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NETCODE Project Innovative measures financed under Article 6 of the ESF Regulation BUDGET HEADING B2-1630 Adaptation to the new economy within the framework.

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Presentation on theme: "NETCODE Project Innovative measures financed under Article 6 of the ESF Regulation BUDGET HEADING B2-1630 Adaptation to the new economy within the framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 NETCODE Project Innovative measures financed under Article 6 of the ESF Regulation BUDGET HEADING B2-1630 Adaptation to the new economy within the framework of social dialogue VP / 2001 / 005 Federazione degli Industriali della Sicilia Formazione Professionale Palermo SINTESI SINergieTEcnologiche in SIcilia Università degli Studi di Palermo Camera del Lavoro Metropolitana di Palermo LO Gävleborg

2 OBJECTIVES  to set up a transnational network including continuing education centres and social parties, in order to  adapt the vocational skills of staff from social parties organizations to changes produced by the Information Society  to design, development and testing innovative models for communication.  to set up European cooperation on a permanent basis between universities and social parties to multiply resources and experiences available and encourage both analysis, adaptation and circulation of models and tools adopted in different countries for a mutual benefit and design of new methodologies to be applied in an international environment

3 regional working groups Web activities IT solutions for communication and training purpose transnational training seminars report on case studies of Organisation Development European training curricula METHODOLOGIES

4 EXPECTED OUTPUTS Regional reports Need analysis on information, communication and continuous training needs within the social parties organisations Studies on IT Solutions based on the need analysis European training curricula Collection of best practices for competences development Collection of case studies for new organisational models development Award criteria for skills acquired through informal training processes A web site including:  the project outputs  Information on project activities  FAQ on communication problems  A tutorship service at distance

5  will be actively involved to describe their communication needs (within their offices, with people performing different tasks, with other development actors, with education and training centres, etc…) and new areas of competences needed in their organizations  will take part in the design and testing phase of new solutions and tools for communication and continuous training, learning- by-doing through their active participation in the project BENEFICIARIES staff from employers’ associations staff from trade unions

6 ACTIONS Survey on current changes within the partner organization systems and their need of adaptation of competences linked to new roles and mission Investigation of information, communication and continuous training needs within the social parties Definition of communication strategies, methods and tools New approaches to competences development for individuals active in the social dialogue New organisational models development for social parties structures and systems adapting to the need of introducing, managing and promoting innovation Definition of evaluation and award criteria for innovation skills acquired through informal training processes: ("learning by doing" acquired competences, exchange of experiences, ICT) Editing project handbook

7 EXPECTED RESULTS definition of agreements among the employers' associations, the unions and the continuing education centres in order to improve their communication and effective development of skills connected to innovation within the social parties systems (promotion of lifelong learning) improved cooperation and communication between universities and social parties dissemination of European best practices in organisational models applied to social parties structures improved consistency between continuous training demand and offer training of potential innovation promoters within the social parties

8 EUROPEAN PARTNERS ItalySINTESI Università di Palermo Federazione dell'Industria della Sicilia, Palermo C.G.I.L. Camera del Lavoro di Palermo ECAP Palermo SpainC.R.E.A. Confederacion de Empresarios de Aragon IFES - Instituto de Formaciòn y Estudios Sociales Union General de Trabajadores SwedenEncounter Ab., Kristianstad Industrial Development Centre Gnosjö LO-Distriktet I Gävleborg Jonköping Universität GermanyHeimvolkshochschule Springe

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