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John West-Burnham Professor of Educational leadership St. Mary’s University

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1 John West-Burnham Professor of Educational leadership St. Mary’s University

2 Schools: the emerging agenda Closing the gap – high accountability More for less Rethinking governance Loss of infrastructure – SISS Autonomy/ collaboration for schools

3 Management/Operational Leadership/ Strategic

4 Planning: the Sigmoid Curve

5 Rethinking Leadership Wittgenstein’s propeller The Pony Express From sail to steam Punctuated equilibrium rather than gradualism Moving from reacting to the present to creating the future.

6 The elements of leadership Principles PurposePeople

7 From the Operational to the Strategic Moral confidence – ‘speaking truth to power’. Evidence based leadership. Developing consensual authoritarianism. Building scenarios for a preferred future Securing consensus, consent and commitment

8 The evidence that banding, streaming and setting are only of benefit to those students placed in higher groups – for the others the impact can be highly negative. (Higgins et al 2010) The need to deploy the most effective teachers with the most vulnerable learners if these pupils are to make progress and achieve. (Sutton Trust 2011) The very clear evidence that certain teaching and learning strategies are more effective than others and therefore personal professional autonomy may be less significant than securing consistently high quality teaching and learning. (Bloom 1984) (Hattie 2009)

9 Significant variables in student performance at 16 Genetic Factors +50% School 20% Social Factors +30%

10 ... our understanding of leadership needs to move beyond contemplation of isolated heroes and consider instead those who translate their ideas into action.. in order to understand how individual leaders and followers contribute to the leadership process we need to understand and explain how their psychologies are shaped and transformed by their engagement in shared group activity. Haslam A Reicher S and Platow M (2011) The New Psychology of Leadership Hove Psychology Press

11 leadership is too often seen:... as a noun rather than as a verb, something that leaders possess rather than as a process in which they are participants... leader-centricity tends to obscure, if not completely overlook the role that followers play. Haslam et al (2011:17)

12 ‘Strong’ leadership is, then, generally taken to signify an individual concentrating power in his or her own hands and wielding it decisively. Yet the more power and authority is accumulated in just one leader’s hands, the more that leader comes to believe in his or her unrivalled judgement and indispensability. Brown A (2014) The Myth of the Strong Leader London The Bodley Head

13 Who Leads? Total leadership – collective capacity, not personal status – all staff and students. Leadership by expertise and authenticity – not age or experience Personal qualities the key criterion

14 Relational Leadership For those who focus on strength : Strength can make people powerful, influential and important. After all strength is about getting things done. But there are things it cannot do. Strength alone can coerce but it cannot lead. Strength for its own sake is a corrosive force. For those who focus on warmth: Their alternative vision is a world built on cooperation rather than competition, one of mutual understanding and dialogue that leads to consensus and peace. The virtues they hold in high esteem are compassion, patience and tolerance. Kahane A (2010) Power and Love Berrett Koehler Neffinger J and Kohut M (2013) Compelling People Piatkus

15 Strength and power, warmth and love High strength and power, low warmth and love The hero or performance based leader High task completion and output orientation but disengagement and negative relationships High strength and power, High warmth and love The relational leader The optimum situation – things get done by people who enjoy doing them and working together – a good place to be. Low strength and power, High warmth and love The affiliative leader Highly positive relationships but limited action Low strength and power, low warmth and love The absence of leadership Low task and low process orientation – nothing gets done and relationships are poor – a bad place to be.

16 Positive aspects of warmth and love in practice Positive aspects of strength and power in practice Trust Compassion and empathy Cooperation A commitment to equity A focus on the well-being of others A belief in our shared humanity and the inherent dignity and value of all Tolerance and acceptance Justice Ability Technical expertise Confidence and the willingness to act Courage and dedication Self-control Wisdom

17 Collaboration We are traders in ideas, goods, favors and information and not simply the competitors that traditional market thinking would make us. In each area of our lives we develop a network of trusted relationships and favor those ties over others. Exchanges within this network of trusted social ties facilitate idea flow, creating an inclusive, vigorous culture and are responsible for the collective intelligence of our society. (Pentland A 2014 Social Physics: How good ideas spread:130)

18 Collaboration 1 Route 128 is based on independent firms that internalise a wide range of productive activities. Practices of secrecy and corporate loyalty govern relations between firms and their customers, suppliers and competitors, reinforcing a regional culture that encourages stability and self-reliance. Saxenian ( 1994) Regional Advantage

19 Collaboration 2 Silicon Valley is a regional network-based industrial system that promotes collective learning and flexible adjustment among specialist producers of a complex of related technologies. The region’s dense social networks and open labour markets encourage experimentation and entrepreneurship. Companies compete intensely while at the same time learning from one another about changing markets and technologies through informal communication and collaborative practices...

20 Moral confidence/ Integrity/consistency Courage/Entrepreneurship Imagination /creativity / innovation Networking Trust / Empathy / relational literacy Diplomacy/ sensitivity Optimism / Resilience Humility / the ability to learn and relearn

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