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THE NEW SOUTH Late 1800’s to early 1900’s a time of HUGE changes.

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Presentation on theme: "THE NEW SOUTH Late 1800’s to early 1900’s a time of HUGE changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE NEW SOUTH Late 1800’s to early 1900’s a time of HUGE changes

2 The Industrial Revolution North Major changes –Factories/mass production –Urbanization- old and new cities grew –Immigrants - many coming to US –Growth of Corporations –Progress and Inventions What would happen in Georgia?

3 Henry Grady Editor of the Atlanta Constitution Popularized the phrase “New South” Saw Georgia’s numerous natural resources and raw materials –Timber, coal, and iron ore –Wrote articles encouraging growth in Georgia and Atlanta – “ We have sowed towns and cities in the place of theories and put business above politics. We have challenged your spinners in Massachusetts and your iron-makers in Pennsylvania…We have fallen in love with your work. Henry Grady, “New South”, speech delivered Dec 22, 1886

4 Economic Change The New South Movement Promotion for economic change New South prosperity plan: –Expand its industries –Rely less on a few cash crops Diversification – Adding industry and new crops to the South’s economy

5 GA’s New Industries Cotton: Textile mills (Dalton-Carpet capital of the world) Timber: Dr. Charles Herty develops a way to use the pulp from timber for paper products Soft Drinks: Dr. John Pemberton develops a headache remedy that becomes Coca-Cola (Multibillion dollar worldwide company)

6 International Cotton Exposition Expo was held in Atlanta Promote Georgia,Atlanta and New South 800,000 people over three months saw what the New South’s businesses were all about

7 GA’s New Agriculture Food crops: peanuts, pecans, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, watermelons, and peaches. Dairy: cows, milk, buttermilk, cream, and butter Cash crops: cotton, tobacco, and corn

8 THE LOST CAUSE- Ways to keep the old way of life. Would there be political change or would the same people from the Confederacy remain in power?

9 Bourbon Triumvirate White back lash-anger at Republican Party over war and Reconstruction 3- Ga Democrats- leaders for a long time Agreed with New South and industry Disagreed- with social order changes White Supremacists Wanted to keep life the way it was

10 County Unit System Way to give votes in primary elections Each county got a certain # of votes Counties- urban, town, rural Person got most individual votes in that county got ALL the unit votes for that county. Bigger counties had higher pop, more UNIT votes

11 Social Issues Racism White Supremacy “Haves and Have-Nots” Education Voting Riots

12 Jim Crow Laws Mandated segregation of races State and local laws “White Only” or “Colored Only” 1883- Supreme Court- says 14 th amendment ONLY applies to gov’t, not citizens. “Naturally, you would ask, “Why?” The question would always come back that we were living in a country that had segregated laws. …You were not looked upon as having full – rights that all other citizens should have. … You have to watch your behavior.” Lillian Smith quoted in Remembering Jim Crow by William Chafe.

13 Plessy vs Ferguson 1896 Homer Plessy vs RR Co in LA RR tried to make Plessy move from ‘Whites Only” car, he refused and was arrested Supreme Court decided segregation was NOT against Constitution Started “Separate but Equal”

14 Disenfranchisement ACT OF DENYING SOMEONE THE RIGHT TO VOTE Poll Tax- pay to vote Literacy Test- pass reading test to vote Grandfather Clause- only if person had a family member allowed to vote before 1867 could vote White Primaries- only whites could vote in primaries

15 1906 Race Riots Series of riots 1898-1906 Worst in 1906- started by reports of white women being harassed by black men

16 Working for Change Booker T Washington WEB DuBois John and Lugenia Burns Hope Progressivism/Progressive Movement Rebecca Latimer Tom Watson

17 Booker T. Washington Born into slavery Started Tuskegee Institute Accomodationism- encouraged blacks to learn a skill- often menial- and stay with that. Gradual equal rights for all- not forced or immediate. Spoke at International Cotton Expo

18 W.E.B. DuBois Educator, writer, college educated NOT born a slave Disagreed with Washington- wanted immediate change/equality “Talented 10 th ”- only top 10% of blacks should go into higher roles in life Niagara Movement Started NAACP

19 NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Evolved from Niagara Movement Activists- get rid of segregation and discrimination

20 Alonzo Herndon owned successful barber shops –Created the Atlanta Mutual (Life) Insurance Assoc (Co.) for black Americans

21 Leo Frank Jewish man in Atlanta Factory manager Charged and convicted for murdering girl Death sentence changed to life, kidnapped from prison, hanged Pardoned 70 yrs later, janitor guilty

22 Tom Watson and the Populists Helped Felton start- Populist Party Political Party Support farmers, agriculture Wanted easier loans, lower interest, help for rural farmers (Farmers’ Alliance) Got mail delivery to rural areas

23 Progressive Movement Many groups trying to improve society- –Education –Employment –Farming –Housing –Women’s rights – -Child Labor

24 Rebecca Latimer Felton Married to Wm Felton Reformer Supporter of Women’s Suffrage Ended convict lease system Supported Prohibition 1 st Women serve in US Senate

25 John and Lugenia Burns Hope John: 1 st Black Pres ofMorehouse College First pres of Atlanta U.- 1 st college to offer graduate ed for blacks. Supported NAACP Lugenia: created 1 st women run welfare agency in Atlanta Universal suffrage

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