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The Constitutional Convention Men and Issues. Philadelphia: Independence Hall.

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Presentation on theme: "The Constitutional Convention Men and Issues. Philadelphia: Independence Hall."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Constitutional Convention Men and Issues

2 Philadelphia: Independence Hall

3 Madison’s Notes

4 James Madison

5 George Washington

6 Benjamin Franklin

7 Alexander Hamilton

8 Not There: John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

9 Rules of the Convention Secrecy Select Presiding Officer Committee of the Whole Repeat Discussion Not start with a prayer.

10 Major Issues Large vs. small states Slavery Nature of the executive Length of terms of office Number of representatives Taxes – based on land or people.

11 Major Compromises Great Compromise No vote on slave trade for 20 years 3/5 th compromise Electoral college Representatives per population

12 William Paterson


14 Last Compromise: Number of Representatives per population Number per population  Original one per 60,000  Washington one per 30,000 Total in First Congress  Madison suggest 130 (or one per 20,000)  Actual 65 Total all state legislatures 1787 – c.2,000 Membership today - 435

15 Committee on Style: Gouverneur Morris

16 Setting or Rising Sun?

17 Edmund Randolph

18 George Mason

19 Elbridge Gerry

20 Signers Constitution


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