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Speakers on Click manually. The SevenCosmic Principles from the eastwind poetry collection and anonymous internet sources bernie lopez eastwind communications.

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Presentation on theme: "Speakers on Click manually. The SevenCosmic Principles from the eastwind poetry collection and anonymous internet sources bernie lopez eastwind communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speakers on Click manually

2 The SevenCosmic Principles from the eastwind poetry collection and anonymous internet sources bernie lopez eastwind communications

3 The SevenCosmic Principles

4 Love The SevenCosmic Principles

5 Love Energy The SevenCosmic Principles

6 Love Energy Peace The SevenCosmic Principles

7 Love Energy Peace Equilibrium The SevenCosmic Principles

8 Love Energy Peace Equilibrium The SevenCosmic Principles Wisdom

9 Love Energy Peace Equilibrium The SevenCosmic Principles Wisdom Life

10 Ego - I Love Energy Peace Equilibrium The SevenCosmic Principles Wisdom Life

11 Ego - I Love Energy Peace Equilibrium The SevenCosmic Principles Wisdom Life

12 Love you can discover yourself only by discovering another for you see your reflection in the other and you are a mystery to yourself

13 you can discover yourself only by discovering another

14 Love look inward and get lost look outward and discover give and you are satisfied get and you want some more

15 look inward and you see total darkness

16 look outward and you see blinding light

17 Love if you seek happiness you will never find it if you run away from pain you can never escape from it

18 Love if you seek happiness you will never find it if you run away from pain you can never escape from it if you seek love you will find happiness and pain but you will not mind the pain for in love nothing else matters

19 Love you must empty yourself so you can be filled you must give so you can receive if you seek love you will find happiness and pain but you will not mind the pain for in love nothing else matters

20 you must forgive so you can be forgiven you must love so you can be loved Love you must empty yourself so you can be filled you must give so you can receive

21 you must forgive so you can be forgiven you must love so you can be loved Love we have no time for others yet we waste our time in absurd undertakings we have time only for ourselves

22 Energy Love

23 Energy do not resist, flow with the wind do not grasp, touch lightly learn the way of the wild flowers they grow without working or spinning

24 learn the way of the wild flowers Energy

25 plant waste, oxygen, is human food human waste,carbon dioxide, is plant food to survive all must share and dialogue this is the law of the universe the law of energy and equilibrium

26 heat seeks cold and cold seeks heat they try to cancel each other the same with yin and yang matter and anti-matter

27 they try to cancel each other

28 Energy good and evil love and hate light and darkness hope and despair

29 a healer is a bridge who transmits the healing energy of the Lord to the sick we can pass on this energy to each other if we try to be a bridge like the healer

30 Energy good and bad energies are contagious you have the power to move others to transmit goodwill or hatred to make saints or sinners

31 Energy your eyes,ears and voice are the windows of your soul if you become blind, deaf or mute your soul has to build new windows good and bad energies are contagious you have the power to move others to transmit goodwill or hatred to make saints or sinners

32 Energy your soul has no choice but to express itself to seek the outside world to somehow see, touch and hear once again your eyes,ears and voice are the windows of your soul if you become blind, deaf or mute your soul has to build new windows

33 Energy for a soul without windows will wither and die quickly for the energy of your soul is boundless and irrepressible your soul has no choice but to express itself to seek the outside world to somehow see, touch and hear once again

34 your soul is in itself one big window to the universe it perceives your soul becomes one with the cosmos in total darkness your soul emits its own light

35 if all the windows are closed your soul will explode into a super-nova that will light the entire galaxy a light so contagious and mesmerizing

36 if only you know the power of your soul and how to harness its awesome energy you can be anywhere instantly at just the thought of it

37 you will transcend the limits of your body if you discover the inner secrets and energy of your immortal soul

38 Energy

39 Wisdom

40 taking the backstage breeds wisdom taking the limelight breeds folly meditation begins with no thoughts confusion with many thoughts

41 Wisdom taking the backstage breeds wisdom taking the limelight breeds folly meditation begins with no thoughts confusion with many thoughts

