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David Brumley, Pongsin Poosankam, Dawn Song and Jiang Zheng Presented by Nimrod Partush.

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Presentation on theme: "David Brumley, Pongsin Poosankam, Dawn Song and Jiang Zheng Presented by Nimrod Partush."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Brumley, Pongsin Poosankam, Dawn Song and Jiang Zheng Presented by Nimrod Partush

2  Introduction & Motivation  Problem Definition  Problem Solution  3 Step Plan  Demos  Discussion & Conclusions

3  Good software vendors constantly review and test their products’ security  They periodically release patches for new found security bugs  This is bad, apparently.

4  Common attacker practice: manually review the patch in reference to the original program  Changes can infer security bugs in the original program  Quickly create an attack (exploit) and compromise un-patched systems  Our goal: Make the attacker’s life easier.  Not really

5  Given a program P and a patched version of the program P’, automatically generate an exploit for the potentially unknown vulnerability present in P but fixed in P’  Show this is feasible.  Thus raise awareness that an attacker with a patch should be considered as armed with an exploit

6  Windows Update takes 24 hours to reach 80% of the clients +  A worm (slammer for instance) can spread to most vulnerable clients in minutes +  The paper claims to generate an exploit within minutes =  Millions of compromised clients for every patch release

7  Exploit this:  How about now? * Based on the DSA_SetItem IE Vulnerability 1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr[0], ptr[1], … ptr[input-1] 1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr[0], ptr[1], … ptr[input-1] 1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.if (s>input) goto 6 else goto ERROR; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr[0], ptr[1], … ptr[input-1] 1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.if (s>input) goto 6 else goto ERROR; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr[0], ptr[1], … ptr[input-1] 2 32 – 3 ≤ input ≤ 2 32 – 1

8 All Inputs Safe Inputs

9  Pin-point the bug  Within millions of binary instructions  Correlate it to the original code  Not every code addition is a vulnerability fix  Ignore feature addition, etc.  A line of code is just a line of code  Remember that input is needed to exploit the bug.

10  Observation: input validation bugs are usually fixed by adding missing sanitation checks.  Pick on those, leave the rest.  Intuition: input that fails the sanitation check in P’ is likely an exploit for P.  Easily verified by running them

11 1) Identify new sanitation checks in P’ 2) Generate candidate exploit input  Calculate weakest precondition to fail the check, a formula is generated  Use a solver to find an input that satisfies the formula 3) Verify as an exploit  Define a “security policy”  Check for violations using external checkers

12  An off-the-shelf solution, EBDS, is used to find new sanitation checks.  Within function bounds  Purely syntactical  Problem:  i > 10 differs from i – 1 > 9  Solution:  The verification step will overcome this.


14  We generate a formula that encapsulates the program paths that lead to the sanitation check  We do this by collecting constrains deduced from the instructions and conditionals.  The X86 instruction set was modeled in Vine.  F(input) = ((input % 2 == 0) and (s == input +2(mod 2 32 ))) and !(s > input)  Problem: Usually only a fraction of all paths that lead to the check are exploitable  1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.if (s>input) goto 6 else goto ERROR; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr 1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.if (s>input) goto 6 else goto ERROR; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr

15  Reducing the number of paths will result in faster and more successful analysis  3 approaches:  Pure Static ▪ Consider all possible executions that lead to the test. ▪ F(input) = ( ( (input % 2 == 0) and (s == input +2(mod 2 32 )) ) or ( (input % 2 != 0) and (s == input +3(mod 2 32 )) ) ) and !(s > input)  Pure Dynamic ▪ Pick an path from a known trace, build constraints and fail the test. ▪ F(input) = ( (input % 2 == 0) and (s == input +2(mod 2 32 )) ) and !(s > input)  Half and half ▪ For a known input, build constraints for a potion of the path and consider all paths for the rest. 1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.if (s>input) goto 6 else goto ERROR; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr 1.if (input % 2 == 0) goto 2 else goto 4; 2.s := input+2; 3.goto 5; 4.s := input+3; 5.if (s>input) goto 6 else goto ERROR; 6.ptr := realloc(ptr,s); 7.// use ptr

16  The STP constraint solver was used to generate exploits  Supports bit operations  An iterative process.


18  Define a “Security Policy”  A predicate on the program state space that indicates whether a certain attack occurred  Generic ▪ Control flow hijacking – return address integrity. ▪ Information disclosure – read beyond bounds. ▪ Denial of service – crash.  Basically a monitoring tool is used to see if warnings are raised.  Sometimes TEMU  Mostly run and crash


20  5 real world exploits for MS programs derived from patches.  Some previously unknown  Patch generated within minutes.  Polymorphic exploits  Abuse anti-virus signature writers

21  Real life exploits exposed  Fast and (semi) automatic exploit production  Interesting dynamic + static integration  Work on binaries

22  As strong as the weakest tool its build upon  Binary diffing is sometimes weak.  Input sanitation oriented  Easily manipulated  Needs run traces  The purely static approach usually fails  Works on binaries

23  Finding and fixing security bugs will expose the software to attacks  Patch release strategies need to change  Fast patch distribution ▪ P2P  Patch encryption  Patch obfuscation

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