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1 THINK BEYOND THE LABEL A Collaboration of Medicaid Infrastructure Grants.

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Presentation on theme: "1 THINK BEYOND THE LABEL A Collaboration of Medicaid Infrastructure Grants."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 THINK BEYOND THE LABEL A Collaboration of Medicaid Infrastructure Grants

2 Remember Our Two Primary Marketing Goals 1.Raise awareness about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities 2. Drive target audience (“C-Suite” executives and HR professionals) to digital hub where they are able to: Become more educated about available resources for employing people with disabilities Take ACTION efficiently by connecting directly with the source for qualified candidates.

3 Reaction to the Campaign… Overwhelmingly Positive! Digital Hub ( 1029 registered users 47,693 non-duplicated visitors to the site since January 25 14,832 non-duplicated visitors to the site’s state pages 448 eCards sent 246 Pledges made

4 Reaction to the Campaign… TBTL Press 4 TBTL is garnering lots of press, including articles in: New York Times Chicago Sun Times Jacksonville, TX Daily Progress Disability Scoop Workforce Management, Topeka, KS A TBTL press release template is available for state and local use from the campaign development site -

5 Live Demonstration: The TBTL Digital Hub

6 Think Beyond the Label: Creative Components

7 The Brand

8 Text Boxes Read: Bob’s victories at the office are legendary. Too bad his “victory dance” isn’t a little less legendary. INNOVATE. THINK BEYOND THE LABEL. Just because someone moves a little differently doesn’t mean they can’t help move your business forward. The same goes for people with disabilities. Innovate your thinking. Download the “5 Myths & Real Facts” tip sheet now.

9 Example: Digital Flash Media “Rhythm Impaired”

10 Commercial Advertising: “Marie” Watch a campaign television spot pwWUKm6KA

11 TBTL Digital Analytics 11 ImpressionsClicks/Site Visits BBC7,787,52128,309 CNN14,091,60817,264 CNNMoney2,083,6213,242 ESPN2,106,82512,027 LinkedIn1,159,814595 Shrm.org1,036,104497 Specific Media9,640,2936,401 Wall Street Journal1,725,2991,852 TOTALS39,631,08570,187

12 TBTL Offline Analytics – Print 12 Estimated A25-54 Impressions# InsertionsAd Type The Economist1,368,0001FP4C Fast Company2,122,0001FP4C Fortune2,645,0001FP4C HR Magazine731,0821FP4C TIME Global Business Edition 5,514,0001FP4C The Week1,407,0001FP4C Wall Street Journal3,564,0002 (1) QP4C (1) QPBW Totals17,351,0828

13 TBTL Offline Analytics - Broadcast 13 Estimated A25- 54 Impressions# of SpotsAd Type ABC Sunday AM7,241,0007:30-second spot CBS Sunday AM9,410,0005:30 second spot NBC Sunday AM6,330,5263:30 second spot BBC America5,200,000170:30 second spot Bloomberg3,661,000122:30 second spot CNN27,637,000144:30 second spot HLN17,162,000157:30 second spot CNBC7,283,00035:30 second spot MSNBC8,718,00092:30 second spot ESPN1,806,00011:30 second spot ESPN23,181,00027:30 second spot ESPNews8,778,000227:30 second spot NPR16,336,80024 :10 second script Totals122,744,3261,024

14 TBTL Community Marketing TBTL community marketing strategy for 2010 includes a significant online presence in social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter Celebrity Attention: Lance Armstrong, Marlee Maitlin have already tweeted about TBTL Online presence has created international interest: Canada; Great Britain; Scotland; Australia; and the Czech Republic

15 Next Steps February-March – Raise funds for Phase II Media Launch – $3.1M already raised; Goal: $4M – We are hosting another all state call on March 25 th where KSM will talk about the next national media buy and options for state/regional media June: Evaluate impact of Phase I; make needed adjustments July-December: Phase II Media Launch Newsletter

16 What Can I Do? Go the main site and REGISTER. Registering is FREE. Once registered, MAKE A PLEDGE. By making a pledge, you can add the MAKE A PLEDGE logo and campaign link to your website AND/OR use this area of the Think Beyond The Label site to post a brief (automatic) pledge comment within the Social Media Groups (e.g. LinkedIn) that you follow. SPREAD THE WORD: Once registered, you can access e-cards on the home page that allow you to tell others about the campaign. Help to post SUCCESS STORIES on the Think Beyond The Label site. Contact us about employer focused EVENTS that are coming up: a brief description with date, time, location, and weblink or contact info for more details.

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