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CADF’s 2013 Programs I.Health Alliance for Austin’s Musicians II. St. Vincent De Paul III. Goodwill Central Texas IV. Donated Dental Services V.Austin.

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Presentation on theme: "CADF’s 2013 Programs I.Health Alliance for Austin’s Musicians II. St. Vincent De Paul III. Goodwill Central Texas IV. Donated Dental Services V.Austin."— Presentation transcript:

1 CADF’s 2013 Programs I.Health Alliance for Austin’s Musicians II. St. Vincent De Paul III. Goodwill Central Texas IV. Donated Dental Services V.Austin American-Statesman’s Season for Caring program

2 Health Alliance for Austin’s Musicians How it Works 1.HAAM provides us with a list of their members. Members are musicians who live at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty level and each get $600 per year worth of dental care from a volunteer provider. 2.CADF works with the HAAM member to check eligibility, answer questions, and provide a referral. 3.CADF recruits dentists and trains front office staff on the program. 4.CADF matches a patient with a dentist. 5.CADF pays the invoices sent by the dental offices at 60% the NDAS rate. 6.CADF has quarterly meetings with the HAAM staff and board and we provide reports to St. David’s Foundation quarterly about the funding and how the grant is being used.

3 St. Vincent De Paul Society How it Works 1.St. Vincent De Paul refers a needy member of our community to CADF for emergency dental care. These patients are poor and unable to obtain dental care elsewhere without any insurance and are suffering from pain. The society is able to reimburse the dentists’ offices up to $350 (but have been able to raise more funds in dire cases). 2.CADF recruits dentists and trains front office staff on the program. 3.CADF matches a patient with a dentist by sending over the information about the case and asking if the dentist will take the case at this time. 4.CADF follows up with the patient’s progress in weekly/bi-weekly phone calls. 5.CADF submits the dental provider’s invoice to St. Vincent and they reimburse the dentist at an agreed upon fee schedule.

4 Goodwill Central Texas How it Works 1.This program is a pilot program in which CADF has agreed to treat 20 Goodwill clients in our first year. 2.Goodwill refers one of their clients to CADF. Their clients are working to turn their lives around by finding meaningful and long term connections to work. Often their dental situation is a barrier to employment. 3.CADF recruits dentists and trains front office staff on the program. 4.CADF matches a patient with a dentist by sending over the information about the case and asking if the dentist will take the case at this time. 5.CADF follows up with the patient in bi-weekly phone calls. 6.CADF obtains final paperwork to learn of donated amount and writes a thank you note to the dentist.

5 Donated Dental Services How it Works 1.This program provides comprehensive dental care to adults who are over 62 or people who are disabled. 2.Case worker recruits dentists and trains front office staff on the program. 3.Residents apply for the program by mailing in an application. 1. DDS Case worker vets each application 2. Contacts applicant to review five page application 3. If information is insufficient, case worker requests supplemental documentation 4. Contacts applicant’s medical provider and additional contacts to confirm legitimacy of application information 4.Case worker matches a patient with a dentist by faxing/emailing the information about the case and asking if the dentist will take the case at this time. 1. Case worker sends approved application acceptance letter with instructions to contact the dentist - Each approved applicant is instructed to contact the DDS case worker and inform of each scheduled appt - If patient is not in contact, the case worker will contact patient for follow up into 5. Case worker follows up with the patient in phone calls (as needed) and provides detailed updates in database. 6. Case worker follows up with dental staff for detailed case information and updates database accordingly. 7. If lab work is needed, dental staff will contact case worker. - Case worker will generate form letter and send to lab and ask for donated services (as well as follow up with a call – approved letter is needed for the patients file) 8. If specialist is needed, dental staff will contact case worker. - Case worker will contact specialist and send case information and ask if they will participate (as well as follow up with a call – approved letter is needed for the patients file) 9. Case worker obtains final paperwork to learn of donated amount and writes a thank you note to the dentists and labs who donated services.

6 Season for Caring How it Works 1.The Austin American-Statesman nominates families to participate in this program and uses the paper and their blogs and websites to tell the stories of these families. We were asked to provide dental care to all of the families in this program which was 13 families in 2013. 2.CADF contacted the case managers at the Austin non-profits to learn more about the needs of the patients. 3.CADF reached out to HAAM providers to ask if they’d consider being a part of this program also. 4.CADF matched the patients with providers. 5.CADF followed up with both patients and providers to follow the cases and obtain donated information.

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