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Presented by: CAPT Mark Ellis Whitworth University April 07, 2014 Session ID 1576 Snazzy and Fun II Data Visualization of Colleague Advancement Reminders.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: CAPT Mark Ellis Whitworth University April 07, 2014 Session ID 1576 Snazzy and Fun II Data Visualization of Colleague Advancement Reminders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: CAPT Mark Ellis Whitworth University April 07, 2014 Session ID 1576 Snazzy and Fun II Data Visualization of Colleague Advancement Reminders

2 Snazzy and Fun II - Introduction This presentation will go over innovative ways to use the Colleague Advancement system in conjunction with a data visualization tool. This presentation will also review a great data visualization tool – Tableau – which is easy to use with data from Colleague Advancement 2

3 Snazzy and Fun II - Agenda Slide I will show you the expansion of Snazzy and Fun I project with the new Reminders visualization system I will then review the two case studies from “Snazzy and Fun I” which I presented last year with Ken Brown. 3

4 About Us Consider using the title slide as you transition from one topic/agenda item to the next.

5 Whitworth University - About Us Christian Liberal Arts, 3000 Students, Spokane, WA, Advancement Team of 22 One IT Systems/Analyst Supporting Colleague 20 years – UniData 20 years Benefactor 17 years, conversion to CA 2010 Colleague Advancement 3 years Reporting – CA, Custom Web Tools, Informer Data Visualization – Tableau Mobile Platform - iPad 5

6 Snazzy and Fun II – The Reminders Visualization

7 Reminders Visualization - Background After our BEN2CA Conversion our Associate Vice President for Major Gifts agreed to try to use the Colleague Advancement Reminders System Stacey Kamm-Smith, Associate VP SWKC, SDCA, CASM, APPT One year later she said it just was not working for her team. A new tool was needed for the MGOs. My desire was to keep CA as our central data repository, but allow different user interfaces as needed. Since we had already done some similar work in Tableau it was natural to give it a try… 7

8 Reminders Visualization - CAIQ 8

9 Reminders Visualization – CA to Tableau The Colleague Advancement Reminders are downloaded nightly along with other associated donor information The data is pulled into Tableau and displayed in a manner that works well for the MGO team Each team member can see all the reminders or just their own for any chapter or time period We also added the ability for them to see the Call Reports – all of them or just their own or by donor 9

10 Reminders Visualization in Tableau 10

11 Reminders Visualization in Tableau 11

12 Reminders Visualization in Tableau 12

13 Reminders Visualization Summary Adding and consolidating data in one spot makes the Tableau Reminders view useful for the MGOs. The date range tools are very popular The ability to see other staff reminders is very useful, especially for VP Tableau allows easy export to Excel and or linkage to mapping tools 13

14 Snazzy and Fun I – Case 1 The President’s Club (For those that did not see Snazzy and Fun I I will show you the other CA to Tableau work we have set up so far.)

15 Case 1: The President’s Club - Background The President’s Club changed from a fairly static list of individuals giving over $1,000 to a more dynamic group with a general goal of $1,500 but different individual goals and different stewardship plans for each individual Major Gift Officers were assigned to donors to manage the President’s Club involvement and goals for each A new method was needed to handle these changes… 15

16 Case 1: The President’s Club The CA Recognition Program is a reactive system that can tell you who has reached the President’s Club Level, but we were looking for a proactive system that would help us promote and sustain donors at this level instead The Major Donor Tracks were adopted to manage the President’s Club candidates Start with the MDSM form - 16

17 17

18 Case 1: The President’s Club There were concerns from the MGOs about the use of the Major Donor System to track President’s Club Candidates: –Major Donor Report(s) impact –Too many records/tracks in the MD system –Confusion of MD Tracks with PC Tracks Use of codes alleviates many of the concerns Re-use of PC Tracks alleviates the too many tracks concern 18

19 19

20 20

21 21 The President’s Club – Using MDSO

22 22 The President’s Club – Using MDSO

23 Case 1: The President’s Club I added a local “Co-File” or “Co-Entity” for SOLICIT.TRACK called WU.SOLICIT.TRACK It has the same TRACK ID It has two simple fields: –Solicit Plan –Priority Note that “Solicit Strategy” is a free form text field. Rather than modify it, I added a valcode limited version of my own to allow query XMDSO16 is a custom MSDO that uses these two new custom fields 23

