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Industrial Wireless Solutions. 2 Agenda  Introduction  Products & Specs  Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Wireless Solutions. 2 Agenda  Introduction  Products & Specs  Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Wireless Solutions

2 2 Agenda  Introduction  Products & Specs  Applications

3 3 Introduction to wireless  Imagine

4 4 Introduction to wireless  Imagine

5 5 Introduction to Wireless  Conventional Monitoring Conditions –Long conduit runs between sensors and control room –Cost of materials- estimated $100/ft to run conduit or cable –Lack of resources to do maintenance

6 6  The reality with wired solutions –Long distances from critical monitoring –Large obstructions can make wiring impractical or impossible –Processes or equipment need monitoring in use –No power available in remote applications –Expense Introduction to Wireless

7 7  Wireless adaptation Radios simply eliminate the need to run wires for any sensor application Introduction to Wireless

8 8 “What, no fittings?”

9 9  What is industrial wireless? –Transmitting information via radio Transmitters Receivers Gateways –Monitoring solution Tank levels monitors Motor operated valves Pumps Heat trace –No need for wires or cable –Radios are programmable Multiple radios on a reliable path To send data upon  Request  Periodically  Pre-determined signal values Introduction to Wireless

10 10  Applications considerations –Monitoring (90+%) Requirements  Pipelines –Pressure monitoring, heat tracing monitoring  Motor operated valves –Feedback needed to confirm valve position Introduction to Wireless

11 11  Applications considerations –Control Requirements  Process control –Automated and manual process control for various industries  Alarms –Monitor conditions and automate alarms when needed Introduction to Wireless

12 12  Why go wireless? –Cost effective solution Avoiding long wire or conduit runs Eliminating trenching and cable trays Facilitating solutions for applications hindered by physical obstruction –Added value Increased operational safety by continuous monitoring Mobile and flexible monitoring Easy to upgrade as you grow Low cost per access point Easy to install Introduction to Wireless

13 13 Wireless technology advantage Mass I/O Monitoring I/O Introduction to Wireless …

14 14 Introduction to Wireless  Application: Oil & Gas –Well-head and pump monitoring system –Pipeline pressure, flow and valve monitoring –Protection system monitoring –Leak detection monitoring –Underground gas storage monitoring –Pump/compressor station control systems

15 15  Application: Process Industries Eg Chemical plants, Pulp & paper, steel mills, power gen, glass manufacturing –Flow monitoring –Tank level monitoring –Condition monitoring of equipment –Utility plant alarms –Effluent treatment plants –Security and access-control –Remote water pumps –Monitoring of fire-fighting and safety systems –Gas detection systems Introduction to Wireless

16 16  Application: Factory Automation Eg. Assembly plants, component manufacturers, Pharmaceutical, food & beverage, packaging Detection of moving machinery Power network monitoring PLC interconnection Alarm monitoring of portable machinery Utility plant alarms Effluent treatment plants Security and access-control Rotating and moving machinery Alert and Evacuation alarm systems Introduction to Wireless

17 17  Application: Utilities & Municipal –Water management Pump station control Tank monitoring, level and security Flow metering systems Irrigation monitoring and control Water quality monitoring Large network SCADA systems Treatment plant monitoring Early flood-warning systems –Electricity distribution Monitoring of power poles HV Feeder alarm fault monitoring –Gas reticulation Valve stations Pressure monitoring Introduction to Wireless

18 18 Wireless driven by business need  Process monitoring  Rotating equipment – e.g. Kilns  Safety systems – showers, etc.  Operator safety status  Mobile asset tracking  On/Off valve position/control  Remote process set-up  Temporary installations  Wired alternative Application Examples

19 19 Wireless best fit when…  Manually collected data: Wireless can eliminate the need to send technicians into the field to read gauges  "Must have" measurements: Environmental or safety regulations may require additional measurements. Wireless allows the easy placement of instruments where needed.  Need for diagnostics: Many plants have hundreds of field devices. Wireless allows access to diagnostic information in certain of these areas  Temporary Monitoring: process may only need a short ( 1-3 months ) monitoring. Wireless allows easy, fast, and inexpensive install for these requirements  “Want to have" measurements: Wireless permits adding instruments in locations that could not previously be justified.  Long distances involved: Wireless can eliminate the need for long cable runs and trenching to connect tank farms and similar assets spread over a wide area.

20 20 Wireless best fit when…  Many pumps and motors: Plants often have hundreds of pumps and motors. And while continuous condition monitoring is noble in concept, wiring vibration sensors to all of them would be prohibitive. Wireless allows an easy connection.  Extreme environments: Hot, dangerous and/or hazardous environments make it difficult to install instruments and run wire. Wireless minimizes the problem.  Crowded environments: Wireless eliminates the need to snake new wires through crowded enclosures and conduit.  New wiring is too expensive: Installed costs of $50 to $100 per foot can make adding new wired measurement points cost- prohibitive.  Need for feedback: Manual valves that have no position feedback can cause safety problems. Wirelessly monitoring can cost as little as 10%of a wired solution.  No other way: Wireless works for mobile assets, remote sites and rotating equipment where using wired instruments is impossible or impractical.

