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“zone of inaccessibility” Edmund Byrne, 1998 “The right to be alone” Warren and Brandeis, 1890.

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2 “zone of inaccessibility” Edmund Byrne, 1998 “The right to be alone” Warren and Brandeis, 1890

3  “All this secrecy is making life harder, more expensive, dangerous …” Peter Cochran, BT Research  “You have zero privacy anyway.” Scott McNealy, Sun  “By 2010, privacy will become a meaningless concept in western society” Gartner report

4  Secrecy › Limiting dissemination of information  Anonymity › Protection from undesired attention  Solitude › Lack of proximity Ruth Gavison 1984

5  Deception  Crime  Isolation  Lack of Support

6  Extrinsic loss of freedom › Ability of others to control our behavior › Coercion or imposition of others’ wills  Intrinsic loss of freedom › Changes how we behave › “anticipatory conformity”  Autonomy requires privacy

7  In order to trust others, need to know something about them › Privacy impedes  In order to build STRONGEST trust between two people, need to create a bond › Requires privacy

8 Privacy and relationships How is it different from pre- computers/networks? –Electronic alter ego Identity convergence

9 –Privacy is not absolute in society … why ? –Willing to divulge SOME information in exchange for SOME economic or social benefit…. BUT reasonable expectation about how it’s treated…

10 My right to informational privacy vs. others’ right to know vs. security Does it have to be versus? Is it really a zero-sum game?

11 Shouldn’t I have a say? Why should I care? –Decisions made about us –Effect if data are Incomplete? Erroneous? Sensitive?

12  Go to the court or town hall  Go through trash  Interview people  Eavesdrop/wiretap  Surveillance  Breaking and entering

13  Public records easier to find  Publications spread faster  Surveillance  Keeping records of what you do on the web › Shopping › Surfing › Searching  Breaches

14  The right to have information that you don’t expect to be available to others remain that way  On many sites, you give up your right to privacy  But there are also other more insidious ways  Google Dashboard

15  Transparency and Control: knowing what is being collected  Anonymity  Security › Data breaches chronology Data breaches

16  Cookies › Web site retaining cookies for 5 years  Sniffing, Snarfing, Snorting › Forms of capturing packets over network › Differ by how much info & what is done with it  Surveillance › Different forms? › Google Street View  Data collection and sharing

17 One should ask: Who has ACCESS? Who should have ACCESS? Need to know? Why? How long is the data kept?

18  No Place to Hide No Place to Hide  Big Brother Big Business Big Brother Big Business

19 Biometrics I believe you have the right to privacy, but not the right to anonymity -No Place To Hide The laws haven’t caught up to the technology -Big Brother Big Business

20 eggs milk bread cheese plates napkins trash bags eggs cheese sour cream bread chips soup milk eggs bread butter cheese gum soda bread eggs milk cheese diapers juice Diapers and beer? Super Bowl Sunday?

21  BabyNames BabyNames  Pandora Pandora 

22  Recommending Movies  Predicting Ratings  Data-Mining Contest: › Release rating data, sans “identifying information” › Prize awarded Prize awarded › Additional contests: canceled 

23  Concept from sociology ◦ Individuals with common friends are more likely to become friends

24  Nodes = People  Social Relationships = Edges ◦ Leads to “people you may know”

25  “people you may know” › Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend you don’t want to talk to…EVER › Person who used to bully you  “reconnect” › Person in coma in Australia

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