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1 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. From the Computer Room to the Boardroom Transitioning from CIO to CEO to.

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1 1 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. From the Computer Room to the Boardroom Transitioning from CIO to CEO to Entrepreneur February, 2002

2 2 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Alan Guibord – CIO I’m from IT and I’m here to help you!

3 3 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Alan Guibord – CEO I read about wireless on an airplane– why don’t we use it!

4 4 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Alan Guibord Entrepreneur…. Who’s turn is it to empty the waste basket!

5 5 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. The changing role of the CIO More than half of of CIOs currently report to the CEO in Fortune 500 companies Up from 43% –The role of technology is critical to the business Successful transitions include Barksdale and Cappellas (still a new phenomenon) Cross the chasm from technology to management

6 6 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Assess yourself Know your strengths Know your weaknesses Fill in the gaps Get out of the office Build relationships with peers Seek a mentor Start going on sales calls –Get used to it

7 7 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Dress for Success

8 8 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. PMCC Rule Products Marketing Customer Competition

9 9 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Learn your Organization Assess your team quickly Surround yourself with people you can trust Know their strengths - staff to their weaknesses Know the power brokers in your company Know your board members –Create an issue that gets you in front of them –Security is a good one!

10 10 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Get Ready Can’t succeed without taking risks –CIOs are risk averse Stay connected to your network –Be aware of market conditions Use your CIO experience to make savvy budget decisions –It’s not just cost –Tie all spending to business performance Balance tactical nature of CIO role with strategic nature of the CEO role Tie your plan to specific business unit objectives

11 11 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” - Wayne Gretzky – NHL Great One RiskTaking

12 12 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. Network-network-network Establish personal relationships with business managers and peers Return Phone calls –You never know who might help you –Being too busy is not an excuse Get outside of the office as much as possible to meet new people Meet people outside of IT

13 13 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. CEO Skills Required Hone the “bigger picture” perspective Enhance interpersonal skills Relationship building – internally & externally Drive change with business partners not alone Know where to be involved Delegate Get used to sales

14 14 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. CEO Lessons Learned Don’t get Ego confused with urge to succeed Take the risk to get the title You can never have a big enough network Balance your inside and outside time Leverage you IT skills –Think things through –Think of all the touch points –Utilize your project management experience

15 15 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. The Entrepreneur- IT’s All About You First you must believe in yourself –Don’t be afraid of what others think –Believe in yourself (Dave Thomas) –It’s not about failure but lessons learned Build on your CIO and CEO experiences You might not succeed the first time People might forget you Be prepared for the highs and lows Get partners that fill your gaps

16 16 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. The Entrepreneur- IT’s All About You Be prepared to wear multiple hats You are on your own quite a bit Be open minded and listen to what others are saying Have passion it’s contagious! Investors are buying you more than the idea

17 17 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. The Entrepreneur Process Test and re-test your idea Prepare a comprehensive business plan and presentation Practice on your friends Find Angel investors if at all possible Try direct contacts with VC’s first –If that doesn’t work, get an investment banker It’s all about valuation when you split the pie The more structure you can create the better

18 18 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. The Entrepreneur Process Try not to use your own money Get as much as you can on the first round –The VC’s live to get another chance at you Have an exit strategy Don’t take the first deal if possible Be able to support yourself for limited time

19 19 © 2002 The Advisory Council. All rights reserved. The Entrepreneur Summary Believe in yourself Self discipline is a must Build and utilize your network Listen to feedback from others Be open minded

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