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Who wants to be a Millionaire Board Game!. Unit Plan Summary Compete against your class mates and see who can become the first Millionaire! The learners.

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Presentation on theme: "Who wants to be a Millionaire Board Game!. Unit Plan Summary Compete against your class mates and see who can become the first Millionaire! The learners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who wants to be a Millionaire Board Game!

2 Unit Plan Summary Compete against your class mates and see who can become the first Millionaire! The learners create a board game in Microsoft Publisher that has a bias towards becoming an entrepreneur.

3 Focus Question: How I be successful as an entrepreneur? Content Questions : What characteristics do I need to become a good entrepreneur? What skills do I need to become a good entrepreneur? What are the steps to becoming an entrepreneur? What subjects would assist me if I wanted to become an entrepreneur?

4 Targeted Thinking Investigate different entrepreneurs and understand how they have become successful. Allow the learners to demonstrate originality and inventiveness in creating their own board game.

5 Vision for unit By creating this unit, I am trying to: bring in existing technology in a way that has not been used by the school before, think of ways for the learners to see what others are doing in their community to uplift both themselves, as well as the community, allow the learners to investigate the different career options that are available to them, allow the learners to analyse information from various sources and determine if it is relevant, Challenge the learners to use more higher order thinking share ideas with other teachers

6 Project Approaches As the learners create their board game, they will: connect with other learners and entrepreneurs, contribute to developing a website about how to become an entrepreneur become more independent learners

7 Prior Knowledge Purpose of the assessment To gather information about what the learners already know and what they would want to know about entrepreneurs. K-W-H-L chart brainstorm Google survey (Google Survey Doc)

8 During Project Purpose of the assessment To make sure that the learners are on the correct path and the teacher can guide them accordingly Teacher observation checklist t-chart Intel Visual Ranking tool. Think – Pair – Share Anecdotal notes

9 After Project is completed Purpose of the assessment To gauge individual learning, as well as obtaining both formative and summative assessments for each learner. checklist Final Rubric Peer Assessment Publisher test Publisher test Rubric Self – Direction Checklist

10 21 st Century Learning Remember that characteristics of Well-Designed Project- Based Units include: Students are at the center of the learning process: –This allows the learners to engage to authentic open –ended tasks. –Learners take control of their own decisions about how to create their own project. –The teacher acts as a facilitator. Projects focus on learning objectives that are aligned to assessments: –The projects must have clear objectives that aligns with the curriculum standards Projects are driven by Curriculum-Framing Questions: –The questions in the project assist the learners to think about bigger issues that move across many disciplines. The project has real-world connections –Projects are based on real life experiences that are relevant to the learners.

11 21 st Century Learning … continued Technology supports and enhances student learning –Learners have access and use different types of technology, which is used to create their final product. –The learners will also have the opportunity to use different media types to demonstrate their completed project. Instructional strategies are diverse and support multiple learning styles To promote higher order thinking the teacher can create a superior learning environment and promote higher order thinking.

12 21 st Century Learning Students will develop higher-order and 21 st century skills in this unit as they: learn to select, create, and manage multiple forms of media. As they gain experience creating with media, they become more perceptive and critical in analyzing the media they see in the world around them. will be encouraged to use creative thinking, an increasingly important skill in today’s rapidly changing world. Learners in seeking innovative solutions to unexpected problems—not just learning how to create a board game, but being prepared to come up with new solutions as new challenges arise. Use project assessments to self evaluate their work

13 Assessment Rubrics CategoryExemplary 4 Accomplished 3 Developing 2 Beginning 1 Points ContentThe content presented is complete and informative. It is presented in ways that are interesting and an efficient use of space is used. The content presented in complete and informative. It is presented in a standard way with some inefficiency. The content presented has some of the information necessary or is presented in a way that is confusing. The content presented does not have enough information. Graphics/PicturesGraphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the publication seems “text-heavy". Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Spelling & ProofreadingNo spelling errors remain after one person other than the learner reads and corrects the spelling. No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the learner reads and corrects the spelling. No more than 3 spelling errors remain after one person other than the learner reads and corrects the publication. Several spelling errors are in the publication. Attractiveness & Organization The publication has exceptionally attractive formatting and well- organized information. The publication has attractive formatting and well-organized information. The publication has well-organized information. The publication’s formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. Total

14 Additional Ideas Follow on activities: Create a movie advert about entrepreneurs or selling your board game. Create a brochure about your board game. Create a advert in Publisher for your board game.

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