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Management Information Systems Islamia University of Bahawalpur Delivered by: Tasawar Javed.

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1 Management Information Systems Islamia University of Bahawalpur Delivered by: Tasawar Javed

2 ESS:  IS at the strategic level of an organization designed to address un-structured decision making through graphics and communication.  Senior managers use this  It serves the strategic level of the organization  They address un-structured decisions and create a generalized computing and communication environment rather than providing any fixed application or specific capability  It is designed to incorporate data about external events such as new tax laws of competitors, but they also draw summarized information from internal MIS and DSS.  They filter, compress, and track critical data, emphasizing the reduction of time and effort required to obtain information useful to executives. Executive Support System

3 An ESS;  Provide limited analytical capabilities, ESS employ the most advanced graphics software and can deliver graphs and data from many sources immediately to a senior executive’s office or to a board room.  It provide a generalized computing and telecommunications capacity that can be applied to a changing array of problems.  DSS is highly analytical as compare to ESS but ESS is designed to deliver information to managers on demand and on a highly interactive basis. Executive Support Systems

4 Decision Support Systems Internal data TPS/MIS data Financial Data Office system Modeling/ analysis external data Dow jones Gallup poll Standard & poor’s ESS work station

5 Decision Support Systems ESS DSS MIS KWS/ OAS TPS

6 Managers as IS users  First users of computer output were clerical employees in the accounting area.  When firm embraced the MIS concept, emphasis shifted from data to info and from clerical employees to problem solvers.  Managers are individuals, their info needs vary widely.  Some useful framework have been developed that make it possible to address the role of info in problem solving  High-quality info system cant be developed unless info systems professionals and managers understood the managerial framework upon which modern organizations are based

7 Where managers are found Management level  Top  Middle & lower Strategic planning level Management control level Operational control level Business Areas  Marketing  Manufacturing  Finance  HR  IS services

8 What managers Do? Management functions:  French management theorist Henri Fayol  Five major Management Functions Plan Organize to meet the plan Staff their organization (resources) Direct them to execute plan Control resources Managerial Role:  Henry Mintzberg gave detailed story about it and presented 10 managerial roles such as; …………………………..

9 Interpersonal roles  Figurehead  Leader  liaison Informational roles  Monitor  Disseminator  spokesman Decisional roles  Entrepreneur  Disturbance handler  Resource allocator  Negotiator What managers Do?

10 The Role of Information in Management problem solving problem solving and decision making  Its solution, during problem solving process, managers engage in decision making, which is the act of selecting from alternative courses of action. A decision is a particular selected course of action Problem solving phases  Herbert A. Simon noble prize winning management scientist  Four basic phases of problem solving Intelligence activity Design activity Choice activity Review activity

11 The Role of Information in Management problem solving Intelligent activityinformation Review activity Choice activity Design activity Problem solution Problem

12 The Challenge of IS: Key Management Issues The strategic business challenge The globalization challenge: how can firms understand the business and system requirements of a global economic environment? The information architecture challenge: how can organizations develop an information architecture that supports their business goals? The information systems investment challenge: how can organizations determine the business value of information systems? The responsibility and control challenge: how can organizations design systems that people can control and understand? How can organization ensure that their IS are used in an ethically and socially responsible manner?

13 Thank you!!! Q&A

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