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QUAGGA The quagga is and extinct zebra.. Quaggas: The quagga is a zebra that was found in Africa’s cape province. The only thing different about these.

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Presentation on theme: "QUAGGA The quagga is and extinct zebra.. Quaggas: The quagga is a zebra that was found in Africa’s cape province. The only thing different about these."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUAGGA The quagga is and extinct zebra.

2 Quaggas: The quagga is a zebra that was found in Africa’s cape province. The only thing different about these zebras is that they only have stripes on the front part of their body

3 The reason why I chose quaggas is because they appealed to me as unique. Mostly because there zebras but they have only stripes in the front and not the back.

4 About quaggas:  Quaggas arent that mush of a difference from regular zebras they mostly just appear different.

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