42 Wisdom taking the backstage breeds wisdom taking the limelight breeds folly meditation begins with no thoughts confusion with many thoughts too much effort, you miss the shot no effort, you make the shot sometimes in not doing anything things fall into place faster and better

43 Wisdom too much effort, you miss the shot no effort, you make the shot sometimes in not doing anything things fall into place faster and better too much planning, you miss your goal no planning is sometimes the best plan the essence of freedom is flexibility the essence of slavery is rigidity

44 Wisdom too much planning, you miss your goal no planning is sometimes the best plan the essence of freedom is flexibility the essence of slavery is rigidity blindness can make you see darkness can induce meditation and insight sickness can make you strong pain can make you grow

45 Wisdom blindness can make you see darkness can induce meditation and insight sickness can make you strong pain can make you grow gentleness is stronger than force persuasion is stronger than authority the wisdom of nothingness is to simply go with the flow

46 Wisdom gentleness is stronger than force persuasion is stronger than authority the wisdom of nothingness is to simply go with the flow discern and you see in total darkness or in blinding light discern and you embrace the essential and discard the peripheral

47 Wisdom discern and you see in total darkness or in blinding light discern and you embrace the essential and discard the peripheral discern and you have the answer before the question is asked discern and you fall in love without knowing why

48 what the heart sees so plainly the mind is often blind to what the Lord hides from the wise He reveals to little children

49 the wisdom of a teacher teaching you to smile is nothing compared to the wisdom of a child smiling

50 Wisdom experiential wisdom is deep theoretical wisdom is superficial learning from reading is good learning from immersion is even better

51 when you see on a clear day you see who you are if your heart is kind you can see forever

52 Wisdom you see better in darkness if you look hard you hear better amid noise if you listen hard

53 Wisdom forget about your eyes see with your heart forget about your ears listen with your soul you see better in darkness if you look hard you hear better amid noise if you listen hard

54 Wisdom forget about your eyes see with your heart forget about your ears listen with your soul the mind can never understand what the heart knows full well intuitively and naturally spontaneously and simply

55 Wisdom the mind can never understand what the heart knows full well intuitively and naturally spontaneously and simply the mind relies on logic which can confuse the heart relies on intuition which can clarify

56 Wisdom the mind relies on logic which can confuse the heart relies on intuition which can clarify we cannot see because we are too close we need to move back to see the whole picture

57 Wisdom we cannot see because we are too close we need to move back to see the whole picture it was from a satellite that man saw for the first time a giant two million year old crater in arizona

58 Wisdom Lord, i asked for wisdom You gave me problems i asked for courage You gave me foes it was from a satellite that man saw for the first time a giant two million year old crater in arizona

59 Wisdom Lord, i asked for wisdom You gave me problems i asked for courage You gave me foes i asked for love You gave me the needy i received nothing i asked for but got everything i needed

60 Wisdom i asked for love You gave me the needy i received nothing i asked for but got everything i needed wisdom is different from knowledge knowledge is simply information wisdom is discernment and understanding of information

61 Wisdom the greatest wisdom i have learned is that all wisdom is chasing the wind in much wisdom there is much sorrow he who strives for wisdom strives for grief ecclesiastes 1:1-8, 14-18 wisdom is different from knowledge knowledge is simply information wisdom is discernment and understanding of information

62 Equilibrium Wisdom

63 Equilibrium inner balance seeks simplicity it has no attachments inner balance is humble it has no arrogance

64 Equilibrium inner balance seeks simplicity it has no attachments inner balance is humble it has no arrogance arrogance is the greatest sin humility the greatest virtue if you can kneel before someone inferior it gives you equilibrium in the face of hostility

65 Equilibrium and it will emancipate you beyond your greatest dreams humility can laugh at arrogance and is a source of spiritual strength arrogance is the greatest sin humility the greatest virtue if you can kneel before someone inferior it gives you equilibrium in the face of hostility

66 the inner balance of the team is as strong as that of each member

67 Equilibrium the inner balance of the team is as strong as that of each member

68 Equilibrium “I” inner balance is the strength of the ‘I’ against outer forces it is seeing clearly through the mist when others are confused it is maneuvering calmly in a raging river when others are in panic inner balance is finding the eye of a violent storm it is being unfazed by failures and fear of blame it is keeping your cool amid stinging insults

