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Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 5-8 Post-reading.

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2 Vocabulary Idioms & Phrases Reading~ Paragraphs 5-8 Post-reading

3 Listen to paragraphs 4-8. Skip


5 What was Florence Nightingale famous as ? The lady of the lamp.

6 Reading

7 By day, Florence Nightingale worked to improve the cleanliness of the hospital and brought in food and medical supplies. By day, Florence Nightingale Nightingale worked to improve the cleanliness of the hospital.... → In the daytime, Florence Nightingale worked to make the hospital cleaner....

8 At night, she walked around the hospital, caring for the wounded and sick by the light of an oil lamp. At night, she walked around the hospital, caring for the wounded and sick by the light of an oil lamp. → By night, she walked around the hospital, carrying an oil lamp to take care of those who were wounded and sick.

9 Newspaper reporters found out what she was doing and wrote about her. She became known as “The Lady of the Lamp.” She became world Famous for her work.

10 Upon her return to England, she used her great fame to reform medical care. Upon her return to England, she used her great fame to reform medical care. → As soon as she came back to England, she took advantage of her great fame to make some changes in medical care.

11 She wrote reports to show that fewer people would die if hospitals were cleaner. Her reports, filled with facts and numbers, proved her point and showed that important problems could be analyzed by using numbers. Her reports, filled with facts and numbers, proved her point and showed that important problems could be analyzed by using numbers. → Full of facts and numbers in them, her reports showed that important problems could be analyzed by using numbers and that helped her prove her idea.

12 People were persuaded by her facts and numbers. By 1861, every one of her suggested reforms was in place. by+ 時間 直到 … 為止 By yesterday, he had written her ten letters. By 1861, every one of her suggested reforms was in place. → By the year of 1861, all of the reforms she suggested were working.

13 She never fully recovered from a sickness she experienced during the war. She never fully recovered from a sickness she experienced during the war. → During the wartime, she got sick and she never got over it completely.

14 She became weak and couldn’t get out of bed, but she did not stop working to help people. She helped start the Nightingale School for training nurses in London. She spoke out for the poor. couldn’t get out of bed → was sick in bed start = establish; set up

15 Florence Nightingale’s life speaks strongly to us from the past: Florence Nightingale’s life speaks strongly to us from the past: → Florence Nightingale’s past struggle tells us something: → We may learn something from what Florence Nightingale did in the past:

16 Think for yourself, and don’t be limited by what others expect of you. Think for yourself. → Think on your own. → Do your own thinking. don’t be limited by what others expect of you. → don’t limit yourself to what other people would like you to do

17 When people don’t agree, don’t get angry. Support your views with facts. They make the best argument. make 造就;成為 This coat will make a good present for my mother. Back

18 Post-reading

19 Reading for the Main Idea ___1. Florence Nightingale is one of the greatest women in history. She devoted her life to serving people. ___2. Florence Nightingale once became head of a nursing home in London, which was open to patients of all classes and religions. ___3. Florence Nightingale helped start the Nightingale School for training nurses in London.


21 1. In this story, we learn about a great woman — Florence Nightingale — who devoted herself to helping people. Who else do you know has done so much for mankind?

22 Reference answer: Taiwan also has a great woman — Dharma Master Cheng Yen. She devoted herself to helping people. To do that, she established Tzu Chi. People from all walks of life volunteer to help Tzu Chi with charity work, such as tending the sick or helping the poor.

23 Reference answer: Even young people here are inspired by their inner good to take part in Tzu Chi projects. Like the fame of Mother Teresa in the West, in Taiwan the name Dharma Master Cheng Yen has become a symbol for the spirit of goodwill toward humanity.

24 2. In reforming medical care, Nightingale was always faced with objections. However, she never gave up and finally, people were persuaded. Have you learned anything from her life?

25 Reference answer: Yes, I’ve learned a lot. I know that success belongs to those who will never give up. And I have also learned that where there is a will, there is a way. Back

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