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Automation (21-541) Sharif University of Technology Session # 5

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1 Automation (21-541) Sharif University of Technology Session # 5
Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory Department of Industrial Engineering Sharif University of Technology Session # 5

2 Automation (21541), Session # 5
Session Schedule ‎‎‎Product lifecycle management (PLM) from automation and CIM perspective Automation & CIM role in Product development Product development cycle Concurrent engineering and automation & CIM considerations Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 2

3 Automation (21541), Session # 5
Introduction to manufacturing automation and CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) Automation: Set of all measures aiming at replacing human work through machines (e.g. automation is applied science) the technology used for this purpose (e.g. this company has an automation department) Replacement of human work through machines (e.g. the automatisation of the textile factory caused uproar of the workers) Replacement of conscious activity by reflexes (e.g. drill of the sailors allows the automatisation of ship handling) The use of computers and machines instead of people to do a job Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 3

4 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 4

5 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 5

6 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Sequential Engineering: The traditional product development process at the prototype development stage is sequential. It includes Product design, Development of manufacturing process and Supporting quality and testing activities Which are all carried out one after another. Often the need for engineering changes is discovered during planning or manufacturing or assembly. Design department in a typical sequential product development process finalizes the design without consulting the manufacturing, quality or purchase departments. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 6

7 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Sequential Engineering is often called “across the wall”: Sequential Engineering is often called “across the wall” method. Figure 2.5 illustrates the insulated way each department may function in sequential approach. Each segment of the product development team (Design, Planning, Manufacturing etc.) completes its task in isolation and passes over the documents to the next segment. There is no interaction among the groups before the design is finalized. If a serious mistake in the product is detected during testing, the revision process has to start from design, resulting in materials wastage and loss of time. In the context of extensive outsourcing, there is also need for intensive consultation between vendors and manufacturers. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 7

8 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Sequential Engineering discussions: Changes in design may be called for when the manufacturing department is unable to meet design specifications or there are problems in assembly. This will lead to inevitable conflicts, each department sticking to their own decisions and may often require intervention of senior management to resolve conflicts or differences in opinion. Time taken to product development is usually more than what is anticipated and correspondingly the response to the market requirements will be slow compared to a competing company. Design department in a typical sequential product development process finalizes the design without consulting the manufacturing, quality or purchase departments. Planning might feel it necessary to request design changes based on a number of reasons like the procurement or facility limitations. Changes in design may be called for when the manufacturing department is unable to meet design specifications or there are problems in assembly. These changes are however to be incorporated in design. The design documents are therefore sent back to the design department for incorporating the changes. The design/ redesign path is shown in Fig The design documents are passed on back and forth to incorporate design changes as illustrated. This will lead to inevitable conflicts, each department sticking to their own decisions and may often require intervention of senior management to resolve conflicts or differences in opinion. Design changes will involve both material and time wastages. In such a situation, time taken to product development is usually more than what is anticipated and correspondingly the response to the market requirements will be slow compared to a competing company which can create an error free design at the first instance. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 8

9 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Sequential Engineering discussions: Even after the prototype development stage is over, the need for design change may arise during service. Such changes are usually few in number, but are very costly. Thus in the traditional manufacturing, the design documents move sequentially through the various departments of the organization. The R & D group completes the design task and passes the data to planning, which in turn passes the information to manufacturing and so on. If any downstream department wants to introduce any change, the process has to backtrack and this often involves additional expenditure as well as inevitable delay in realizing the product. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 9

10 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering: Concurrent engineering or Simultaneous Engineering is a methodology of restructuring the product development activity in a manufacturing organization This is accomplished through using a cross functional team approach and is a technique adopted to improve the efficiency of product design and reduce the product development cycle time. Concurrent engineering is also sometimes referred to as Parallel Engineering. Concurrent Engineering brings together a wide spectrum of people from several functional areas in the design and manufacture of a product. Concurrent engineering or Simultaneous Engineering is a methodology of restructuring the product development activity in a manufacturing organization using a cross functional team approach and is a technique adopted to improve the efficiency of product design and reduce the product development cycle time. This is also sometimes referred to as Parallel Engineering. Concurrent Engineering brings together a wide spectrum of people from several functional areas in the design and manufacture of a product. Representatives from R & D, engineering, manufacturing, materials management, quality assurance, marketing etc. develop the product as a team. Everyone interacts with each other from the start, and they perform their tasks in parallel. The team reviews the design from the point of view of marketing, process, tool design and procurement, operation, facility and capacity planning, design for manufacturability, assembly, testing and maintenance, standardization, procurement of components and sub-assemblies, quality assurance etc as the design is evolved. Even the vendor development department is associated with the prototype development. Any possible bottleneck in the development process is thoroughly studied and rectified. All the departments get a chance to review the design and identify delays and difficulties. The departments can start their own processes simultaneously. For example, the tool design, procurement of material and machinery and recruitment and training of manpower which contributes to considerable delay can be taken up simultaneously as the design development is in progress. Issues are debated thoroughly and conflicts are resolved amicably. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 10