21 21 Standard terms and definitions  WIBnet™ - wireless-information-backbone. Network technology allowing flexible, secure and scalable peer-to-peer connectivity of wireless data.  Industrial-grade –This means temperature, vibration, humidly specs, certification to at least Class I Div 2, and superior power options and packaging.  Event data management –exception reporting technique to transfer wireless data that ensures the most reliable, secure and fastest transfer physically possible. This technique also provides easy scalability and increased bandwidth.  Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) –random use of a defined band of frequencies. Invented during the WWII as a way to send wireless data more securely with less interference.  AES (Advance Encryption Standard ), WEP (Wired Equivalency Privacy ) –these are encryption techniques used in today’s wireless world.

22 22 Time/mSec Power Watt Frequency 928MHz 902MHz Frequency Hopping SS - Security 869.4 MHz 869.65 MHz

23 The Products

24 24 The Products  One–way communication –Transmitters 2 digital outputs & 1 analog signal –Transmitters & Receivers 2 digital outputs, 1 thermocouple & 1 analog signal Digital Analog Pulse Digital Analog Thermocouple Digital Analog

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26 26 The Products  Two-way communication devices –Transceivers –Gateways Digital Analog Pulse Radar Station Fuel Tanks Standby Generator Airport Management SCADA

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28 28 The Products  I/O Expansion Products –Serial units Up to 32 units

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34 34 The Products  Enclosures –Explosionproof Enclosures NEMA 4, 7, 9 –Non-metallic Enclosures NEMA 3, 4, 4X, and 12 applications

35 35  Class I Div 1 Installations –Wireless components require: Explosion proof enclosure kit  EJB  GUB Division 1 Antenna The Products

36 36  Industrial and Class I Div 2 –Wireless components require: “Enclosure suitable for the environment” Non-metallic Enclosure  NEMA 4X  Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester The Products

37 37 The Products  Antennas Dipole, collinear, Yagi, and whip antennas in various lengths and ratings are available to meet all power, range, and direction variables.

38 38 The Applications

39 39 The Applications

40 40 The Applications

41 41 The Applications  Tank Farm –Remote tank monitoring  Power plant –Stack gas monitoring

42 42 The Applications Remote Tank Monitoring

43 43

44 44 Power Plant - Stack Gas Monitoring The Applications

45 45 Key Features  Key features of Wireless Solutions: –Flexible Vast selection of digital, analog, and pulse inputs per transceiver Repeaters are not necessary –Expandable Up to 31 serial expansion units Each radio is capable of sending / transmitting 20 miles when using an antenna –Reliable Redundant paths can be formed Routine connection verification Frequency hopping spread spectrum – Secure Radios use a highly secure data encryption technique

46 46 Benefits  Benefits –Cost savings stem from: Reduced repair costs, and machinery downtime/damage (leaks, corrosion, etc) Improved operational efficiency and process control Safety costs (avoided injuries) Reduced manual/personal monitoring Eliminated conduit/cable systems/cable trays installations

47 47 Manufacturer Breakdown Industrial Wireless Process Manufacturers (902- 928MHz Range)* % Market Share GE MDS15% Cooper Crouse-Hinds12% Ferguson Beaurogard6% Fedd Systems6% Phoenix6% Accutech5% Adalet Wireless4% Bentek Systems4% American Innovations3% Cameron Measurement Systems2% Emerson Process Management2% Honeywell2% Others32% Total (Market Size $66.4 MM)100% * Source: Arc Advisory Group, 2008

48 48 Things to take away  Cost-effectiveness - When directly compared to wired installations, wireless is a very cost effective alternative. Wireless modules allow seamless integration into all applications enabling installation costs to be kept to a minimum.  Reliability - Radio protocols include multiple addressing levels, error checking, handshaking and automatic re-try mechanisms that guard against transmission failure. Should a communications failure occur, wireless solutions can provide multiple levels of alarm.  Security - Most technology employed is state-of-art. As a result, each product has four levels of protection. –Data is embedded in wireless transmissions using a unique modulation technique. –The data format has a unique structure with added security features, including network and address validation. –Data is encrypted using a high-security encryption algorithm. –Wireless protocol operates on an exception-reporting basis, transmitting when there is a change. This greatly increases the difficulty in collecting wireless samples for decoding.  Ease of installation - Our modules have built-in diagnostics and remote configuration abilities that are designed to save time and hassles. Our free 24 hour technical support provides further assistance should you require it.

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