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NEW GENERATIONS The role of the District New Generations Committee: To recommend, co-ordinate and support clubs in District 9800 to deliver effective Youth.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW GENERATIONS The role of the District New Generations Committee: To recommend, co-ordinate and support clubs in District 9800 to deliver effective Youth."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEW GENERATIONS The role of the District New Generations Committee: To recommend, co-ordinate and support clubs in District 9800 to deliver effective Youth Service programs. (either District Managed Programs or District Endorsed Programs) The objective is to provide innovative and practical opportunities, to assist and motivate young people in our communities to acquire learning and life skills. Please refer to details re ‘Working with Children’ card and Protection matters in District 9800 Governance section of this edition. Chair: Neville John (Central Melbourne Sunrise) Deputy Chair: Gabrielle Morgan (West Footscray) Protection Officer: PDG Des Hosking (Williamstown)

2 DISTRICT EXECUTIVE Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Wayne Hunter New Generations Committee Neville John Youth Exchange Vanda Mullen Science Programs NYSF & Science Experience Gabrielle Morgan Rotary Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) Neville John DISTRICT 9800 NEW GENERATIONS STRUCTURE Rotaract Neville John Interac t Christine Richardson Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) Neville Page D9800 Clubs Presidents New Generations Chairs Earlyact Julie Mason New Generations Protection Officer PDG Des Hosking

3 RYLA The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is a week-long residential personal development program for young people aged 18 to 25, which focuses on self, leadership and community. RYLA aims to: Give young people the chance to come together in a supportive environment to gain a better understanding of their own strengths and the unique qualities and abilities of others. Provide an opportunity for young people to develop a network of resources to facilitate their roles and development. Facilitate learning about teamwork, communication, motivation and to develop the leadership skills of young people through experiential workshops. Create a greater awareness of social issues affecting young people; and Demonstrate Rotary's commitment to young people.

4 RYLA WHERE: CAMP WEEKAWAY, MT EVELYN WHEN: Sunday 24th to Saturday 30th November 2013 HOW TO PARTICIPATE: SPONSOR A PARTICIPANT (Approx cost $720) HOST THE ROTARY MEETING & BBQ ON FINAL DAY Chairman: Wayne Hunter (Yarraville) Secretary: Rob Head (Nth Balwyn)

5 YOUTH EXCHANGE Cc-ordinates and facilitates reciprocal 12 month secondary school exchanges between students sponsored by Rotary clubs in District 9800 and Rotary Clubs in other Districts overseas. The students undergo a selection process to ensure that they are competent and able to maximise the benefit from the Youth Exchange experience. The objective is to provide a unique and effective Rotary supported educational and cultural opportunity whilst promoting goodwill, peace and understanding. Chair: Vanda Mullen (East Keilor) Deputy Chair: Geoff Asher (Glen Eira) Deputy Chair: Emanuel Tumino (Footscray)

6 NEW GENERATIONS – DISTRICT ASSEMBLY BREAKOUT SESSION 10.30 – 10.45 am Introduction and overview of how session will be conducted. Refer to workbook placed on chairs. What would you like to take away from this session? Discuss with the person next to you what New Generations programs are run in your club and list them in the workbook. Indicate the relevance of the listed District New Generations programs to your club. Introduce sub-committee Chairs. Think about what you would like to ask program Chairs and guests. 10.45 – 11.15 am Market place District New Generation Programs are set-up at rear of room to answer any questions you might have and tell you more about how to get involved. Take notes and identify any further questions you would like answered. 11.15 – 11.30 am Panel question and answer All program Chairs available. 11.30 – 11.55 am Case study How to build a relationship with local schools and promote New Generations programs (who to approach, what to tell them, follow-up etcetera). A Program Chair will be allocated to each group to assist in facilitating. 11.55 – 12.10 pm Development of District Managed and District Endorsed Programs (DMP’s and DEP’s) Neville to discuss. Refer to handouts defining DMP’s and DEP’s. 12.10 – 12.35 pm Wrap-up Have we achieved today’s objectives? What programs do you think you might participate in next year?

