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Public Service Promise September 2008. Partners The Vision Partners share a commitment to developing services organised for the convenience of local.

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1 Public Service Promise September 2008

2 Partners

3 The Vision Partners share a commitment to developing services organised for the convenience of local people. By planning together, we will make better use of public buildings. Services will be grouped together according to the needs of the customer, wherever possible in town centre locations with good access to public transport. Shared use of buildings will bring together staff from different agencies to meet the needs of customers in an integrated way. Organisational boundaries will never be allowed to get in the way of good customer service. Team Hackney Board, February 2007

4 What’s driving the change? Audit Commission replaced Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) with a new Comprehensive Area Assessment (CAA) which will “take account of how services are delivered across areas and focus clearly on outcomes.” LAA PI “ Percentage of mystery shopping exercises which test cross-agency signposting that receive a very satisfactory (or equivalent) rating.

5 Customer Insight Research shows that: 1.The socio-economic profile for Hackney means there will continue to be a demand for face-to face-services. 2.47.2% of residents can be categorised as ‘struggling families’ Families from white and ethnic minority backgrounds living in either social housing or private rented accommodation. They may suffer from uncertain employment and receive modest or low incomes; unemployment is a significant issue. 3.Service clusters are likely to include housing / state benefits, children’s services, housing advice, health, police (crime reporting/racial harassment), community support and employment.

6 Customer Service Pledge An internal pledge between partners - a commitment to work together to improve customer services in the borough  Council lead Customer Care Forum with partners meets every three months. The forum will provide an opportunity to share good practice and to support and progress the customer care pledge  Reporting and monitoring of LAA PI “ Percentage of mystery shopping exercises which test cross –agency sign posting that received a very satisfactory (or equivalent) rating.  Shared customer care training for front line staff, to date 90 staff from 11 partner organisations have attended the workshops, more workshops are planned

7 Customer Service Pledge Commitment to provide signposting service between partners “If you contact us in person, by telephone, via email or the web and when we visit you at home we will endeavour to provide you with information about services provided by our partners (both statutory and independent service providers) which compliment or supplement the services we provide to you.”

8 What difference can we make? Public Service Promise Customer Service Pledge – being aware of what our partners do and how to signpost users by providing: –Supported access to partner websites –Free telephone access to contact our partners –Up-to-date literature and information on partner services in reception points –Maps of public information points in the borough and advice slips for customers to take away and make contact with relevant partner in their own time

9 Further information Each of the partners has an Officer who is leading on this programme, for your organisation this is Alternatively you can contact : Yvonne Parish, Programme Manager, Public Service Promise 0208 256 2340

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