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U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Computer Systems Principles Dynamic Memory Management Emery Berger and Mark Corner.

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1 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Computer Systems Principles Dynamic Memory Management Emery Berger and Mark Corner University of Massachusetts Amherst

2 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 2 Dynamic Memory Management  How the heap manager is implemented –malloc, free –new, delete

3 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Memory Management  Programs ask memory manager –to allocate/free objects (or multiple pages)  Memory manager asks OS –to allocate/free pages (or multiple pages) Operating System User Program Allocator(java, libc) Objects (new, malloc) Pages (mmap,brk)

4 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 4 Memory Management  Ideal memory manager: –Fast Raw time, asymptotic runtime, locality –Memory efficient Low fragmentation  With multicore & multiprocessors: –Scalable to multiple processors  New issues: –Secure from attack –Reliable in face of errors

5 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 5 Memory Manager Functions  Not just malloc/free –realloc Change size of object, copying old contents –ptr = realloc (ptr, 10); But: realloc(ptr, 0) = ? How about: realloc (NULL, 16) ?  Other fun –calloc –memalign  Needs ability to locate size & object start

6 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 6 Fragmentation  Intuitively, fragmentation stems from “breaking” up heap into unusable spaces –More fragmentation = worse utilization  External fragmentation –Wasted space outside allocated objects  Internal fragmentation –Wasted space inside an object

7 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 7 Classical Algorithms  First-fit –find first chunk of desired size

8 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 8 Classical Algorithms  Best-fit –find chunk that fits best Minimizes wasted space

9 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 9 Classical Algorithms  Worst-fit –find chunk that fits worst –name is a misnomer! –keeps large holes around  Reclaim space: coalesce free adjacent objects into one big object

10 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Quick Activity  Program asks for: 300,25,25,100 –First-fit and best-fit allocations go where? –Which ones cannot be fulfilled?  What about: 110,54,25,70,50?

11 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 11 Implementation Techniques  Freelists –Linked lists of objects in same size class Range of object sizes  First-fit, best-fit in this context? –Which is faster?

12 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 12 Implementation Techniques  Segregated size classes –Use free lists, but never coalesce or split  Choice of size classes –Exact –Powers-of-two

13 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 13 Implementation Techniques  Big Bag of Pages (BiBOP) –Page or pages (multiples of 4K) –Usually segregated size classes  Header contains metadata –Locate with bitmasking  Limits external fragmentation  Can be very fast  Secret Sauce for project –Use free objects to track free objects

14 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 14 Runtime Analysis  Key components –Cost of malloc (best, worst, average) –Cost of free –Cost of size lookup (for realloc & free)

15 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 15 Space Bounds  Fragmentation worst-case for “optimal”: O(log M/m) –M = largest object size –m = smallest object size  Best-fit = O(M * m) !

16 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 16 Performance Issues  Goal: perform well for typical programs –Considerations: Internal fragmentation External fragmentation Headers (metadata) Scalability (later) Reliability, too  “Canned” allocator often seen as slow

17 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 17 “Use custom allocators” Custom Memory Allocation  Programmers replace new/delete  Reduce runtime –Often  Expand functionality –Sometimes  Reduce space –rarely  Very common  Apache, gcc, lcc, STL, database servers… –Language-level support in C++ –Widely recommended

18 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 18 Drawbacks of Custom Allocators  Avoiding system allocator: –More code to maintain & debug –Can’t use memory debuggers –Not modular or robust: Mix memory from custom and general-purpose allocators → crash!  Increased burden on programmers

19 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 19 a b c a = new Class1; b = new Class1; c = new Class1; delete a; delete b; delete c; a = new Class1; b = new Class1; c = new Class1; + Fast + Linked list operations + Simple + Identical semantics + C++ language support - Possibly space-inefficient (1) Per-Class Allocators  Recycle freed objects from a free list

20 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 20 char[MEMORY_LIMIT] a = xalloc(8); b = xalloc(16); c = xalloc(8); xfree(b); xfree(c); d = xalloc(8); a b c d end_of_array + Fast + Pointer-bumping allocation - Brittle - Fixed memory size - Requires stack-like lifetimes (II) Custom Patterns  Tailor-made to fit allocation patterns –Example: 197.parser (natural language parser)

21 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 21 + Fast + Pointer-bumping allocation + Deletion of chunks + Convenient + One call frees all memory regionmalloc(r, sz) regiondelete(r) Separate areas, deletion only en masse regioncreate(r) r - Risky - Dangling references - Too much space Increasingly popular custom allocator (III) Regions

22 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 22 Custom Allocators Are Faster…  As good as and sometimes much faster than Win32

23 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 23 Not So Fast…  DLmalloc (Linux): as fast or faster for most benchmarks

24 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Are custom allocators a win?  Generally not worth the trouble –Just use good general-purpose allocator Alternative: reaps (hybrid of regions & heaps)  However… –Sometimes worth it for specialized apps Especially pool allocation, as in Apache

25 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Problems w/Unsafe Languages  C, C++: pervasive apps, but langs. unsafe  Numerous opportunities for security vulnerabilities, errors –Double free –Invalid free –Uninitialized reads –Dangling pointers –Buffer overflows (stack & heap)  Can memory allocator help?

