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Look Different. Run Faster. Be Agile.. If you walked away today and knew these three things would it be valuable to you? 1)How you personally can “look.

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Presentation on theme: "Look Different. Run Faster. Be Agile.. If you walked away today and knew these three things would it be valuable to you? 1)How you personally can “look."— Presentation transcript:

1 Look Different. Run Faster. Be Agile.

2 If you walked away today and knew these three things would it be valuable to you? 1)How you personally can “look different” than everyone else by creating “unique value” that cannot be replicated or duplicated 2)How you can “run faster” than your competitors and become an “immediate asset” 3)How you can “package and sell” your special Would it be valuable to you?

3 Being turned on to “something by somebody” Cultivating a Dominant Aspiration vs. a goal Building “transferrable skills” Finding a new arena Discovering “Unique Ability” Packaging and selling to the world The Journey to being an “Entrepreneur”

4 Ordinary Life- Survive Average Life- WIN Remarkable Life- DOMINATE Overcoming the “so what” and “so who are you questions” by understanding how you look different and run faster? The Purpose

5 ZEBRAS… boast a distinctive appearance that others can easily recognize in your language, in your marketing, and in your relationships. Compete on one thing; unique value. CHEETAHS… possess great speed and are particularly quick accelerators. How do you get on the “inside” of deals and networks?

6 You need to dig deeper to truly understand why you “look different and run faster” than the rest of the world Here is what NOT to say Distinct and Faster

7 I’ll show up on time I’ll have a good attitude I’ll dress the part I’m a good “people person” NO-NOs

8 What are we taught our whole lives? Don’t talk to strangers Fit in vs. stand out Go along vs. get better Be seen but not heard Go where the herd goes Bad Advice that haunts us later


10 1)Content- Cultivating a “point of view” that is different than others. 2)Delivery- How are you delivering your content and turning people on to you? 3)Position- Pick a lane and own a space. 4)Packaging- Put it together with class. 5)Feeder Systems- Multipliers. Where does the UNFAIR Advantage Come from

11 Unique Past Unique Mentors Unique Experiences Unique Struggles Unique Education Unique Processes How do we package this up to “look different” and sell the “free prize?” UNFAIR ADVANTAGE

12 Question #1: Why should someone have a relationship with you? You cannot say relationship or service. Dig deeper into the 3 unique abilities you have and re-position yourself in the Jungle. a) Making the “double shift” b) What problems are you solving and for whom? Why should I use you?

13 The Concrete Jungle

14 You must become and active participant in Your Own Rescue – And Theirs! Everybody’s in the current of the urgent. How can you “get in the boat” with other people and add so much value that you are a “must have vs. a nice to have?” I’m so excited about your life and your business and that excitement shows.

15 AssetsLiabilities AddSubtract Make company moneyCost Company Save company moneyCost time Bring invisible assetsCost energy Assets and Liabilities

16 The Cheetah When it comes to running faster like a Cheetah how are you on the "inside" of where deals are happening, meaning building deep networks where people depend on you and are referring you to other like minded people? How fast can your process get someone in a vehicle that is right for them and make it as easy as possible to find and do business with you?

17 It starts with a mindset of seeing, seizing, and creating opportunity (Examples) It implies that you will be ready when opportunity is created (heavy lifting) It implies that you are a “person of interest” that attracts people to you (attractiveness) It implies that you are on the “inside” of where the action is happening (positioning) What does it mean to “Run Faster”

18 FACEBOOK: Search Coach Micheal Burt Twitter: @michealburt LinkedIN: Coach Micheal Burt Google +: Coach Micheal Burt VINE: Coach Micheal Burt YouTube: Coach Micheal Burt Website: E-mail: Connect with Coach Burt

19 The 5 Mores after college: 1. Sell Something (starting with you) 2. Solve the biggest problems 3. Fix something or re-package something 4. Become an “Immediate Asset”- No training wheel required 5. Come with “Batteries Included” What does it mean to “Run Faster”


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