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Using foundational literacy programs, anchor charts, and a positive school culture to promote student success!

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Presentation on theme: "Using foundational literacy programs, anchor charts, and a positive school culture to promote student success!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using foundational literacy programs, anchor charts, and a positive school culture to promote student success!


3 S- Small Group M- Multi-Sensory I- Interactive L- Learning E- Experiences

4 Started at Clear Creek in 2008. Beneficial for the students Program was revamped at Clear Creek in 2010-2011 school year to offer more for advanced students, and to add extra for ESL students.

5 First 5-10 Minutes Introduction of letters and sounds including how to form them with the mouth American Sign Language High-frequency words Interactive songs and materials Fast-paced

6 Review and practice Read predictable books Practice handwriting Word Work activities



9 Monday-Thursday Foundations of Common Core Conventions of Standard English Mini-Lesson Move into small groups

10 Tubs Practice decoding, fluency, and sight word vocabulary Written Component


12 Conventions of Standard English Capitalization Punctuation Spelling Grammar Making writing interesting for your audience

13 Power of consistent instruction Advantage of focusing on core skills Benefit of leveled small-group instruction

14 Keeping the reading flowing through the grade levels.

15 To use common vocabulary Scaffolding along grade levels Consistency across grade levels HCPS Power Standards with agreed upon vocabulary Clear Creek teachers created templates Each grade level made own charts to fit grade level needs

16 Power Standard Title “I Can/I Will…” Statement Visuals and Graphic Organizers Vocabulary

17 *Color-coded*



20 Building a positive school culture!

21 P-Positive B-Behavior I-Interventions and S-Supports

22 Proactive and interactive approach to establish a positive culture in school Supports social, emotional, and academic success Uses data-based decision making to align curriculum and behavioral supports for students and staff Three-tiered system approach to establish a positive learning culture and individualized behavior support Allows for schools to be effective learning environments for all students

23 This is our 5 th year. Implemented in order to establish a positive approach to behavior management Established consistent expectations throughout the school

24 Representative from each grade level Coaches Meet once a month or more Cubbie Counsel-meeting for student intervention s



27 1 st Nine Weeks-Wii Dance Party 2 nd Nine Weeks- Book and a Blanket 3 rd Nine Weeks- Double Bubble Party 4 th Nine Weeks- Field Day


29 As a cub, I pledge to always do my best. I will always show respect and be kind to everyone. I will be responsible and safe. I am a Cub with Character!


31 Positive Attitudes While Showing Unified Pride

32 Increase in attendance Positive and calm environment Reduced behavioral disruptions Increased academic time Increased students achievement



35 We invite you to look at our school website for more information:

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