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Hanseatic Parliament Dual vocational training for the qualification and integration of youth for strengthening the innovation and growth in SMEs Stakeholder.

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Presentation on theme: "Hanseatic Parliament Dual vocational training for the qualification and integration of youth for strengthening the innovation and growth in SMEs Stakeholder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hanseatic Parliament Dual vocational training for the qualification and integration of youth for strengthening the innovation and growth in SMEs Stakeholder Seminar Priority Area EDUCATION EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Dariusz Gobis 18 November 2014 Pomeranian Chamber of Handicrafts for SME’s

2 Seed money project Dual vocational training for the qualification and integration of youth for strengthening the innovation and growth in SMEs Operational time: February 2014 – March 2015 Budget: 49.790 € Project Partners:  Hanseatic Parliament  Pomeranian Chamber of Handicrafts for SME’s  Vilnius Gediminas Technical University  Satakunta University of Applied Sciences Addition  Hanseatic Academy of Słusk Overview seed money project

3 1.Written survey 2.Identification/selection of potential implementation regions: Four in Poland: Kwidzyn, Chojnice, Słupsk, Gdańsk One in Lithuania: Vilnius Region One in Finland: Region Satakunta 3. Preparation of feasibility studies for each region 4. Implementation of 3 workshops with Project Partners and Partners for a main Project 5. Preparation and submission of an application for the main project Overview Objectives + Activities

4 Project name: New Education for Smart Specialisation in Innovation and Regional Policy – Fit for Future Planned application: First Call INTERREG VB BSR Programme Priority: 1. Capacity for innovation Programme Specific Objective: 1.2 Smart Specialisation To enhance growth opportunities based on increased capacity of innovation actors to apply smart specialisation approach Partners: 24 Partners from Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway Hanse-Parlament (Lead Partner) 4 Professional Colleges and 4 SMEs 5 Chambers and SME Promotors 7 Universities 3 Public administrations Ready Draft of Proposal for main project

5 Education is the key for the promotion of innovations Innovation capacity of SMEs are very limited by glaring lack of entrepreneurs and skilled employees  Through the lack of qualifications, Innovation and international cooperation is to weak.  At the same time there is high (youth) unemployment, particularly in countries with school-based vocational training  About work based learning new concepts of vocational training and studying are developed and tested, with the aim a) of eliminating the growing lack of entrepreneurs and skilled employees. b) to compensate skills deficits particularly regarding entrepreneurship, smart specialization and customer-driven innovations. c) to strengthen the international orientation of SMEs and innovation. Problems to be adressed

6 1.Work Based Learning 1.1 Regional Development Development of region-specific types of support frameworks with smart specialization to strengthen regional education and labor markets. Support framework will be tested in practice in 3-4 countries in structurally weaker and stronger regions. 1.2 Sustainable support network Development and operation of the baltic-wide support network through chambers, universities, technical colleges and public institutions 1.3 Regional Innovation Center Creation of regional innovation centers in 10 countries Main activities and Results

7 2 Dual vocational Education 2.1Strong Learners In 3-4 countries with school-based vocational training implementation country-specific concepts for dual vocational training with additional qualifications "entrepreneurship“ and "Smart specialization" by universities. 2.2 Founders For SMEs employees, graduates of vocational training and students. - Development and implementation of curricula for qualifications to entrepreneurship (Entrepreneur's license and instructor approval) - Development and implementation of concepts and curricula for training for potential entrepreneur successors and enterprise founders as well as for consultations until operational handover or business start-up. 2.3 Entrepreneurship - In 2-3 countries development and implementation of concepts and curricula for a new dual bachelor studies „Entrepreneurship and Innovation for SMEs and Start-ups”. Implementation by universities with chambers + SMEs. Main activities and Results

8 3 Innovation support Development of concepts for SMEs specific support for innovation with a) the realisation of R & D tasks in SMEs and b) innovation consultancies and innovation transfer through chambers with universities 4 Transfer and Implementation Consulting The results will be transferred to 70 education stakeholders from 13 countries accompanied by the individual implementation consultations and will be already partially implemented in the project duration. Main activities and Results

9 Thank you for attention! Hanseatic Parliament

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