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Understanding the process of e-TDS Return Filing Simplifying process of e-TDS Returns.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the process of e-TDS Return Filing Simplifying process of e-TDS Returns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the process of e-TDS Return Filing Simplifying process of e-TDS Returns

2 Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) is a means of collecting Income Tax in India governed under the Indian Income Tax Act of 1961 What is TDS

3 e-TDS return is a TDS return prepared in form No.24,26 or 27 in electronic media as per prescribed data structure The TDS Return prepared should be accompanied by a signed verification in Form No.27A What is e-TDS Return

4 As per Section 206 of Income Tax Act all corporate and government Deductors are compulsorily required to file their TDS return on electronic media (i.e. e-TDS returns) However, for other Deductors, filing of e-TDS return is optional. Who is required to file e-TDS return?

5 Form NoParticularsPeriodicity Form 24Annual return of "Salaries" under Section 206 of Income Tax Act, 1961Annual Form 26 Annual return of deduction of tax under section 206 of Income Tax Act, 1961 in respect of all payments other than "Salaries"Annual Form 27 Statement of deduction of tax from interest, dividend or any other sum payable to certain personsQuarterly Form 27EAnnual return of collection of tax under section 206C of Income Tax Act, 1961Annual Form 24QQuarterly statement for tax deducted at source from "Salaries"Quarterly Form 26Q Quarterly statement of tax deducted at source in respect of all payments other than "Salaries"Quarterly Form 27Q Quarterly statement of deduction of tax from interest, dividend or any other sum payable to non-residentsQuarterly Form 27EQQuarterly statement of collection of tax at source Forms to be used for filing annual/quarterly TDS/TCS returns

6 e-TDS return has to be prepared in the data format issued by e-Filing Administrator This is available on the websites of Income-tax Department at i.e. and of NSDL at How is e-TDS return prepared?

7 Form24Q eTds file structure has been changed for the financial year 2013-14 IT department has introduced a new File Validation Utility "FVU 3.8" which can be downloaded from https://www.tin- Form24Q eTds file for the financial year 2013-14 should be validated only by FVU 3.8 version Form24Q eTds can be generated in the older format also by disabling the IT option "GENERATE_ETDS_IN_2013_FORMAT" Form 24Q

8 1. Mandatory field "Minor Head Code" introduced in challan details 2. Optional field "Late Payment Fee" introduced in challan details 3. Additional options Introduced: 1. Employer / Deductor's STD code(Alternative) 2. Employer / Deductor 's Tel-Phone No(Alternative) 3. Employer / Deductor Email ID (Alternate) 4. Responsible Person's STD Code (Alternate) 5. Responsible Person's Tel-Phone No. (Alternate) 6. Responsible Person's Email ID (Alternate) Changes in 24Q e-TDS for FY13-14

9 Process of e-TDS Returns Add Challans` To initiate the process of e-TDS returns go to Reports > Form 24 Q Select the Quarter for adding Challan

10 Add all details. The total amount must include the interest and late payment fee As per the new changes, Minor Head code is to be selected Save file after adding all details Adding New Challan

11 Select the quarter and challans to edit Challans an be edited Challans can also be allocated to employees Editing existing Challans

12 Edit the required details and saveAllocate challans to employees after saving Editing existing challans

13 Fill details of your company and the person responsible for deducting Tax and save Configure Details Select the Configure Option to edit details

14 Validate the e-TDS Details Validate the details. A pop up window shows the status of errors

15 File Validation Utility 3.8 e-TDS / e-TCS returns prepared for FY 2005-06 and onwards (i.e. Forms 24Q, 26Q, 27Q and 27EQ) can be validated using this utility. Open Select Downloads > Quarterly Returns> Regular

16 Downloading and Saving FVU 3.8 Select e-TDS/TCS FVU.exe (Version 3.8) The FVU 3.8 gets downloaded in Zip File

17 Downloading and Saving FVU 3.8 Downloaded and save the file. System requirement : Java 6.25 or later Open FVU Standalone 3.8 Jar. Select the text file generated from the application, CIS file provided by the bank and then the FVU file generation path The file generated gets saved in the path provided. This file is to be validated

18 Reports The Preview Form 24Q option enables downloading of reports The Reports downloaded include 24 Q Annexure 1 Annexure 2 27 A After validating the Text file generated, Form 24 Q and 27 A Reports can be generated from the application. These reports are to be submitted to the Department

19 Based on Form 27 A user can validate the amount of Tax deducted and deposited. They can take signature and submit for e-TDS Return filing Form 27 A

20 e-TDS with Greytip Thank You @greytip /greytip /company/greytip-software- pvt-ltd

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