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Fostering Stakeholders' Coordination and Cooperation in the Research-Education-Innovation Process. Experience and achievements of SEERA-EI & eGOS EU initiatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Fostering Stakeholders' Coordination and Cooperation in the Research-Education-Innovation Process. Experience and achievements of SEERA-EI & eGOS EU initiatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fostering Stakeholders' Coordination and Cooperation in the Research-Education-Innovation Process. Experience and achievements of SEERA-EI & eGOS EU initiatives Margarita Nikolova Head of ICT Projects Department EA ECNIS, LEAR Executive Agency Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

2 DIGITAL EUROPE 2020  DIGITALEUROPE is the voice of the European digital economy including information and communication technologies and consumer electronics.  DIGITALEUROPE is dedicated to improving the business environment for the European digital technology industry and to promoting our sector’s contribution to economic growth and social progress in the European Union.  DIGITALEUROPE ensures industry participation in the development and implementation of EU policies. The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

3 The Europe 2020 strategy is focused on competitiveness as essential condition for economic growth and job-creation in the global 21st century economy. Achieving the digital vision for Europe demands a concerted effort, starting now, to put in place seven essential building blocks:  Digital Infrastructure/Next-Generation Networks  Future Internet/Next-Generation Services  Digital Single Market  ICT Research & Development  e-Skills  Online Trust & Security  Trade Policy The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

4 DIGITAL Europe's recommendations for achieving a successful and competitive Europe of the future cover the following key policy areas: 1. Foster ICT Infrastructure 2. A Digital Single Market 3. Foster ICT R&D 4. Promote e-Skills as Skills for the 21st Century 5. Reinforce Trust & Security on the Net 6. eHealth 7. Energy 8. Transport & Logistics 9. eGovernment 10. Trade Policy 11. Governance Every European Digital The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

5  in producing knowledge through research  in diffusing it through education  in applying it through innovation To be a genuinely competitive in the knowledge economy, one must be better The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

6 A new vision for Science:  Collaboration between European and worldwide research teams; remote access Global virtual research communities  Data-intensive science and innovation Use and manage exponentially growing sets of data  Experimentation in silico, simulation Use of Research Infrastructures - GRID, HPC/SC, Cloud PC  Research Infrastructure - fundamental enabler for research & innovation  Researchers - knowledge for education & business The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

7 “We can only measure economic and social impacts if we know what we are looking for, and that depends on how we define these impacts” “We can only measure economic and social impacts if we know what we are looking for, and that depends on how we define these impacts” (Dig. Agenda summary) The next slides illustrate the objectives and how 2 different project initiatives under 2 different programs, FP7 and CIP-PSP of the EC contribute to Research-Education- Innovation process in the example of SEERA-EI and eGOS – one at political level, one focusing on Research Infrastructures and one focusing on the implementation and commercialization of research innovation as e-services and jobs  SEERA-EI established a regional political level forum for SEE coordination in the development of common vision and strategy for Research Infrastructures, as key enabler of e-Science, where the initiative stakeholders are governmental policy institutions (policy) and national research networks (research)  eGOS focus is the implementation and commercialized provision of e-guided and e-consultancy services to the citizens for planning of education/qualification, job seeking and career. The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

8 SEERA-EI – South East Europe Research Area for eInfrastrucutres - political level regional ERA initiative Participants: 19 Ministries and agencies, owners of eInfrastructure programs, research organizations and NRENs from 10 SEE countries, i.e. Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Turkey, BIH; led by GRNET Greece Duration: 36 months, April 2009 – 31.03.2012 Program: FP7, EC, Capacities Bulgarian participants: SAITC/ECNIS to MTITC, IICT-BAS SEERA-EI factsheet The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

