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Mun i ® Introducing The i Statement ™ Technology Made It Possible The MSRB Made It Legal Mun i ® Made It Happen Please use the “page.

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Presentation on theme: "Mun i ® Introducing The i Statement ™ Technology Made It Possible The MSRB Made It Legal Mun i ® Made It Happen Please use the “page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mun i ® Introducing The i Statement ™ Technology Made It Possible The MSRB Made It Legal Mun i ® Made It Happen Please use the “page down” key to advance the slide show

2 Muni ® The i Statement ™ A New Era In Municipal Disclosure

3 MSRB Rule G-32: Disclosures in Primary Offerings July 1, 2009 Major Themes Of the Ruling Muni ® Digital format of Official Statements and Continuing Disclosure information is efficient, cost effective and so widely used and accepted, that it is the only media acceptable by the MSRB for document filing. Compared to printing and mailing disclosure materials, electronic file transfer of financial information over the Internet is an inexpensive and immediate form of communication. When it comes to disclosure, NOTICE equals ACCESS and ACCESS equals DELIVERY Creation of The Qualified Portal as the vehicle to substitute the mailing of the printed Official Statement with a Notice of Accessibility.

4 The i Statement ™ allows market participants faster access to information at less cost. Muni ® The Original Qualified Portal Of The MSRB July 10, 2009 The i Statement ™ eliminates the fulfillment and shipping costs of the underwriter. The i Statement ™ replaces urgent & express mailing of printed Official Statements to the bond purchaser before the trade settles. The i Statement ™ adds productive time into the underwriter’s distribution window. The i Statement ™ shifts document order processing overhead away from the underwriter.

5 Muni ® Paper Official Statements are printed & shipped in limited quantity for the working group and others who want a paper copy for their records. Compliant with MSRB Rule G-32 (a)(iii)(B) Is a Notice, that Muni Deals will help distribute to the bond purchaser, advising them that the Official Statement: Is available to view at the Muni Deals Qualified Portal Is available to view at EMMA web site Printed version, can be ordered, free of charge, directly from the Muni Deals Qualified Portal. Muni Deals will print it on demand and mail it to them the next day, free of charge. Underwriter gets a record of the requests for books and proof of mailing for compliance. The i Statement ™ No more missed deadlines and headaches from your printer

6 The Traditional Official Statement Paper Documents Printed in bulk Expensive to make Time consuming Express mailed to Working Group Express shipped in bulk to fulfillment house If (when) it arrives at fulfillment house, it is stored, then express shipped to bond buyers by settlement day Expensive to handle Expensive to process Expensive to store Muni ®

7 New Rules allow delivering a Notice to the bond purchaser as an alternative to shipping the paper Official Statement This NOTICE informs the bond holder that the document can be ACCESSED via the Internet, where it can be Viewed Stored Printed by the user Must be coordinated through a Qualified Portal capable of mailing a paper copy of the Official Statement upon request. Notice can be in paper and mailed to the customer or electronic for digital transmission to the bond purchaser Muni ®

8 Option 1: The Electronic i Statement ™ Use the MuniDeals Qualified Portal as an extension of the underwriter's I.T. platform Modify your existing electronic confirmation platform to include a message containing the Notice of Availability of the Official Statement on both the EMMA site and The bond purchaser can request a printed copy directly from our Qualified Portal and MuniDeals will notify the underwriter and confirm the mailing of the OS. Brokerage Account – Client Profile Muni ®

9 Option 2: The Printed i Statement ™ This merges the Notice and Official Statement cover into a postcard that we mail directly to the investor on behalf of the broker. Provide us with the mailing list of bond purchasers and we will mail the i Statement ™ via 1 st Class Mail – saving time and money Muni ®

10 Paper or electronic, the i Statement ™ is an integrated application of the Internet, digital file transfer services, print on demand capabilities, and direct mail to the client. It is specific to the offering and can be modified as desired. It maintains the branding identity of the underwriter. Muni ®

11 The traditional model of disclosure has not changed much in the past 70 years. The i Statement ™ disclosure platform by Mun i Deals applies the power of the Internet to the practice of finance in a very practical way. It is effective, efficient, flexible and compliant. Eliminate urgent distribution of printed Official Statements to bond buyers. Take advantage of this opportunity to increase margins and save the issuer shipping and printing costs. Let us replace your back office with the new era of municipal disclosure. The i Statement ™ is part of an integrated service including initial printing, web hosting, Notice distribution, post offering print-on-demand and client mailing - that are fee based and part of the printing cost of issuance. Muni ®

12 This Notice & the Qualified Portal of Mun i ® Changes Everything The life cycle of the Official Statement has matured to a digital bias with limited printing as needed. Municipal disclosure will never be the same. Muni ®

13 “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” – victor hugo The i Statement ™ A New Era In Municipal Disclosure __________ Let us show you how we can put this powerful technology to work for you. For additional information and further discussion, please contact us. 800. 813.1691 i Statement™ by Mun i® Copyright © 2009 MuniDeals, LLC all rights reserved. Patent Pending

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