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A Summer Recruitment Program. Encourages students to get involved in the recruitment of blood donors. Participants need to recruit a minimum of 25 blood.

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Presentation on theme: "A Summer Recruitment Program. Encourages students to get involved in the recruitment of blood donors. Participants need to recruit a minimum of 25 blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Summer Recruitment Program

2 Encourages students to get involved in the recruitment of blood donors. Participants need to recruit a minimum of 25 blood donors (new, regular and lapsed) over the summer months to qualify for a chance to win a post-secondary educational bursary Number of bursaries depends on the dollar amount of sponsorship $$’s donated. Bursary winners are selected by random draw

3 How does ASL work? Students in High Schools (Grades 11 and 12), Colleges, and Universities recruit friends, family, and community to sign up to attend a blood donor clinic in the specified province Participants that recruit a minimum of 25 people to attend a clinic will qualify for a bursary. The winning students will be selected by random draw. Bursaries are in $1,000 and $500 denominations The student who recruits the most donors overall automatically receives $1,000 The student who recruits the most first time donors automatically receives $1,000 Contest runs July and August

4 Implementation Program developed in Sudbury Ontario in Summer 2005 Expanded to Manitoba in Summer of 2007 Saskatchewan adopted program Summer 2008 Being offered Nationally for Summer of 2009

5 Goals and Objectives Goal Attract prospective new donors to help meet the demand for blood during the summer months and increase donation activity from existing and lapsed donors Objective #1 Attract $$ in bursary sponsorship from provincial companies Objective #2 Attract X student participants to the Assignment Saving Lives program Objective #3 Motivate at least X student recruiters to qualify for a bursary by recruiting a minimum of 25 donors Objective #4 Enable student recruiters to recruit X regular donors and more specifically X new donors to summer clinics Objective #5 Attract enough interest in the program so we meet collection goals in July and August

6 Rules and Regulations Student recruiters are not required to donate blood To be eligible to participant in the draw for a bursary, students must meet recruitment commitment (25 donors) Only one student can be credited for recruiting a donor Student recruiters must have potential donors on pledge list to be counted. Individuals signed up must register at a blood donor clinic in order to qualify towards the Volunteer Student Recruiter’s total. Volunteer Student Recruiters are not required to be in attendance when their donors are attending a blood donor clinic. The bursaries will be payable directly to a recognized Post Secondary Institution, and will be held in trust for the student until he or she graduates from High School. Should the student decide to not pursue higher education, the sponsor will be contacted and the monies may be returned.

7 Budget Program Costs Promo materials (posters, flyers) Direct Mail to potential recruiters Ads in local papers Banner Summer student Recognition Event

8 Sponsorship Sponsorship Packages Developed Four Sponsorship Levels –Elite ($5,000) –Gold ($1,000) –Silver ($500) –Bronze ($250 – combined with another $250 bursary) Approached CBS Partner Organizations and other Community Organizations for financial support Received good responses in both provinces

9 Promotion Mail packages were sent to: High Schools, Universities, Colleges, youth groups Media – Media Release, local cable appearances, radio blogs, newspaper stories On-line-University student associations, CBS website Partners – emails and letters, especially those hosting clinics during that time frame External Events – What’s Your Type Events, Clinics, Summer Student Orientation packages Internal – email to employees

10 Orientation to be a CBS/ASL Volunteer In person Orientation Sessions for urban participants Phone Sessions for rural participants Volunteer Package – pledge sheets, clinic information, eligibility information, phone script, rules and regulations, flyers, volunteer application forms

11 Student Recruitment Activities Information table at local grocery store Facebook Donor Parties/ Blood BBQ’s Life Bus Local Radio Station Blogs Door Knocking

12 Tracking Students filled out pledge forms with donors names Submitted forms to CBS for data entry Pledge lists were checked once a week to see how many donors attended Students received weekly updates on their progress

13 Sample Pledge Sheet

14 Recognition Event All students participants and sponsors invited Top two prizes awarded to students who recruited most donors and new donors Random draw for other participants who qualified for a bursary Included students bios for award winners Not every student received a bursary

15 Recognition Event 2 weeks after program ends Partner put on event for free (Manitoba) Media attended Drew for the names of bursary winners

16 Summary of Results SaskatchewanManitoba # Students Registered6148 # Students Participated2125 # Students reached goal of 25 811 Total Donors from program476501 Lapsed Donors8061 New Donors187201 Total Cost of New Donor$8.53/ new donor$7.41/ new donor Both provinces exceeded collection targets in July/ August!

17 Challenges Need an online tracking device Geographic Human Resources Maintaining Timely Communication Gathering Signatures Too many sponsors wanting to participate

18 Student Evaluation of Program Overall positive experience Student Feedback –90% of recruiters felt our goal was attainable (25 donors) –72% said they would participate again next year –100% said this is a great program for students –71% did not find being in a rural area put them at a disadvantage –58% said they would tell their friends

19 Lessons Learned Program supported local collections during summer Rural Students were successful even though they had fewer local clinics to recruit to Program was attractive to sponsors (helping youth and patients in need of blood) Web Component is important Find the leaders and enable them to excel

20 Lasting Benefits Lasting student involvement in CBS volunteer programs What’s Your Type Curriculum Speakers Clinic Volunteers Summer Students Workplace Champions University Youth Councils Special Event Speakers (Partners for Life Breakfast) 2 nd and 3 rd time donations Positive public perception for CBS and Sponsors Better educated individuals spreading the word to the public

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