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United Way Of Mumbai United Way Of Mumbai Corporate Challenge Category SCMM’12.

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1 United Way Of Mumbai United Way Of Mumbai Corporate Challenge Category SCMM’12

2 Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon One of India’s largest sporting events- this year 9 th edition. Asia’s biggest marathon with international participation of world class athletes. Over 38,000 people ran in SCMM 2011. Unites first time fun runners to marathon veterans across age, disability, social categories. High visibility event with widespread media coverage.

3 Charity Aspect- SCMM A celebration of a test of endurance- physical & mental Now a powerful medium to raise funds for charity. Recognized as the country’s largest fund raising platform Last year raised over $2.7 million (Rs 12.16 Crores) for 131 charities. 134 companies fielded 198 teams. In all, 8083 corporate employees did fund raising. 4 Main categories of givers: – Dream team charity fund raisers – Participating corporate teams sponsoring a charity – ‘We care’ runners – fund raising by individuals. – NGO’s selling running bibs at a premium to raise funds for their causes.

4 UWM role as charity partner Serve as a philanthropic exchange for charities and non profits. Creating, building and communicating the Marathon Charity Structure. Facilitating & supplementing pledge raising efforts of individuals, companies and NGOs. Managing Donor registrations, race day logistics and receiving donation pledges. Accounting and providing tax benefit certificates to donors. Communications: Newsletters, presentations on fund raising.

5 Why the Marathon From charity giving aspect Unparallel linkage of the event to fund raising. Organized and structured charity process. – Due diligence of all participating NGOs to qualify to register and receive donations. – Level playing field for all NGOs regardless of size and cause. – Assurance to corporate donors of financial transparency and control on monies donated. – Fund raising efforts of corporate donors publicized in a high profile charity event and docket. Best forum to highlight an NGO’s cause and a corporate’s belief in the NGO’s efforts (cont)

6 Why the Marathon From corporate aspect Opportunity to contribute to development of society and to a worthy cause Great medium for team building and motivating employees. Forum for brand building and creating visibility in an event widely covered across countries. Host of special privileges for corporate challenge team. Great scope for creative employee engagement events within the organization- enhanced enthusiasm, encourage better fitness etc.

7 Corporate challenge privileges: Employees hosted in a special marquee at Azad Maidan on Race Day, dedicated for corporate employees. Special running bibs for team members participating in the Dream Run. Games and refreshments provided Regular newsletters and pre‐race day communication. Participants eligible for priority line‐up on race day during Dream Run. Team acknowledgement on website and charity docket. Pledge raising workshops by UWM for team members. Online giving page created for corporate teams on UWM website 80G tax exemption certificates to every donor and corporate.

8 Corporate Challenge Registration Fees * This amount includes UWM admin fees and all applicable fees, irrespective of the race category chosen by team members. Since there are limited team slots available, registration is on a first come first served basis. UWM retains Rs 35,000/- on team 25 and Rs 25,000/- on team 15 for its administration expenses. The balance after deducting actual race application fees of the team members goes to the charity chosen by the corporate. Team sizeRegistration fees * 25 member teamRs 3,50,000/- 15 member teamRs 2,50,000/-

9 Registration Process Fill Corporate Registration form and submit to UWM along with applicable fees. Once registered, UWM creates an Admin login and User login for each corporate on Procam’s website. – Corporate Admin/HR login has rights to approve, edit and allocate users to teams (incase of multiple teams) as well as select the charity the team supports. – User Login is for employees to login and register their details along with preferred race category. Admin/HR to check registered employee details, assign them to a team, appoint a Team Champion, submit completed details by assigned date.

10 Some Examples……creating a buzz Selection of participants: – Keep a weighing scale and running slots given to first 25 employees to lose 5 kilos. – Get employees to nominate 25 amongst them who need the exercise. – Set internal competition/ tasks Activities – Organize an event with the charity supported. Sensitize employees on the cause – Organize floor-wise fund raising competitions – Arrange for fitness trainer to visit regularly- tips on running. Recognition – Awards/ gifts to most proactive employee – Team acknowledgement and recognition at various forums

11 Priority Corporate For those Corporate whose employees display a higher sense of social commitment by raising pledges for any cause Criteria to qualify for this round in 2013- based on pledges raised in SCMM 2012: – Team 25: Employees must have raised an aggregate of Rs 1,50,000. – Team 15: Employees must have raised an aggregate of Rs 75,000. On race day, corporate teams line up in order of their ranking in priority segment- as per highest funds raised. MD/CEO of top 3 teams invited on stage along with dignitaries and celebrities and as part of Event prize distribution. Also get a chance to cheer their team during the run. Priority corporate invited on priority basis to register 2 teams of 25 members each for SCMM’13.

12 What else? Avenues for individuals to contribute and make a difference. – Dream Category: for highly motivated individuals passionate about a cause and wish to raise awareness and committed amounts of funds while being part of the event. – We care pledge raisers: For caring individuals who wish to raise funds for a cause close to their heart using the marathon as a medium to raise funds.

13 Do connect with us to know more… Email us at Write to us at United Way of Mumbai 309, Kewal Industrial Estate, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai 400 013. Talk to us at +91 22 24937676/79 Visit us at Like us at Follow us at Watch us at

14 Thank You so much for your time! Hope to see you with us in SCMM’12

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