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Share your song: 1)Talk to one of the staff 2) 3)facebook/twitter/instagram: #FirstMBsongs.

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Presentation on theme: "Share your song: 1)Talk to one of the staff 2) 3)facebook/twitter/instagram: #FirstMBsongs."— Presentation transcript:


2 Share your song: 1)Talk to one of the staff 2)email: 3)facebook/twitter/instagram: #FirstMBsongs

3 The story of the angels’ song Luke 2:8-20

4 The angels’ song Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, goodwill toward men.

5 The angels’ song Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest (glory goes up) peace on earth, goodwill toward men (peace and goodwill come down)

6 The angels’ song Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest (glory goes up)

7 1)Peace between nations 2)Peace between people 3)Peace between people and God The angels’ song Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest (glory goes up) PEACE on earth, goodwill toward men (peace and goodwill come down) God’s mercies shine on those living in darkness and guide our feet into the path of peace (Luke 1:79).

8 1)Peace between nations 2)Peace between people 3)Peace between people and God The angels’ song Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest (glory goes up) PEACE on earth, goodwill toward men (peace and goodwill come down) Jesus offers peace by following His basic moral code: love

9 1)Peace between nations 2)Peace between people 3)Peace between people and God The angels’ song Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest (glory goes up) PEACE on earth, goodwill toward men (peace and goodwill come down) Jesus offers peace by following His basic moral code: love Jesus offers peace through the cross Through Christ God reconciles us to Himself by making peace through Christ’s blood, shed on the cross (Colossians 1:20).

10 The angels’ song Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest (glory goes up) peace on earth, GOODWILL toward men (peace and goodwill come down)

11 Glory to God in the highest peace on earth, goodwill toward men You choose… …to give highest glory to the Most High God. …to follow Jesus’ moral code of love that will lead to peace with others. …to trust the cross that will lead to peace with God. …to see His goodwill every day.

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