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A territorial approach: experiences of L’Altra Romagna in planning of Leader+ Gian Luca Bagnara L’Altra Romagna sc.rl (Italy)

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Presentation on theme: "A territorial approach: experiences of L’Altra Romagna in planning of Leader+ Gian Luca Bagnara L’Altra Romagna sc.rl (Italy)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A territorial approach: experiences of L’Altra Romagna in planning of Leader+ Gian Luca Bagnara L’Altra Romagna sc.rl (Italy)

2 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna The territory

3 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna The territory

4 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna The company: “L’Altra Romagna Ltd ” set up in 1992 (Regional Regulation 5-09- 1988) to carried on Int.Mediterranean Plans Since 1994, the company carries out the Leader II program now the Leader+ and local agency of development Ownership: private organizations: 60% Local Public Administrations: 40% Lean company: director + resp. of administration + 3 project managers

5 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna Program Leader+: objectives value of local products Value of natural and cultural resources Our Mission: growth from a culture of sharing out resources to a culture of investments to produce services on the territory

6 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna Program Leader+:actions Development of heritage, natural and rural areas Promotion; environmental tutelage; sustainable use of local resources; qualification of heritage; local cooperation; communication. Innovation and enhancement of local production systems: Integration of local actions; trading of local products; enhancement of local supply; local cooperation; communication. Enhancement of the local organization capabilities: Territorial marketing; social services; communication Cooperation: inter-regional; trans national

7 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna Rural activity not competitive or specialized Theoretical framework…… Services: competitiveness of economic district Efficiency: competitiveness of cost (vocation of land) Environment & culture: competitiveness of diversification

8 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna Theoretical framework…… COMM(2002)262- The Key to Competitiveness of European Economies and Enterprises: “The objective of making the EU a globally competitive knowledge–based economy implies that measures to support economic growth should not lead to centralization, increased concentration or increasing state aids. Productivity growth is determined by improvements in the quality of inter–firm interaction, by the accumulation of knowledge and by market–based choice of best solutions. Competitive firms are the carriers of change, providing the link between abstract ideas and innovation– driven, growth–generating market evolution. Within this process, technical progress and organizational change are inseparably entwined.”

9 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna.….Theoretical framework….. local growth models are identified by their production and transaction costs The growth of a region depends on spatial planning which supports the connection between rural and urban space. Local production is established thanks to ability which is acquired over the years to build up specific resources (human, technological, etc.) and to manage production processes, rather than to geographic advantages. The value of a location is due to the value of its exchanges linked to its environmental characteristics, namely to its not transferable properties.

10 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna The strategy of rural tourism From a tourism of destination to a tourism of motivation Why a tourist should come here? Territory: not just goods! Territory = goods + peoples Tourism as experience of life Value = relationships => communication Tour operator: Entrepreneur = management of marketing Local Public administration = management and guarantee of information Value of local typical products: Not just sell product but culture that generated it

11 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna The strategy of rural tourism From values of product to value of a territory: From quality of product to quality of life First wellness of local people to offer quality of life Each resident is a tour operator: co- responsibility Need of a governance of the system

12 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna Steps to plan a local system Identity Heritage, traditions, innovation,imitation and competition, entrepreneurial resources Connections Networks, marketing services Competencies Human resources, skills, enterprise leaders, diffuse competencies Barriers to growth Infrastructures, finance, connections to markets, capabilities

13 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna Procedure of project management

14 G.L.Bagnara - L'Altra Romagna Projects: Quaity of territory Traceability of territory Ethic certification of territory Marketing and trade promotion Taste Romagna (national award SFIDE 2004) Sounds of wine (national award SFIDE 2004) Marketing information system: Routes of olive oil Routes of romagnola meat Accessible tourism Entrepreneurial culture International Workshops and expositions to support trade of local products ( Paris + Moscow + Singapore + ……) Out: our producer abroad In: foreign buyers and journalists to Romagna Territory

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