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This is Rotary New Member Orientation The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo.

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1 This is Rotary New Member Orientation The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo

2 Rotary is an International Organization u There are 1.2 million members, 32,000 clubs in over 200 countries throughout the world. u Rotary’s International headquarters is in Evanston, Illinois. Where it was founded in 1905.

3 Rotary International u Zone 27 which contains 11 Districts and 34,600 members. u Our club, Lake Elmo, is in District 5960 which is comprised of 65 clubs with 3360. u The district covers St. Paul, southeastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin.

4 What is Rotary? u Rotary is an organization of business and professional men and women united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.

5 THE FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

6 Object of Rotary To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

7 First The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service

8 Second High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of his or her occupation as an opportunity to serve society

9 Third The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to his or her personal, business and community life

10 Fourth The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service

11 In the beginning… u The first Rotary club was organized in Chicago in 1905, by Paul P. Harris. Rotary Founder Paul Harris u The club, with four members, met in rotation at the offices of the members - thus the name Rotary. u The other three original members were Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele and Hiram Shorey

12 Service Above Self u Rotary recognized early on that fellowship alone would not keep a group together — there needed to be a purpose. u The first service project was to provide for public restrooms in downtown Chicago u Rotary became the world’s first “service club”.

13 u Rotary International is governed by a president and a board of directors elected from all over the world. u Annually each district elects a district governor Every club is autonomous 2008-09 Rotary International President 2008-09 District 5960 Governor

14 District 5960 Area Map 7/1/07

15 District 5960 Metro Area 7/1/07

16 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo

17 u Chartered 2005 u 29 chartered members u First President was Liz Johnson u Meetings held at Lake Elmo Inn u 25 Members u Current President - John Dier u Meetings continue to be held at Lake Elmo Inn Origins2008-09

18 2007-08 Board of Directors President:John Deir President-elect:Jim Gruver Past President:Ray Marshall Secretary:Denise Cornell Treasurer:Liz Johnson Avenue of Service Directors Jim Gruver, Tammy Malmquist, Tom Bouthilet, Bob Walz A new board is elected to take office on 1 July of each year. All positions in Rotary are two year terms – except for President succession

19 We implement the Object of Rotary through the Four Avenues of Service

20 Avenues of Service u Rotary’s first Avenue of Service involves actions a Rotarian must take within the club to help it function successfully. Club Service Jim Gruver

21 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo Club Service Membership Recruitment & Retention Monthly Newsletter Club Roster Public Relations Social Activities Fundraising Weekly Programs Rotary Education

22 Avenues of Service u Rotary’s second avenue of service promotes high ethical standards in businesses and professions, recognizes the worthiness of all useful occupations, and fosters the ideal of service in the pursuit of all vocations. Vocational Service Tammy Malmquist- Angie Laska

23 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo Vocational Service u Scholarship Awards u STRIVE Program u Literacy programs u Provide program support to Oak-Land Junior High youth u Tours of local businesses in October & May (vocational service month)

24 Avenues of Service u Rotary’s third avenue of service consists of Rotarians actively working to improve the lives of those around them. From establishing wireless internet access for the re-opened library, gardening projects for the Lake Elmo Center for the Arts to scooping ice cream for parade goers at the 4 th of July celebration, they engage in an impressive spectrum of Community Service activities. Community Service Tom Bouthilet

25 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo Community Service u Lake Elmo Center for the Arts u Signs at City Entrances u Camp Enterprise u Camp Rotary Youth Leadership Awards u Fourth of July - Ice Cream Social u Main street Benches

26 Avenues of Service u Rotary’s fourth avenue of service comprises those things Rotarians can do to encourage and foster the advancement of understanding and goodwill among people of the world. International Service Bob Walz

27 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo International Service Projects u Fast for Hope u Group Study and Student Exchange u Polio Eradication u The Rotary Foundation u Provide support for a fresh water well in Nigeria u Books for Africa u Guatemala Literacy project

28 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo Exchanges u Group Study Exchanges –Teams of one Rotarian leader and four non- Rotarian business or professional young people visit the district for four to six weeks. –Lake Elmo Rotarians played host to visiting German team in April of 2006. –2007 GSE outbound include: Ecuador and Australia – our club played host to Australians in May of 07 and Peruvians in April of 08

29 The Rotary Club Exchanges u Rotary Youth Exchange Program –16-18 year olds are exchanged worldwide. –Part of a 7,000 students/year program. –Rotarians host these young people in their homes for three to five months. –Students become part of the family. –Students participate in a full school year, staying with two or three different families. –Lake Elmo is budgeting to serve as sponsors and hosts in fall of 2008

30 Rotaract Clubs A Rotary-sponsored service club for men and women between the age of 18 to 30 Community-based, addresses the physical & social needs of the community +7500 Rotaract clubs in some 155 countries Our club does not yet sponsor

31 Interact Clubs Rotary-sponsored service club for young people between the ages of 14 to 18 Interactors are typically school based student body, single-gender or mixed +8600 Interact clubs in some 110 countries Our club does not yet sponsor an Interact Club

32 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo Three fund-raisers : u Rose Sales – October/November u Cadillac Dinner - September u Music Concert -April

33 The Rotary Foundation “World Peace through Understanding”

34 The Rotary Foundation u Paul Harris Fellowships u Sustaining Members u Benefactors u Annual Giving Programs u Major Giving Source of Funds

35 Paul Harris Fellows and Benefactors u Paul Harris recognition occurs with cumulative giving of $1000. To date one of our members is a Paul Harris Fellow. u Bequest society occurs with a gift in your estate of $10,000. Benefactor recognition occurs with a gift in your estate of at least $1,000. u Many of our Rotarians are sustaining members, contributing $100 per year, or more.

36 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo u Service Above Self u Belief and practice of the Four Way Test u Having Fun Being a Rotarian is

37 Awards for the Rotary Club of Lake Elmo u Club Newsletter > 50 u Literacy Project

38 The Privileges in Rotary u FRIENDSHIP with other Rotarians in your community, neighboring cities and towns, throughout the USA and around the world u GIVING SERVICE to your community u DEVELOPING INTERNATIONAL GOODWILL and understanding u BUILD HIGHER ETHICAL STANDARDS within your vocation All through the common bond of Rotary

39 Your Obligations in Rotary Participation u To be a Rotarian you must give of your time and talents: –in community work –in fellowship and social functions –In bringing high ethical standards to your vocation –in club and district activities –in international service to others

40 Your Obligations in Rotary Attendance u Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit of Rotary. A minimum of 60% is expected. u You can easily maintain your attendance levels by making up at another Rotary Club meeting, participating in club service projects, and/or activities.

41 Your Financial Obligations u Initiation Fee $50.00 u Annual Dues $500/year u Meals included in annual dues u Social Events* *Voluntary and dependent upon activity/quarterly u Rotary Foundation gift is encouraged with a minimum of $100/year u Other (explain) voluntary “happy dollars and 50/50 draw”

42 Membership There are two types of membership in a Rotary club: u Active Rotarian: an adult of good character and good business or professional reputation, who holds or has held an executive position with discretionary authority in any worthy and recognized business or profession. u Honorary Rotarian

43 The Rotary Club of Lake Elmo is FUN u A service club should be fun to be a part of, even when the work is challenging u Lake Elmo Rotary strives to be a fun, young-at-heart club u Social events are sponsored quarterly u Having a good time while doing good work is most appreciated in Lake Elmo Rotary

44 You are Rotary u Participate for friendship u Participate for service u Participate for fellowship u Participate for knowledge u Participate for international understanding Remember, you are Rotary!

45 Welcome to the Rotary Club of Lake Elmo

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