26 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Soundness for Erroneous Progs  Normally: memory errors lead to crashes, but…consider infinite-heap allocator: –All news fresh; ignore delete No dangling pointers, invalid frees, double frees –Every object infinitely large No buffer overflows, data overwrites  Transparent to correct program  “Erroneous” programs sound

27 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Probabilistic Memory Safety  Fully-randomized M-heap –Approximates  with M, e.g., M=2 –Increases odds of benign errors –Probabilistic memory safety i.e., P(no error)  n –Errors independent across heaps E(users with no error)  n * |users|

28 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science DieHard  Key ideas: –Isolate heap metadata –Randomize Allocation –Trade space for robustness –Replication (optional)  Key influence in design of Windows 7’s Fault- Tolerant Heap

29 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science obj pages Implementation Issues  Conventional, freelist-based heaps –Hard to randomize, protect from errors Double frees, heap corruption  What about bitmaps? (one bit per word) –Catastrophic fragmentation! Each small object likely to occupy one page

30 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 000000011010 metadata heap Randomized Heap Layout  Bitmap-based, segregated size classes –Bit represents one object of given size i.e., one bit = 2 i+3 bytes, etc. –Prevents fragmentation

31 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 000000011010 metadata heap Randomized Allocation  malloc(8): –compute size class = ceil(log sz) – 3 –randomly probe bitmap for zero-bit (free)  Fast: runtime O(1) –M=2 means E[# of probes] = 2

32 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 000100011010 metadata heap Randomized Allocation  malloc(8): –compute size class = ceil(log sz) – 3 –randomly probe bitmap for zero-bit (free)  Fast: runtime O(1) –M=2 means E[# of probes] = 2

33 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 000100011010 metadata heap Randomized Deallocation  free(ptr): –Ensure object valid – aligned to right address –Ensure allocated – bit set –Resets bit  Prevents invalid frees, double frees

34 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 000100011010 metadata heap Randomized Deallocation  free(ptr): –Ensure object valid – aligned to right address –Ensure allocated – bit set –Resets bit  Prevents invalid frees, double frees

35 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 000000011010 metadata heap Randomized Deallocation  free(ptr): –Ensure object valid – aligned to right address –Ensure allocated – bit set –Resets bit  Prevents invalid frees, double frees

36 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 2345316 object size = 2 i+4 object size = 2 i+3 … 1163254 … My Mozilla: “malignant” overflow Your Mozilla: “benign” overflow Randomized Heaps & Reliability  Objects randomly spread across heap  Different run = different heap –Errors across heaps independent

37 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Increasing Reliability  Space Shuttle –3 copies of everything (hw & sw) –Votes on every action  Failure: majority rules 37

38 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science broadcast vote input output execute replicas (separate processes) replica 3 seed 3 replica 1 seed 1 replica 2 seed 2 DieHard - Replication  Replication-based fault-tolerance –Requires randomization! Makes errors independent

39 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science DieHard Results  Empirical results –Runtime overhead –Error avoidance Injected faults & actual applications  Analytical results (if time, pictures!) –Buffer overflows –Uninitialized reads –Dangling pointer errors (the best)

40 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Analytical Results: Buffer Overflows Model overflow as random write of live data Heap half full (max occupancy)

41 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Analytical Results: Buffer Overflows Model overflow as random write of live data Heap half full (max occupancy)

42 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Analytical Results: Buffer Overflows Model overflow: random write of live data Heap half full (max occupancy)

43 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science replicas Analytical Results: Overflows  Replicas: Increase odds of avoiding overflow in at least one replica

44 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science replicas Analytical Results: Overflows  Replicas: Increase odds of avoiding overflow in at least one replica

45 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science replicas Analytical Results: Overflows  Replicas: Increase odds of avoiding overflow in at least one replica  P(Overflow in all replicas) = (½) 3 = 1/8  P(No overflow in > 1 replica) = 1-(½) 3 = 7/8

46 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Empirical Results: Runtime

47 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Analytical Results: Buffer Overflows F = free space H = heap size N = # objects worth of overflow k = replicas Overflow one object

48 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science Error Avoidance  Injected faults: –Dangling pointers (@50%, 10 allocations) glibc: crashes; DieHard: 9/10 correct –Overflows (@1%, 4 bytes over) – glibc: crashes 9/10, inf loop; DieHard: 10/10 correct  Real faults: –Avoids Squid web cache overflow Crashes Boehm-Demers-Weiser(BDW) Collector & glibc –Avoids dangling pointer error in Mozilla DoS in glibc & Windows

49 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 49 The End

50 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 50 Backup Slides

51 U NIVERSITY OF M ASSACHUSETTS A MHERST Department of Computer Science 51 Lea Allocator (Dlmalloc 2.7.0)  Mature general-purpose allocator  Optimized for common allocation patterns –Per-size quicklists ≈ per-class allocation  Deferred coalescing –combining adjacent free objects –Highly-optimized fastpath  Space-efficient

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