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© INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. General Statistical Framework for Institutions offering Islamic Financial Services 25-26 March 2014 Ankara, Istanbul Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "© INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. General Statistical Framework for Institutions offering Islamic Financial Services 25-26 March 2014 Ankara, Istanbul Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. General Statistical Framework for Institutions offering Islamic Financial Services 25-26 March 2014 Ankara, Istanbul Prof. Dr. Mansor H. Ibrahim

2 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. The purpose of General Framework for IBF statistics Scope The need for general IBF statistics Relevance Products of statistics Statistical Infrastructure Indicators for Islamic Banking Indicators for Islamic Capital Market Contents 2

3 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. The purpose of General Framework for IBF statistics  to set out the respective areas of responsibility in Islamic banking and financial statistics at the Community level of the OIC Member Countries;  to provide a framework for the exchange and reproduction of data;  and to promote high quality and consistent statistics at the OIC Member Country level for the use of policy-makers and the general public. 3

4 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Scope Islamic Banking Takaful Islamic Capital Market [Sukuk, Islamic Funds] 4

5 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. The need for general IBF statistics Inclusion of IBF specific statistic indicators Harmonization of concepts, classification and methodologies 5

6 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Relevance awareness of key users of the data and their needs; the relevance of the data to the needs of users; conformity of the data with relevant international standards; information relating to the source of the data, including constraints on its availability. 6

7 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Products of statistics National Bureau of Statistics, Central Banks and Ministry of Finance of OIC Member countries to be responsible for collecting and publishing Islamic Banking, Takaful and Islamic Capital Markets data at the country level. The IFB Framework is needed to set out the list of indicators, classifications and methodologies, in order to ensure consistency of statistics. 7

8 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Statistical Infrastructure The statistical infrastructure of the OIC-StatCom and OIC Member Countries is crucial in order to be able to consult and co-operate closely in view of shared responsibility for consistent statistics. The statistical infrastructure includes seasonal adjustment methodology and practice, the design of a quality framework, and data transmission standards. It also relates to the common interest in promoting consistency between statistical concepts and international accounting standards for fully Islamic financial institutions and Islamic subsidiaries. 8

9 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Indicators for Islamic Banking o Number of Full-fledged Islamic Banks [local/foreign] o Number of Islamic subsidiaries o Number of Islamic windows o Share of Islamic Banks in Banking System o Number of Branches of Islamic Banks o Number of Employees in Islamic Banks o Number of clients using Islamic Banking System o Financial Ratios of Islamic Banks o Statement of Shariah Compliant Assets o Statement of Shariah Compliant Liabilities o Deposits in Islamic Banks [by types/holder] o Loans of Islamic Banks [by purpose/by sector] o Amount of Financing extended by Islamic Banks [sector/concept/type] o Projects Funded by Islamic Banks o Non-Performing Financing [by purpose/sector] o Constituents of Capital o Impaired Financing and Impairment Provisions o Financing Rate and Rate of Return for Depositors 9

10 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Indicators for Takaful Operators o Number of Takaful Operators with both, Family & General Takaful [local/foreign] o Number of Family Takaful Operators [local/foreign] o Number of General Takaful Operators [local/foreign] o Number of Takaful subsidiaries o Number of Takaful windows o Share of Takaful in Insurance System o Number of Branches of Takaful Operators o Number of Employees in Takaful Organization o Number of clients using Takaful coverage o Financial Ratios of Takaful Operators o Assets and Liabilities of Local/Foreign- Incorporated Takaful Operators o Statement of Assets of Family Takaful Funds o Statement of Assets of General Takaful Funds o Distribution of Gross Takaful Contributions o Distribution of Net Takaful Contributions o Gross Net Takaful Claims Paid o Takaful Claims Ratio o Statement of Takaful Reserves 10

11 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Indicators for Islamic Capital Market o Number of Sukuk Issued [country/structure/currency/maturity] o Number of Sukuk Outstanding o Sukuk issuances by issuer type o Shariah Compliant Government Security Bills o Number of Islamic Funds [country/currency/geographical focus] o Statement of Islamic AuM o Islamic AuM by asset class o Islamic AuM by fund type o YTD Returns on Islamic Fund [type/asset class] 11

12 © INCEIF 2012. © INCEIF 2014. Tel: Email: Prof. Dr. Mansor H. Ibrahim Professor of Finance & Econometrics 603-76514190/4197

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