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The Staffing Strategy Connection Staffing Centers of Excellence May 2006.

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1 The Staffing Strategy Connection Staffing Centers of Excellence May 2006

2 The Staffing Strategy Connection

3 The Staffing Strategy Connection

4 The Staffing Strategy Connection

5 The Staffing Strategy Connection 1. 15% 1. 2. 95% open reqs 5% bench strength 2. 3. Currently, recruiters are spending approx. 10% of their time on strategic staffing and the remainder on open reqs. We have just created a sourcing workstream in hopes of becoming much more proactive by 2007. 3. 4. 10-15% 4. 5. 5% 5. 6. 25% 6. 7. 75% 7. 8. Very little. For both company and outsourced recruiter efforts - we are still very reactionary to vacancies rather than future bench strength. We are hoping to change this - but we're starting on a long transformational journey. 8. 9. Low % at this time but we are putting in place a work force planning tool to use and review during regional operations reviews - either quarterly or bi-monthly. We are also trying to put in place "bench" interview days and are trying to use pipeline reqs and pipeline tools to keep those pipeline candidates interested in ARAMARK. Very much a work in progress. We are working to try an reduce actual openings to be able to spend more time as a team to be more strategic versus reactive. 9. 10. We are in the process of reallocating (scarce resouces) to those positions that have been "labeled" mission critical, i.e. revenue generating. 10. 11. low 11. 12. not enough - maybe 5-10% 12. 13. 20% 13. 14. Sourcing Team: 75% Recruiting Team: 10% 14. 15. Too little 15. 16. Evolving - in the past year - not much. We are developing our analysis tools in conjunction with our workforce analytics group and our diversity group so by end of June - will present the first cross discipline HR analysis of workforce needs, current and future state. 16. 17. About 50% of the time currently. Our existing recruiting model is under review for redesign. Although all tactical work (sourcing and processing of open reqs) is handled by the vendor, due to poor perfomance, a large amount of effort and time is spent on managing the vendor. 17.

6 The Staffing Strategy Connection 18. 10% currently is spent on the future. We are in transition and fully expect to shift toward a 50% / 50% shift as we complete or reorganization. The 50% future focus will be on those positions that have been identified as core to our business success. 18. 19. we have professional sourcers; app. 20% is spent on passive candidate development 19. 20. 30% 20. 21. Staffing centre is just in the development stages but there will be a dedicated sourcing team eventually. We are moving to a model that focusses on strategic staffing as opposed to the current transactional model. 22. 50% 21. 22. 23. 15% 23. 24. Due to requisition load, our recruiters are unfortunately not able to spend much time on proactive, pipeline building - I would estimate about 5% spent proactive vs. reactive - but only in pockets of the organization is this happening (Executive positions & technology, for example). 24. 25. 10% 25. 26. 1% 26. 27. We spend about 35% of our time on strategic staffing. 27. 28. 15% bench vs. 85% open reqs - we are currently revising our approach to reach a 40% vs. 60% ratio respectively. 28. 29. 50% 29. 30. 1% on strategic staffing 30. 31. we recruit against core profiles that represent both current and future needs so it's really about 100% of both 31. 32. 0 32. 33. 0% 33. 34. 15% overall, but plan upto 85% in newly-created 'Talent Scout' role 34. 35. Although we are getting to a place where we "make room" for great talent, most of our hiring is in response to open positions. We do have a focus on ensuring that anyone that is brought into our organization has the potential to grow and fill future needs in the organization. 35. 36. estimated 5% at most 36. 37. Open reqs - 90% Bench strength - 10% but aggressively moving in this direction 37. 38. 0 38. 39. 10% strategic 90% open reqs 39. 40. We have recently decentralized the recruiting funtion w. recruiters reporting directly to each HR Business Partner - HR generalists; Leaving my role to be 85% strategic - partnering w. each recruiter on pro-active talent sourcing. 40.

7 The Staffing Strategy Connection 1. This is pretty loose connection at this time. 1. 2. Currently working with HR to better link staffing and succession planning process. No formal link as of today. 2. 3. At the moment, we're not but in the process of laying the foundation to do so. 3. 4. Staffing is integrated in to each brand succession planning meeting 4. 5. 0% 5. 6. we designed it and utilize it 7. HR does the internal selection process - but we are beginning to integrate technology that will enhance our succession planning and talent management capabilities. 6. 7. 8. We are starting to have some links into the strategic planning/succession planning process - but again, it's part of our transformation and will depend on new ways of communicating and sharing of processes. 8. 9. Very linked - that is a project of mine to try and link all of the information we have from our evaluation process, from our management development review and have a succession plan in place. It has been agreed that when this is in place that staffing will have access to the information. I feel that it will always be a work in progress. 9. 10. Thorugh the HR relationship managers - working to get direct linkage. 10. 11. varies by business unit. Internal best practices involve (1) executive recruiting group also manages internal candidate slating process for roles in top few layers of company (2) business unit executive recruiters participating in talent planning process to present external market perspective and/or external candidates for succession planning 11. 12. NOT DIRECTLY LINKED AT ALL 12. 13. very minimal linkage 13. 14. Talent Acquisition Leads and Managers partner with the HR Business Partners to review current and future needs on a monthly basis. 15. Not linked. Need to be 14. 15. 16. We are now part of the same organization so the links are just being made. 16. 17. Not well today. Higher-level jobs in the organization that have established succession plans typically are not posted for view. The two processes are separate and distinct from one another. 17. 18. Positions that are part of the succession planning process are identified and the sourcer accesses the data base for those individuals that have been identified. 18.

8 The Staffing Strategy Connection 19. our succession planning process company-wide is quite immature. all jobs are posted, which today is creating challenges for career progression/promotion and succession planning. 19. 20. Through the Training Center of Excellence. 20. 21. We will be very closely linked. The firm is at a developmental stage so succession planning is really just being addressed for the first time. Recruitment will be very closely linked however. 21. 22. Just starting to get involved 22. 23. We participate in our co "career management process" and execute based on organizational requirements for the future. 23. 24. only at the executive level, and we are not consistently informed of the plan - usually brought in when need to be reactive. 24. 25. not very well 25. 26. very, but not enough 26. 27. Not very well linked to succession planning. 27. 28. We arent - Learning and Development manages the succession planning process. 28. 29. As a team we are involved with strategic reviews of our future needs. 29. 30. we are distant cousins, but not on speaking terms 30. 31. not sure I understand what you are looking for here. 31. 32. internal mobility is huge and we are integral 32. 33. No current succession planning process (but it's on our to-do list). 33. 34. Not connected at present, but links are being built for implementation within 9 months 34. 35. Talent Acquisition Managers are included in functional staff meetings to understand potential moves and succession planning in the organizations they support. 35. 36. We get the forecasted numbers in the businesses that have a formal process. 36. 37. HR Generalists own benchplanning/succession planning process. Function Leaders own the talent identification with HR. OD owns the data/reporting. Staffing owns asking the questions of who/what/when and being more deliberate about forcing the conversation. We think we need a bigger role but it's complicated. 37. 38. Organization for Talent Management being created now. 38. 39. Though business unit workforce planning and special key leadership sucession planning (for specific positions) 39. 40. Not at this point - it is an OD function. 40.

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