7 RYPEN Year 10 and 11 students from schools across District 9800 attend a weekend camp. Students are nominated by their local Rotary Clubs in conjunction with schools (Cost $286 per student) The program is designed to develop the potential of students, through a mixture of lecture style sessions and adventure-based learning. Its aim is to communicate to young people a series of ideas, problems and social experiences, which will assist them in forming their own values and moral standards District 9800 Rotaractors and past Rylarians are facilitators for the camp A Rotary club acts as the Host club for the Rotary Meeting on the Saturday evening. Camps will be held Friday 18 to Sunday 20 October 2013 and Friday 21 to Sunday 23 March 2014. http://www.rotarydistrict9800 Chair: Neville John (Central Melbourne – Sunrise) Admin/Applications: Stuart Cardell (Southbank)

8 Rotaract Rotaract is a professional development, leadership and community service organisation for young men and women between the ages 18-30, focusing on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces. Sponsored by Rotary Rotaract Clubs in District 9800 Rotaract Club of the University of Melbourne Rotaract Club of Monash University - Caulfield Rotaract Club of Tullamarine Contact: Neville John

9 Interact Interact is RI’s service club for young people aged 12 to 18. Interact Clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary Clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. D9800 Interact Clubs: Balwyn High School Interact Club Camberwell Grammar School Interact Club Aitken College Interact Club Manor Lakes P-12 College Interact Club Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon with almost 200,000 young people involved. Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas Clubs and learn the importance of: Developing leadership skills and personal integrity Demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others Understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work Advancing international understanding and goodwill. Contact: Christine Richardson

10 Earlyact Earlyact is a service club for primary school students Is sponsored by a local Rotary club Linked to the ideals of Rotary Earlyact strives to promote goodwill, understanding and peace through the active participation of their student members Earlyact teaches values such as caring, respect, empathy, responsibility,, tolerance, citizenship, compassion, friendship & leadership D9800 Earlyact club: Baden Powell College Contact: Julie Mason (RC of Wyndham)

11 Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) This program simulates the workings of the United Nations Assembly by having two year 10 to 12 students from a number of schools represent a particular UN country in debates on matters of world political and social concern. Rotary clubs sponsor teams. Cost is $550 per team Youth Exchange students can also participate. The assembly is about building bridges of goodwill for world peace and understanding through a personal involvement in the acceptance of situations that reflect the opinion of ‘adopted’ countries. Students are challenged by the opportunities of extended research, debating and public speaking skills by addressing a wide range of contemporary and world-focussed issues. The program extends over a weekend and it is chaired and judged by Rotarians MUNA Assemblies are held in May at Camp Getaway in Axedale Chair: Neville Page (North Melbourne)

12 Science Programs The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Students who have completed Year 11 and are thinking of pursuing a career in science, engineering or technology attend this program. The forum is fully residential and lasts for twelve days in January each year. There are three sessions (A, B and C) with 144 students from all over Australia in each. Sessions A and C are held in Canberra and session B in Perth. District 9800 is allocated 24 places with 8 in each session. Rotary clubs nominate students & contribute to the cost. Nominations open in June 2013 Cost - $2,340 per student (Funding shared between club & student – say 50 to 75% club Please note the following dates: NYSF District Selection Interviews - International House, in August 2013 NYSF Orientation Evening - International House, in October 2013

13 Science Programs The Science Experience This 2-3 day program is conducted over the summer months. It is implemented by participating universities in Melbourne and regional Victoria for year 9 students interested in Science. There is no selection process and students only need to obtain endorsement from their local Rotary club to enrol. Rotary Clubs nominate students and applications close in October. Cost is $110 per student Chair: Gabrielle Morgan (West Footscray) Deputy Chair: Anne Brown (Kew on Yarra)

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