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World Religions.  Find a partner (try not to have groups of 3)  Decide which of you is going to go “first” in the following activity.

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Presentation on theme: "World Religions.  Find a partner (try not to have groups of 3)  Decide which of you is going to go “first” in the following activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Religions

2  Find a partner (try not to have groups of 3)  Decide which of you is going to go “first” in the following activity.

3  Polytheism  Dualism  Monism  Pantheism  Henotheism  Monotheism 1) Both partners, take 1 minute to think about what each of these words mean 2) Now, Partner #1, try to explain to a partner what each word means. Do as many as you are able.

4  Have your partner repeat back to you the definitions you gave to them.  Correct any mistakes they might have made in repeating back your definitions.

5  Partner #2’s turn!  Provide definitions for any terms your partner could not provide that you may know.  AND fill in any information missing from your partner’s original definition.

6  Check your definitions against the following “dictionary” definitions of these terms.  Write down any missing information or any additional information that would help you understand the meanings of these terms.

7  The worship of or belief in more than one God

8  The view that the world consists of two different supernatural entities (usually representing “good” and “evil” or “creator” and “destroyer,” etc.)

9  The view that all reality is composed (made up) of and reducible to one substance

10  A doctrine identifying the deity with the universe

11  The belief in and worship of a single God while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities that may also be worshipped.

12  The belief that there is only one God

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