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4) Open and Close circuit We realised works to see the differences between the inhibition with an open circuit (big quantities of herbicides)

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Presentation on theme: "4) Open and Close circuit We realised works to see the differences between the inhibition with an open circuit (big quantities of herbicides)"— Presentation transcript:






6 4) Open and Close circuit We realised works to see the differences between the inhibition with an open circuit (big quantities of herbicides) and a close one (5 mL) Herbicide Cuve Peristaltic pump Hansatech + photosynthetic system Computer Close circuitOpen circuit End of circuit Peristaltic pump Hansatech + photosynthetic system Computer Herbicide Cuve

7 This table represents the values obtains with the two kinds of circuit Increase of inhibition: 25 %

8 Inhibition curve of diuron with continuous flow We wanted to determinate: - I 50 at 15 min : - I 10 at 15 min : - I 50 at 30 min : - I 10 at 30 min : - 46 ppb 8 ppm 5 ppb This method is not enough sensitive Values higher than the European limits

9 Inhibition curve of different herbicides (manual method) You are going to see, the inhibition curves of: - Diuron - Atrazine - Metribuzine

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