، يا محمد بن علي، O Aba-Ja`far! O Mohammad, son of Ali! Kadhamain

71 IEC-Houston أيها التقي الجواد، يا بن رسول الله، O Pious and Generous [at-Taqi al- Jawad]! O Son of The Messenger of Allah, Kadhamain

72 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures!

73 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master!

74 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Kadhamain

75 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Kadhamain

76 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

77 IEC-Houston يا أبا الحسن، يا علي بن محمد، O Abal-Hasan! O Ali, son of Mohammad! Sammera

78 IEC-Houston أيها الهادي النقي، يا بن رسول الله، O Guided and Pure [al-Hadi an- Naqi]! O son of The Messenger of Allah, Sammera

79 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures! Sammera

80 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master! Sammera

81 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Sammera

82 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Imam Hadi (AS) and Imam Askari’s (AS) Grave

83 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

84 IEC-Houston يا أبا محمد، يا حسن بن علي، O Aba-Mohammad! O Hasan, son of Ali! Sammera

85 IEC-Houston أيها الزكي (العسكري)، يا بن رسول الله، O Pure and Army-camp-settler [az- Zaki al-`Askari]! O son of The Messenger of Allah, Sammera

86 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures! Imam Hadi (AS) and Imam Askari’s (AS) Grave

87 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master! Sammera

88 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah, Sammera

89 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants. Imam Hadi (AS) and Imam Askari’s (AS) Grave

90 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

91 IEC-Houston يا وصي الحسن، والخلف الحجة، O Trustee of Hasan, and the Heir the Proof!

92 IEC-Houston أيها القائم المنتظر (المهدي) يا بن رسول الله، O you Standing [al-Qa’im], the Awaited [al-Muntazar], the Guided [al-Mahdi]! O son of The Messenger of Allah,

93 IEC-Houston يا حجة الله على خلقه، O proof of Allah on His creatures!

94 IEC-Houston يا سيدنا ومولانا، O our Chief and our Master!

95 IEC-Houston انا توجهنا واستشفعنا وتوسلنا بك الى الله، Verily, we turned to you and sought mediation and interceded with you to Allah,

96 IEC-Houston وقدمناك بين يدي حاجاتنا ، and sent you forth to fulfill our present wants.

97 IEC-Houston يا وجيها عند الله، اشفع لنا عند الله، O you reputable before Allah, mediate for us before Allah.

98 IEC-Houston - ثم سل حوائجك فإنها تقضى إن شاء الله تعالى Now Ask Allah for your needs (wants) May Allah InShaAllah respond(fulfill):

99 IEC-Houston O Allah be for your deputy The Hujjah, Son of Hasan (A.S) May Your blessings be upon him & his ancestors Now & at all times Master & Protector And Guide & Helper And Proof & Guard Until he resides peacefully on your earth And let him enjoy for a long time

100 IEC-Houston - قل بعد ذلك : Now Say:

101 IEC-Houston يا سادتي وموالي إني توجهت بكم O my Chiefs and Masters! Verily, I turned to you

102 IEC-Houston أئمتي وعدتي ليوم فقري وحاجتي إلى الله، My [infallible] Leaders and my provisions for my day of poverty and need to Allah.

103 IEC-Houston وتوسلت بكم إلى الله، واستشفعت بكم إلي الله، And I sought mediation through you to Allah and interceded with you to Allah.

104 IEC-Houston فاشفعوا لي عند الله، Therefore, interceded for me before Allah

105 IEC-Houston واستنقذوني من ذنوبي عند الله، and rescue me from my sins before Allah.

106 IEC-Houston فإنكم وسيلتي إلى الله، Verily you are my means before Allah

107 IEC-Houston وبحبكم وبقربكم أرجو نجاة من الله، and through your love and your nearness I hope to be rescued before Allah.

108 IEC-Houston فكونوا عند الله رجائي، Then, be my hope before Allah.

109 IEC-Houston يا سادتي يا أولياء الله، O my Masters! O intimate friends of Allah,

110 IEC-Houston صلى الله عليهم أجمعين، Allah’s blessing upon them all

111 IEC-Houston ولعن الله أعداء الله ظالميهم من الأولين والآخرين، آمين رب العالمين Allah’s curse upon the enemies of Allah, those who oppressed you from among the first ones and the last ones! Amen O Lord of all intellectuals.

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