69 Equilibrium inner balance is freedom from fame and fortune and ego from insecurity and hesitation inner balance is courage during crisis inner balance is graceful wings cutting through high winds

70 Equilibrium Ego - I

71 we are made up of two spiritual parts the ego and the “I” the ego seeks its own gain the “I” seeks the gain of others

72 Ego - I we are made up of two spiritual parts the ego and the “I” the ego seeks its own gain the “I” seeks the gain of others the ego and the “I” are constantly at war one seeks to love the other to be loved

73 Ego - I whichever wins the war is what you are and who you are an egoist or a lover the ego and the “I” are constantly at war one seeks to love the other to be loved

74 Ego - I whichever wins the war is what you are and who you are an egoist or a lover the ego can destroy a person by consuming his spirit but the “I” can rebuild what the ego has destroyed the ‘I’ can change the ego’s anger into forgiveness hatred into goodwill, arrogance into humility but the ego can reverse them all again it is a constant battle inside us

75 Ego - I the ego breeds conflicts the “I” breeds harmony the ego is the enemy of team work and dialogue the “I” is the key to unity and harmony the ego can destroy a person by consuming his spirit but the “I” can rebuild what the ego has destroyed the ‘I’ can change the ego’s anger into forgiveness hatred into goodwill, arrogance into humility but the ego can reverse them all again it is a constant battle inside us

76 Ego - I Life

77 we lose health to make wealth we lose wealth to regain health we live as if we will never die we die as if we never lived

78 Life we lose health to make wealth we lose wealth to regain health we live as if we will never die we die as if we never lived we are so busy yet we are so bored we look for meaning in meaningless things and overlook things fraught with meaning

79 Life we are so busy yet we are so bored we look for meaning in meaningless things and overlook things fraught with meaning he was the best and youngest doctor idolized and adored by all while playing golf at age 35 he had a massive stroke and died on the spot

80 Life he was the best and youngest doctor idolized and adored by all while playing golf at age 35 he had a massive stroke and died on the spot what is the use of fame and success if it will kill you why build an empire if it will bring you closer to your grave

81 Life what is the use of fame and success if it will kill you why build an empire if it will bring you closer to your grave what does it matter if you gain the whole world and suffer the loss of your soul st francis xavier

82 Life what does it matter if you gain the whole world and suffer the loss of your soul st francis xavier the thought of death makes us cling to life the thought of life in misery makes us wish for death

83 Life the thought of death makes us cling to life the thought of life in misery makes us wish for death as our bodies deteriorate and decay our spirits must grow and regenerate so that at the hour of death we are ready for the Lord it is like the dawn after a long night

84 Life Peace

85 war begins with grabbing peace begins with giving compromise breeds harmony non-compromise breeds conflict

86 Peace war begins with grabbing peace begins with giving compromise breeds harmony non-compromise breeds conflict war begins when people no longer talk to each other peace begins when people constantly dialogue and share

87 Peace war begins when people no longer talk to each other peace begins when people constantly dialogue and share shout so you will be ignored whisper so they will listen listen to know the other view before you give your view

88 Peace shout so you will be ignored whisper so they will listen listen to know the other view before you give your view hardwood is stronger than steel in weathering rain and rust a smile is stronger than a stick the key to winning hearts and minds

89 everyone has a personal portable garden of peace and spiritual calm just will it and it is there whether you are in a crowded bus or in a chapel

90 Peace the peace you seek has been inside you before you were born it is there waiting for you right now

91 Peace Ego - I Love Energy Equilibrium The SevenCosmic Principles Wisdom Life

92 Ego - I Love Energy Peace Equilibrium The SevenCosmic Principles Wisdom Life

93 The SevenCosmic Principles

94 The SevenCosmic Principles PHOTOS eastwind collection NASA – hubble heritage team ed silva’s tai chi class from Internet Powerpoints * Tour du monde part #01 29396_DjoDjo 090901 ppt1 * Secrets of getting old 100208 ppt2 MUSIC Carl Doy Wind Beneath My Wings


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