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Denotation Connotation. Reading – Word Analysis Denotation and Connotation UNUSUAL UNUSUAL Denotation - extraordinary Connotation - bizarre.

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Presentation on theme: "Denotation Connotation. Reading – Word Analysis Denotation and Connotation UNUSUAL UNUSUAL Denotation - extraordinary Connotation - bizarre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Denotation Connotation

2 Reading – Word Analysis Denotation and Connotation UNUSUAL UNUSUAL Denotation - extraordinary Connotation - bizarre

3 Good writers choose their words for the effects they have upon their readers. Word choice is also a clue to the writer’s attitude toward his/her subject – tone.

4 They think about the denotation of a word – its dictionary meaning and the connotation – the implied meanings and associations when choosing words.

5 Denotation is the literal meaning of a word Connotation is adding attitude to a word

6 A word can have positive or negative associations or connotations. Study the following chart. Word Positive Connotation Negative Connotation plainsimpleuninteresting unusualextraordinarybizarre firmdeterminedstubborn

7 Here is a sample of a word that has denotative meaning and connotative associations : “She’s my baby.” Denotation infant Connotation girl friend

8 Now let’s try one together: The word player can have two meanings. The soccer goalie was a real player. (discuss the denotative meaning)

9 The word player can have two meanings. The soccer goalie was a real player. Denotation: one who plays in a game (discuss the connotative meaning)

10 The word player can have two meanings. The soccer goalie was a real player. Connotation one who uses people

11 Here are some words that have denotative and connotative meanings. On your paper, create a chart like the one below and identify the denotative and connotative meanings of the following words. WordDenotationConnotation brutal commitment tight

12 The word brutal can have two meanings. The fight scene in the Two Towers between the Orcs and the travelers was brutal. Denotation extremely cruel Connotation violent to the point of entertaining

13 WordDenotationConnotation brutal extremely cruel violent to the point of entertaining commitment tight

14 The word commitment can have two meanings. The couple has a commitment to each other. Denotation a pledge to do Connotation an emotional connection to another person

15 WordDenotationConnotation brutal extremely cruel violent to the point of entertaining commitment a pledge to do something an emotional connection to another person tight

16 The word tight can have two meanings. The dress she was wearing was really tight. Denotation fixed firmly in place Connotation good, fantastic, awesome

17 WordDenotationConnotation brutal extremely cruel violent to the point of entertaining commitment a pledge to do an emotional connection to another person tight fixed firmly in place good, fantastic, awesome


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