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Published byWilla Hoover Modified over 9 years ago
Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Multilateral projects for Development of Innovation Call for proposals EAC/27/11 CertEnt Applying ECVET and ECTS to Certify Learning Outcomes and Qualification of the Entrepreneur in Construction sector
The CertEnt Project Summary In EU VET systems of Constructions, while in Italy (cfr., implementation of Leg. Decrees 81/2008 and 106/2009 on license point system in building and asseveration of work safety management systems, especially for safety) and in several MS only now it’s growing an interest on enterprise certification, in other MS this issue is object of interest up several years (cfr., Belgian “Loi du 20 mars 1991” on “agréation d’entrepreneurs”), with specific rules / systems on construction enterprise and entrepreneur competences certification. These issues was already focused by LdV Partnership “Certified Entrepreneurs in Building Sector”, starting a cooperation to test and apply common concepts developed at EU level on field of certification of entrepreneur competences, also as solid base to build an ECVET process. On this fundament and widening this partnership to sectoral VET providers and social partners, and public institutions competent in VET across EU, the Consortium has verified that these competences are not defined and certified in many EU MS, agreeing that an intervention for transparency and recognition of building entrepreneur learning outcomes, applying and implementing ECVET, could have significant impact. At this aim, applying ECVET principles and technical specifications, activities will: define and apply operational and transferable methods and guidelines, to design qualification in units of learning outcomes with allocation of ECVET points; test units of learning outcomes based qualification with associated procedures for assessment, transfer, validation and accumulation of learning outcomes achieved in formal, informal and non formal contexts; design and test quality standards to apply ECVET (issuing an ECVET quality label) to the qualification; design VET programmes with flexible devices for validation, transfer and recognition of learning outcomes; develop concepts based on learning outcomes approach to combine ECVET and ECTS and enhance their compatibility.
The CertEnt Consortium Partners Regione Toscana (IT) - Applicant ScuolaEdile di Perugia (IT) - Management Co-ordinator Centro per la Formazione e Sicurezza in Edilizia di Arezzo (IT) Regione Umbria (IT) Provincia di Arezzo (IT) Provincia di Perugia (IT) Formation PME Liège-Huy-Waremme (BE) Synomospondia Ergazomenon Kyprou (CY) Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (ES) Universität Bremen, Institut Technik und Bildung (DE) Centro Edile per la Formazione e la Sicurezza (IT) Group Intérêt Public Formation Continue Insertion Professionnelle (FR) Econometrica LTD (EL) Delorette Consulting SARL (FR)
The CertEnt Transnational Meetings Kick-off Meeting:Perugia - IT, 19-20 October 2012 Second Meeting: Liège - BE, 21-22 February 2013 Third Meeting: Paris - FR, 30-31 May 2013 Fourth Meeting:Bremen - DE, 3-4 October 2013 Fifth Meeting:Madrid - ES, 30-31 January 2014 Sixth Meeting:Nicosia - CY, 30-31 March 2014 Seventh Meeting:Athens - EL, 5-6 June 2014 Final Meeting:Firenze - IT, 26-27 September 2014
The CertEnt Workpackages (summary) WP 1Management and coordination of project Consortium and work packages WP 2Analysis and preparatory researches on concerned professional field : entrepreneurs in construction sector WP 3Definition of a guideline to activate ECVET combined with ECTS for entrepreneurs in Construction sector WP 4Design of the new European sectoral qualification “Entrepreneur in Constructions” WP 5Definition and signature of the Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for concerned qualification, with ECTS provisions and ECVET quality standards WP 6Pilot test on enforcement of Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET ECTS “Entrepreneur in Constructions” WP 7Quality management WP 8Information to key actors on the quality, relevance and effectiveness of the project results WP 9Mainstreaming and multiplication of project results for transfer to decision-makers and adoption and application by end-users
The CertEnt Workpackage 1 (management and coordination) Duration: 24 months (01/10/2012 – 30/09/2014) Activities: Agreement among applicant/coordinator and partners. Work planning and monitoring. Communication and information. Collection of data for reporting. Subcontracting Deliverables: - 8 Consortium Meetings - Project Website (since 20/10/2012)
The CertEnt Workpackage 2 (preparatory researches on concerned professional field) Duration: 5 months (01/10/2012 – 23/02/2013) Activities: Identification, in each participating countries, of the professional figures operating as entrepreneur in the construction sector (desk analysis and key actors interviews) Classification onto the 8 EQF reference levels (via national and regional, qualifications frameworks and systems) of all the professional figures of entrepreneurs detected in the European participating countries Identification, of a common European perimeter of entrepreneurial figures in construction sector on which the project will focus and activate the ECVET process combined with ECTS Deliverable: Overview on Entrepreneurs in EU Constructions - Report on preparatory analysis and researches on the field of entrepreneurial professional figures operating in construction sector in European countries participating to the project Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 21/02/2013
The CertEnt Workpackage 3 (guideline to activate ECVET combined with ECTS) Duration: 3 months (22/02/2013 – 31/05/2013) Activities: Collection, analysis and adaptation of experiences and best practices already realised on transparency and recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications, on ECVET process activation and on ECTS credit system Definition, on the basis of relevant experiences and best practices, of the guideline, with a coherent plan of activities and transferable methods to design concerned qualification in units of learning outcomes with allocation of ECVET points, for activating ECVET process combined with ECTS to the perimeter of entrepreneurial figures operating in Construction sector, defined within previous work package 2. Deliverables: Guideline to activate ECVET process combined with ECTS for entrepreneurs in Construction sector Document based on relevant experiences and best practices, to activate an ECVET process combined with ECTS for entrepreneurs in Construction sector Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 31/05/2013