24 Case 1: The President’s Club – Colleague Studio Customization 24

25 Case 1: The President’s Club – Nightly Download Program 25 :AE VOC W14.PRES.CLUB.DOWNLOAD Top of "W14.PRES.CLUB.DOWNLOAD" in "VOC", 36 lines, 888 characters. 001: PA 002: UDT.OPTIONS 91 ON 003: SELECT CN W W14.MAJDON.STATUS = PC OR WITH W14.MD.AF.TRACK.ID NE "" 004: LIST CONSTITUENT SELECT.ONLY \ 005: BY CN.LAST.NAME BY CN.FIRST.NAME \ 006: BY W14.MAJDON.PRI.TRACKER.INIT BY W14.TFY.AF.AMT BY CN.LAST.NAME \ 007: W14.PREF.NAME \ 008: W14.PRI.REUNION.CLASS \ 009: W14.PMS \ 010: W14.PREF.CITY \ 011: W14.THIS.FY.AMT \ 012: W14.LAST.FY.AMT \ 013: W14.TFY.AF.AMT \ 014: W14.AF.AMT.FYM1 \ 015: W14.LAST.CONTRIB.DATE \ 016: W14.LAST.CONTRIB.AMOUNT \ 017: W14.LAST.CONTRIB.DESIG.DESC \ 018: W14.LAST.CONTACT.DATE \ 019: W14.MD.AF.ASK \ 020: W14.MAJDON.PRI.TRACKER.INIT \ 021: CN.FIRST.NAME \ 022: CN.LAST.NAME \ 023: W14.PREF.ADDR.1 \ 024: W14.PREF.ADDR.2 \ 025: W14.PREF.CITY \ 026: W14.PREF.STATE \ 027: W14.PREF.ZIP.FIRST.5 \ 028: W14.PREF.COUNTRY \ 029: W14.PRI.CHAPTER \ 030: W14.BEST.PHONE \ 031: W14.PREF.EMAIL.HIER \ 032: CN.SPOUSE.FIRST.NAME \ 033: W14.SOL.TRACK.PLAN \ 034: W14.JOINT.PREF.MAIL.LABEL \ 035: W14.RELATION.JOINT.SAL \ 036: TO DELIM " " /datatel/coll18/production/apphome/_HOLD_/SHARED/IA/PresidentsClub.txt Bottom.

26 Case 1: The President’s Club: Data Visualization – Setup 26

27 Case 1: The President’s Club: Data Visualization – The Summary Screen 27

28 Case 1: The President’s Club: Data Visualization Detail Example 28

29 Snazzy and Fun I – Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Visualization

30 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Our Campaign Director, Tad Wisenor, wanted the following template used for our new campaign’s Campaign Gift Report 30

31 Campaign Giving Report – Tabular View 31

32 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report He did not want to use the multi-form approach of the campaign forms in CA In general, our senior staff do not log directly into CA, everything is provided to them via a visualization or web-tool We did not want to change our current campaign structure in CA as we use it for year to year comparisons and goal setting 32

33 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report 33

34 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report 34

35 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Data is downloaded nightly from the CONTRIBUTION file and its associated file CONTRIB.DONOR.DESIG and the DESIGNATION file. The results for each category are added and placed into “buckets” – for example the CP MUS would have a bucket for cash in the door and a bucket for outstanding pledges 35

36 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Download Logic 36

37 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Download Logic 37

38 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Download Logic 38

39 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Download Logic 39

40 Case 2: The Campaign Giving Report Note that for each NP the pledge amount outstanding is just the pledge amount minus the amount paid so far which is available via the Ellucian subroutine S.CALC.RECEIVED.AMT The results for each category placed into a simple text file Tableau imports this text file each morning 40

41 Campaign Giving Report – Tabular View 41

42 Campaign Giving Report – Graphical View 42

43 Snazzy and Fun I – Executive Dashboard - Advancement

44 Advancement Executive Dashboard 44

45 Strategic Plan Tracking 45

46 Summary The Major Donor Tracking System can be used for more than just the traditional major donors. Tableau is an easy and effective way to visualize both summary and individual data from Colleague Advancement Tableau is an alternative way to set up executive dashboards 46

47 Questions & Answers 47

48 Thank You! CAPT Mark Ellis Please complete the online session evaluation form Session ID 1576. © 2014 Ellucian. All rights reserved. 48

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