9 9 SEERA-EI objectives The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011 SEERA-EI – South East Europe Research Area for eInfrastrucutres, FP7/EC, Capacities Core objective –Develop and strengthen the coordination and cooperation of national eInfrastructures programmes in the region of South-East Europe, fostering SEE coordination at political level for eInfrastructure development.  common dialogue and exchange of information between national programme owners  Analyse state of the art in national programmes  Reduce fragmentation and improve coordination across SEE segment of ERA in field of eInfrastructures, on the level of national programmes, and avoid creating niches of non-standardised programmes  efficient set-up and support for national eInfrastructure programmes, common dialogue  cooperation of programme owners and common planning and development of joint activities - project cycle & beyond  long-term platform for sustained dialogue  Information exchange with rest of ERA; int'l collaboration activities and contribute to EU policy on eInfrastructures

10 20142013 200420052006200720082009201020112012 SEEREN 1-2 SEELIGHT GEANT HP-SEE GEANT SEE-GRID 1-2-SCIEGI -inSPIRE BSI HP-SEE PRACE SEE eInfrastructure – EU context The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011 SEERA-EI ESFRI, eIRG... RI POLICIES

11 11 SEERA-EI achievements The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011 - Common coordination mechanism, policy forum for information exchange and liaison cooperation - Liaising and coordination actions with eIRG, EGI, ESFRI, PRACE, other ERA-NETs and other RI initiatives, MoUs inclusively - Series of studies and trainings (Cloud PC, HPC/SC, backbone infrastructure), bilateral meetings for stakeholders for sharing set of best practices of national eInfrastructure programmes to policy and research audience - Regional and national dissemination events; presentations of the initiative at policy and research oriented conferences and concertation events at pan- European and wider level - Multilingual provision of dissemination materials: web, newsletters, brochures, press releases

12 12 SEERA-EI LONG-TERM Policy level coordination in SEE for outreaching project outcomes, for reaching sustainability - Common vision and strategy for Research Infrastructures development in SEE in progress - Bilateral Memoranda of Understanding; set-up of multilateral MoUs for supporting common vision and strategy for eInfrastructures development, for using computing infrastructures as distributed architecture for joint researches (GRID, HPC, Supercomputing) - A white paper elaboration in progress - eInfrastructure program cookbook - Preparation of joint call for Cloud PC RI and its co- funding by the SEE countries - actions to involvement of ministries and business in the R-E-I process The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

13 YOUR LOGO HERE eGOS (e-Guidance e-Government Services) is a pilot project for improvement of one-stop-shop service system implementation for provisioning of native language pilot e-guidance and e-consulting services that are adding value to the traditional public services The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

14 YOUR LOGO HERE Participants: 22 partners from Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Island, Romania; led by Province Arezzo, Italy Program/ Project type: CIP-PSP, EC, Pilot project Project type/duration: 36 months, Oct. 2008-Oct. 2011 Bulgarian participants: EA ECNIS – National coordinator Data Concept JSC tester partner Association “Znanie” training partner Polymetis Ltd Dissemination, nat. evaluator The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

15 YOUR LOGO HERE eGOS-benefits: Electronic guidance trough all ICT channels to citizens to find and use the traditional public services as e-services – career planning, education, job seeking; One stop-shop on-line - distance services to citizens convenience; interactive tools implementation Less time for getting qualification, education, or job seeking guidance – native speaking e-practitioners at disposal; public institutions can use the platform for making better their traditional public services to citizens new professional career opportunity – e-practitioners The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

16 YOUR LOGO HERE eGOS services provision trough: Home/Office PC, mobile PC with Internet connection Via interactive KIOSKS – 3 in BG: Perushtica, Novi Pazar, Razlog EG-stations – 6 in Bulgaria. Chat, video conferences, mails EG station KIOSK The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

17 YOUR LOGO HERE Services levels: 1 level 1 level – self-service – eGOS portal and tools 2 level 2 level – guidance regarding the content of the services in the platform; 1 interview of max 20 min 3 level 3 level - short guidance and consulting for professional career planning, or education planning. Flexible time schedules from 2 to 6 hours, individual interviews of 1 hour ones a week. Average guidance app. 2 months 4 level 4 level – deeper consultancy for career planning, pilot testing in Italy only by now; Duration of 6 hours (group meetings an hour once a week The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

18 Executive Agency Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems The EU Day of the Entrepreneur 2011, Sofia, 26.09.2011

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