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Countering Trusting Trust with Diverse Double-Compiling (by David A Wheeler) Dan Frohlich.

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1 Countering Trusting Trust with Diverse Double-Compiling (by David A Wheeler) Dan Frohlich

2 Trusting Trust  “…compilers can be subverted to insert malicious Trojan horses into critical software, including themselves.” –Thompson “Reflection on Trusting Trust”

3 What does Trusting Trust do?  The attack uses 2 triggers: 1 to subvert system access and 1 to propagate the attack when re-compiled

4 Features of Trusting Trust Attack.  Trigger –A condition determined by an attacker in which a malicious event is to occur  Payload –The code that performs the malicious event –The inserted code and the code that causes the insertions  Non-Discovery –Binary files are non-transparent. Therefore the attack is difficult to identify.

5 The threat of Trusting Trust.  An attacker who subverted a few of the most widely-used operating systems could effectively control, directly or indirectly almost every computer in existence. –This could be aggravated by a monoculture in computing platforms.  Wheeler claims that many persons in the community believe that the risk of these kinds of attacks are increasing.

6 Detecting the Trusting Trust Attack is problematic.  Security evaluations examine source code under the assumption that it accurately represents the product being examined.  But, an attacker who can control the compiler binary can render source code evaluations worthless.  For source code security evaluations to be strongly credible, there needs to be a way to justify that the source code being examined accurately represents the files being executed.

7 Diverse Double-Compiling (defined.)  In DDC, if the final result is bit-for-bit identical to the original compiler binary, then the compiler source code accurately represents the binary. –c(sA, A) == c(sA, c(sA, T )) c(s,X) is the result of compiling s with X. sA is the untrusted compiler source A is the untrusted compiler T is the trusted compiler

8 c(sA, A) == c(sA, c(sA, T ))

9 Inadequate solutions to Trusting Trust defense  Manually compare binary to source  Compare binary to source by an automated process  Use second compiler –test semantic equivalence of the two binaries.  Only receive source –compile everything yourself  Interpreted languages –Simply changes the target of attack.

10 Why not compare the binary to the source?  Manual comparison is impractical due to resource requirements.  Automated comparison is difficult due to optimizing compilers. –Doesn’t DDC suffer from the very same issues?

11 Use a trusted compiler.  Use second compiler and compare binaries. –Testing the semantic equivalence of the two binaries is very difficult.  Only receive source / compile yourself –fails when receivers compiler is already malicious. But this only fails if receiver compiler T has a trigger on A. –Doesn’t DDC have the same issue if T has a trigger on A?

12  These approaches require the defender to insert themselves into the compiler creation process (to recompile it themselves before using it. This is often impractical. –But with DDC I have to compile it twice then debug it, then compare the binaries for equivalence. How is this an improvement? The problems with the other solutions to Trusting Trust

13  It can be completely automated. –After debugging each compiler involved.  Doesn’t require proofs –Doesn’t guarantee the attack will be found either.  Reveals defects in the compilers involved. –A beneficial side effect, but not why I’m doing this.  Can be expanded to cover all software running on a system. Why use DDC to detect Trusting trust?

14  Is there any value to discovering this attack as opposed to blindly destroying it with the trusted compiler alternative? Questions?

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