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Published byDana Claribel Cunningham Modified over 10 years ago
Mountain View Values Youth Developmental Assets Initiative
Take a second, make a difference for our youth Community Outreach Campaign
“Children are one third of our population and all of our future.”
“It is easier to build strong children than it is to repair broken men.” -Frederick Douglass “Children are one third of our population and all of our future.” -Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981 Ask for group to reflect on an adult who made a difference in their life. -They can share with a partner if there is time. -Ask for 2-3 folks to share -Offer a story of who made a difference in your childhood.
Mountain View Values Youth
In response to the results of the 2011 Project Cornerstone County-wide Developmental Assets survey, Challenge Team convened an Asset Task Force at looking into the data and taking action! 39% of Mountain View middle school youth are in the adequate or thriving zone. Or have 21 or more of the 40 developmental assets. 0-10 Assets = At Risk 11-20 Assets = Vulnerable 21-30 Assets = Adequate 31-40 Assets = Thriving Mountain View Goal is to have 50% of students in the adequate or thriving zone by 2015.
Healthy Youth Development 41 Developmental Assets
Developmental assets are the positive values, relationships, and experiences that youth need to thrive. Research has identified assets that correlate with youth resilience and behavior Youth with low asset levels are more likely to engage in negative risk behaviors and fail to achieve at school. Youth with high asset levels are more likely to choose healthy activities, succeed in school, and avoid risk behaviors. What are DA and why are they important? 41st asset is not currently measured but is identified as an important asset to possess Each asset is carefully evaluated and is consider either present or absent in a youth’s life to simplify survey reporting In reality, youth experience assets by degrees, not an “all or nothing” proposition
Succeeds in School Helps Others Values Diversity Good Health Leadership Resists Danger Delays Gratification Overcomes Adversity INTERNAL ASSETS Commitment to Learning Positive Values Social Competencies Positive Identity Asset Framework is like Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. The foundation is the 20 External Assets – the environment that our youth are growing up in. Families – neighborhoods – schools – activities We have the most influence over these assets, everything builds from there. The next tier is the 20 Internal Assets – what values and competencies do youth develop from the role models and programs they are exposed to? If there is a solid foundation in the External Assets & the Internal Assets, then youth exhibit Thriving Behaviors. Ultimately they will be more resilient when they encounter the challenges of life. EXTERNAL ASSETS Support Empowerment Boundaries & Expectations Constructive Use of Time
Student Voices In the Fall of 2010, Project Cornerstone, in partnership with 26 Santa Clara County school districts and 213 schools, administered a survey of developmental asset levels to over 38,000 youth from Gilroy to Palo Alto. MVWSD surveyed 7th grade students 224 youth voices make up this data set. On average our youth have 18.9 of the 40 Assets. Might be a better place here than the other slide be the one about Challenge Team and the Community Task Force. Use my contact information and phone. This is the beginning of the data section. You can point out here that the survey data is just one part of the “student voices” and there are others (e.g. Youth Forum, focus groups) Full reports are available on-line. 7% 13% 32% 48%
The Power of Assets to Protect
This and the next slide point to where the payoff lies. National research by the Search Institute demonstrates that as young people experience more assets they are significantly less likely to be involved in high risk behavior. This aspect of the 41 DAs is a big deal!!! Our local county survey results show that link as measured by a variety of high risk behaviors including substance abuse, anti-social behavior, attempted suicide, etc. Here’s how to read this chart. The box on the right shows the 4 asset groups. Focus on the Blue and Green – this is what we want to see continually lowered. The red bar tells us that, of those who had 0-10 DAs in their life, about 50% had engaged in such behaviors. In contrast, the green bar—for those with assets—only about 5% did so. No matter what behavioral cluster, the relationship is the same—the fewer assets, the more likely the risky behavior. Thus the title of this slide—the power to protect. There are many reasons to be attracted to the 41 DA framework. This chart and the next one show the real payoff that comes from having more assets in the lives of youth and teens. Goal: 50% of youth in Mountain View will have ≥21 assets by 2015.
The Power of Assets to Promote
This chart shows the reverse – the link between increased asset levels and positive, healthy attitudes and behaviors. The differences aren’t as great, but the direction is the same. If we look at the green bar in the first cluster, those with 0-10 assets are about 11% likely to succeed in school, while those with assets are 64% likely. The same relationship holds across all clusters. So here we see the power of the assets to promote positive behaviors. It is encouraging to see that 49% of the youth with 0-10 assets are able to overcome adversity. They do possess strengths!! With more adult support and greater opportunity they can change their behavior. Recent brain research supports this. The brain is going through a second window of growth and development in the adolescent years (similar to the first 3 years of life). We can capitalize on this growth by providing teens with more support, guidance and opportunity. Goal: 50% of youth in Mountain View will have ≥21 assets by 2015.
Community Priorities (% of kids who have this asset )
Boundaries and Expectations Asset #14: Adult Role Model 24% Empowerment Asset #8: Youth As Resources 28% Asset #7: Community Values Youth 23% Boundaries and Expectations Asset #13: Neighborhood Boundaries 47% Five Assets for MV Audience Call to Action – how can you impact these 5 Assets? Share a personal story about how these come alive. Caring Neighborhood: In my neighborhood, there are a lot of people who care about me. Community Values Youth: Adults in my town or city make me feel important. Adults in my town or city listen to what I have to say. Adults in my town or city don't care about people my age. In my town or city, I feel like I matter to people. Service to Others: During an average week, how many hours do you spend... Helping other people without getting paid (such as helping out at a hospital, daycare center, food shelf, youth program, community service agency, or doing other things) to make your city a better place for people to live? Support Asset # 4: Caring Neighborhood 39%
What can happen when you intentionally try to build assets?
Maria’s Story Tax Free Intentional Making a difference and you don’t even know you are doing it! Debrief thoughts, emotions and reactions to video
What Can YOU Do Smile and make eye contact with young people
Learn the names of kids you encounter on a regular basis and greet them by name. Even when a child is in trouble, try to concentrate on what is right with them Set an example for youth Empower youth by involving them in decision making opportunities that affect them Learn the names of kids you encounter on a regular basis and greet them by name. => this includes kids in your neighborhood, at businesses, at your place of worship, etc What was important to you growing up? What helped build assets for you? Ask your audience to think back to what helped them: coaches, teachers, neighbors, places to hang out, safe neighborhoods, etc
Asset Building Results from …
… the thousands of interactions in which children and youth are valued, respected and known. Asset building is both simple and powerful! 1.) All youth need more assets 2.) They need continued asset building as they grow up into adulthood 3.) Parents, teachers and programs alone are not enough –youth and teens need support and guidance from many different people in their lives and in the community.
What is going on in your organization/circle of influence? How do your efforts tie to the Assets? SO WHAT? How does your existing efforts tie What can be done in the future to tie your efforts to the assets? Who will hold you accountable?
TAKE ACTION! Sign on as an individuals
Complete a MOUNTAIN VIEW PLEDGE form today! Sign on as an individuals Take this back to your organization Deliver this training to others in your sphere of influence. Let us know how it went Take a second, make a difference. MV Pledge Ask to offer the presentation to their own community Small acts can make a great impact Ask them to complete a Mountain View pledge form as individuals and/or as an organization
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