The CertEnt Workpackage 4 (designing the “Entrepreneur in Constructions” qualification) Duration: 5 months (30/05/2013 – 04/10/2013) Activities: Design of the qualification in terms of activities and tasks, knowledge, skills and competences, learning outcomes units and units parts, and related ECVET or ECTS credit Definition of specific ECVET quality standards to apply the new European sectoral qualification across participating countries at national/regional level, allowing the issuing of an ECVET quality label to the qualification Deliverable:Design of new European sectoral qualification “Entrepreneur in Constructions” Document containing the design of qualification in terms of activities and tasks, knowledge, skills and competences, learning outcomes units and units parts, and related ECVET or ECTS credit Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 04/10/2013
The CertEnt Workpackage 5 (formalisation of MoU ECVET Entrepreneur in Constructions) Duration: 4 months (03/10/2013 – 31/01/2014) Activities: Preparation of a complete draft of the MoU for the qualification designed during workpackage 4, including the specific ECVET quality standards to apply the new European sectoral qualification across participating countries at national/regional level, allowing the issuing of an ECVET quality label to the qualification Involvement in the MoU, beyond the project partners, of the public institutions competent in VET and higher education matter and the other interested organisations, particularly social partners and VET providers of the concerned sector at national, regional and local level Formalisation, by the partners and by the competent and / or interested organisations already involved, of the MoU concerning the professional qualification “Entrepreneur in Constructions” Deliverable: Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET for new European sectoral qualification “Entrepreneur in Constructions”, with ECTS provisions and ECVET quality standards Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 31/01/2014
The CertEnt Workpackage 6 (Pilot test on Entrepreneur in Constructions MoU ECVET-ECTS) Duration: 8 months (30/01/2014 – 27/09/2014) Activities: Definition and signature of individual Learning Agreements ECVET – ECTS Awarding to involved entrepreneurs of ECVET and ECTS credits related to verified learning outcomes, also utilising Europass Certificate Supplement, ECTS Diploma Supplement and ECVET quality label foreseen by MoU; Transfer, validation and accumulation of awarded ECVET and ECTS credits in sectoral and territorial VET and higher education systems involved in MoU, in compliance with national and regional rules on certification ways and procedures, formal, non-formal and informal learning validation, qualification bodies. The experimentation will involve at least 120 entrepreneurs (selected by Consortium VET providers and social partners, with priority for women and aged people), in all participating countries. Deliverables: Model for Learning Agreements ECVET – ECTS “Entrepreneur in Constructions” - Common European Model for Learning Agreements related to learning process with awarding of ECVET and ECTS credits Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 30/03/2014 Model for “Entrepreneur in Constructions” ECVET - ECTS credit awarding Common European Model for ECVET and ECTS credits awarding Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 05/06/2014 Report on ECVET process in combination with ECTS activated for European qualification “Entrepreneur in Constructions” - Final release of the whole pilot test on enforcement of Memorandum of Understanding - MoU ECVET combined with ECTS provisions Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 27/09/2014
The CertEnt Workpackage 7 (Quality management) Duration: 24 months (1/10/2012 – 30/09/2014) Activities: Definition of the project quality plan. Enforcement of project quality plan and quality control. Corrective actions. The scientific/technical guidance of WP will be subcontracted to a specialised organisation. Deliverables: Project Quality Operative Plan - Detailed design of the project quality activities and tools Languages: EN Deliverable date: 19/10/2012 Quality Reports 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 Periodical reports on quality plan implementation Languages: EN Deliverable dates: 22/02/2013, 31/05/2013, 04/10/2013, 31/01/2014, 27/09/2014
The CertEnt Workpackage 8 (information on project results) Duration: 24 months (1/10/2012 – 30/09/2014) Activities: Project website (beyond Consortium restricted area, also working area open to subjects directly involved in the ECVET process activated by the project, and public area open to all interested people across Europe. National thematic info-days: organised by each partner in connection with the Consortium project meetings (excepted kick off) and project results, with at least 50 partaker in each Country; Publication on paper and USB keys, of all project deliverables for public dissemination level, particularly for people attending to national thematic info- days (1000 “Info-packs”). Deliverables: Info-days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 - National Information day on project results Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 22/02/2013, 31/05/2013, 04/10/2013, 31/01/2014, 31/03/2014, 05/06/2014, 27/09/2014 Infopacks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 - Information package on paper and USB key Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 22/02/2013, 31/05/2013, 04/10/2013, 31/01/2014, 31/03/2014, 05/06/2014, 27/09/2014
The CertEnt Workpackage 8 (exploitation of project results) Duration: 24 months (1/10/2012 – 30/09/2014) Activities: Assurance of project website accessibility for 24 months after project duration Joining of project partners to the European thematic network for use and improvement of ECVET process in VET systems related to Construction sector created within previous CeSaTra LdV DoI project Realisation of a program of focus groups among partners and users (connected to the dissemination Info-days), to ensure a better specification and review of products requirements and to allow their adaptation Realisation of a Compendium publication for results exploitation; Definition of Policy Recommendations, based on project results, for sectoral and territorial decision- makers. Deliverables: Focus groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 - Focus group on project results among partners and users Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 22/02/2013, 31/05/2013, 04/10/2013, 31/01/2014, 31/03/2014, 05/06/2014, 27/09/2014 ECVET combined with ECTS for Entrepreneurs in Constructions: How to exploit it ? Compendium publication for results exploitation Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 27/09/2014 Policy Recommendations - Table of suggestion defining a set of policy recommendations for project results transfer to sectoral and territorial decision-makers Languages: EN, IT, FR, ES, DE, EL Deliverable date: 27/09/2014
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