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Survey of Entrepreneurs Featuring: Sam Walton Insert a picture of your entrepreneur here (Find a picture on Make sure you select MEDIUM) By:

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Presentation on theme: "Survey of Entrepreneurs Featuring: Sam Walton Insert a picture of your entrepreneur here (Find a picture on Make sure you select MEDIUM) By:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey of Entrepreneurs Featuring: Sam Walton Insert a picture of your entrepreneur here (Find a picture on Make sure you select MEDIUM) By: Chris & Camilla

2 Who? Insert a picture of your entrepreneur (Find a picture on Make sure you select MEDIUM.) Sam Walton is famous for Wal-Mart and also he’s famous for creating many jobs for people.

3 Wanted to Sam Walton wanted his own department store.. Insert a picture that actually shows the entrepreneur at work OR a picture that symbolizes what the entrepreneur wanted to do. (Find pictures on or Word Clip Art. If you use flickr, make sure you select MEDIUM.)

4 But Sam Walton didn’t have lots of money. Insert a picture that actually shows your entrepreneur struggling OR a picture that symbolizes your entrepreneur’s struggles. Find a picture on or Clip Art. If you use flickr, make sure you select MEDIUM

5 So So he borrowed $20,000 and he had $5,000 saved from the military. He had enough money to open his first store. Insert a symbol of your entrepreneur’s success. Find a picture on or Clip Art. If you use flickr, make sure you select MEDIUM

6 …and now Wal-Mart is a successful company. Wal-Mart stores can be found all around the world. Insert a picture of your entrepreneur and one of the things she/he is responsible for OR insert just a picture of one of the things she/he is responsible for Find a picture on or Clip Art. If you use flickr, make sure you select MEDIUM

7 Source\html\famous_entrepu nre.html

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