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An Overview of Risk Management in Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

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Presentation on theme: "An Overview of Risk Management in Sigma Alpha Epsilon."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview of Risk Management in Sigma Alpha Epsilon

2 The Mission of Minerva’s Shield Provide a resource of information for risk management Detail the official rules and regulations set forth by Sigma Alpha Epsilon Provide a proactive approach to managing and mitigating our risks as a fraternal organization Help our members enjoy their fraternal experience

3 The Membership Agreement All members are expected to read and agree to terms upon joining Fraternity. Members should claim their personal account at in the members-only area. The agreement describes your obligation to financial responsibilities and personal conduct. The agreements helps all of us keep our members accountable.

4 Alcohol & the Fraternity Possession, use, sale and consumption must be in compliance with all laws. Common-container distribution is not allowed at chapter houses or events not served by third party. All new member/pledge activities are to be dry. High-risk drinking is not to be condoned. Drinking games are prohibited.

5 Alcohol & the Fraternity 100 proof or higher is prohibited. Purchases through the chapter funds or common “slush” funds are not allowed. The sale of alcohol by the chapter is prohibited. All new member/pledge activities are to be dry. Each member and pledge must know alcohol laws. Pledge programs must include alcohol awareness.

6 Alcohol & the Fraternity Food and non-alcoholic options should be available. Do not serve the intoxicated. No one can be forced to drink. Hard alcohol is prohibited unless a third party is selling it. Philanthropic events should never involve alcohol.

7 Social Events with Alumni/Parents Events that involve alumni or parents are subject to the same guidelines for other events. These types of events include, but are not limited to, homecoming, Founders Day, parents weekends and tailgates.

8 Indemnification No chapter, adviser, volunteer or house-corporation officer has authority to sign a college or university document on behalf of the Fraternity that would bind Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

9 Drugs, Controlled Substances & Firearms Possession, sale, use and abuse are all forbidden. Members should seek professional assistance for a member who is suspected of substance abuse. Pledge programming should include drug awareness. Firearms should not be permitted or stored on chapter property.

10 Hazing Hazing is strictly against our Fraternity Laws and is illegal. Pledge interviews or signature books are strongly discouraged and serve no purpose. Pledge lock-ins or sleepovers are strongly discouraged and serve no purpose. Become familiar with We Stand Together and the resources it offers. Know our hazing hotline: 1-888-NOT-HAZE.

11 Designated-Driver Programs We do not recommend or endorse safe-ride or DD programs that are hosted by the chapter. We recommend our chapters work with a taxi service, third party or university-run service that is licensed and insured. Use of personal vehicles is voluntary and the responsibility of that owner/operator.

12 Sexual Conduct & Violence Consent does not necessarily mean acts cannot be considered a crime or assault. Inebriation occurs under the influence, and consent cannot be obtained in this state of mind. Coercion is a threat, and consent cannot be given under this condition. Seduction occurs in the context of lying to create consent, which is not legal.

13 Property Management & Loss Prevention Our house corporations and other landlords are independent entities. The F&H entity can provide assistance and guidance for life-safety issues and needs. The use of personal property is strictly voluntary and the responsibility of the owner.

14 Risk-Management Fine Structure Groups that do not follow the rules are subject to a fine authorized by the Supreme Council. The fines are $100 per active man on a group’s roster. Members are responsible for reading, understanding and following our risk-management policies and regulations.

15 Event Planning Definition of an event: Planned by the chapter Communicated by members Sponsored by the chapter or alumni Types of events: In-house Third-party Event with alumni/parents Non-alcoholic and philanthropic

16 Tips for Events The same rules and regulations for alcohol apply to all events. Failure to abide by the guidelines voids any insurance coverage that otherwise may be available to your chapter and members. Minerva’s Shield provides specific checklists and planning points to follow to help ensure an enjoyable, safe event.

17 Crisis Management Always do the right thing and never hesitate to contact authorities, 911 or assistance. Failing to act can be create even more problems in a court of law than acting and worrying about the consequences. Make sure you contact your peers: Regional Director, Province Archon, advisers, house corporation, etc. to complete an incident report. Minerva’s Shield outlines specific protocol and guidelines in the event of a crisis.

18 Where to Find Minvera’s Shield “Laws & Policies” tab under “Fraternity” menu Online resource area of members-only area Various core areas, but specifically “Risk Management” and “Chapter Management” Regional Director or Director of Risk Management Request digital and hard-copy versions

19 The True Gentleman The True Gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety and whose self control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity; who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another; who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power or boast of his own possessions or achievements; who speaks with frankness but always with sincerity and sympathy; whose deed follows his word; who thinks of the right and feelings of others rather then his own; and who appears well in any company; a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe. - John Walter Wayland


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