11 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering: In CE everyone interacts with each other from the start, and they perform their tasks in parallel. The team reviews the design from the point of view of marketing, process, tool design and procurement, operation, facility and capacity planning, design for manufacturability, assembly, testing and maintenance, standardization, procurement of components and sub-assemblies, quality assurance, … . Any possible bottleneck in the development process is thoroughly studied and rectified. Concurrent engineering or Simultaneous Engineering is a methodology of restructuring the product development activity in a manufacturing organization using a cross functional team approach and is a technique adopted to improve the efficiency of product design and reduce the product development cycle time. This is also sometimes referred to as Parallel Engineering. Concurrent Engineering brings together a wide spectrum of people from several functional areas in the design and manufacture of a product. Representatives from R & D, engineering, manufacturing, materials management, quality assurance, marketing etc. develop the product as a team. Everyone interacts with each other from the start, and they perform their tasks in parallel. The team reviews the design from the point of view of marketing, process, tool design and procurement, operation, facility and capacity planning, design for manufacturability, assembly, testing and maintenance, standardization, procurement of components and sub-assemblies, quality assurance etc as the design is evolved. Even the vendor development department is associated with the prototype development. Any possible bottleneck in the development process is thoroughly studied and rectified. All the departments get a chance to review the design and identify delays and difficulties. The departments can start their own processes simultaneously. For example, the tool design, procurement of material and machinery and recruitment and training of manpower which contributes to considerable delay can be taken up simultaneously as the design development is in progress. Issues are debated thoroughly and conflicts are resolved amicably. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 11

12 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering: CE gives marketing and other groups the opportunity to review the design during the modeling, prototyping and soft tooling phases of development. CAD systems especially 3D modelers can play an important role in early product development phases. CE enables the co-operation between various specialists and systematic application of special methods such as QFD (Quality Function Deployment), DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) ensures quick optimization of design and early detection of possible faults in product and production planning. Intensive teamwork between product development, production planning and manufacturing is essential for satisfactory implementation of concurrent engineering. The teamwork also brings additional advantages ; the co-operation between various specialists and systematic application of special methods such as QFD (Quality Function Deployment), DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) ensures quick optimization of design and early detection of possible faults in product and production planning. This additionally leads to reduction in lead time which reduces cost of production and guarantees better quality. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 12

13 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering: A comparison of concurrent and sequential engineering based on cost is attempted in this section. The distribution of the product development cost during the product development cycle is shown in Fig This figure shows that though only about 15% of the budget is spent at the time of design completion, whereas the remaining 85% is already committed. The decisions taken during the design stage have an important bearing on the cost of the development of the product. Therefore the development cost and product cost can be reduced by proper and careful design. CE facilitates this. The significantly large number of nonconformities detected in the later stages of product development cycle in sequential engineering results in large time and cost overrun. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 13

14 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering merits: Reduction in the number of design changes Cost of changes in design Holistic approach to product development Robust products Reduction in lead time for product development Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 14

15 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering merits: Reduction in the number of design changes The advantage of concurrent engineering over the traditional sequential (SE) and concurrent engineering (CE) is that a large number of design changes are identified and implemented at the beginning or in the early phase of product development cycle. In the case of CE this number goes on decreasing for the remaining period, whereas many changes are now and then incorporated at every stage of development in the case of traditional sequential approach. This is due to the fact that most of the design changes needed are detected early in design. The reduction in design change requests with CE is substantially less at the later stages of the product development process. Compared to this, defects are detected often during the sequential engineering process. This is shown graphically Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 15

16 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering merits: Cost of changes in design The cost of introducing a design change in a product progressively increases as the development proceeds through design and manufacturing. This can be elaborated with a simple example. If a change in the conceptual 3D CAD model costs Rs.50, 000. The same change during the planning stage would cost Rs.1, 50,000. By the time the product moves to prototyping and testing, the change may cost Rs.2, 50,000. The cost goes up to Rs.25,00,000 if the product is in the manufacturing stage and Rs.50,00,000 or more after the company releases the product to sales and marketing. Figure 2.8 illustrates this. While these numbers differ greatly from company to company and from product to product, they give a feel of the importance of feedback early in the design cycle. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 16

17 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering merits: Holistic approach to product development In CE, no longer product development is considered the exclusive activity of the design department. Participation of Planning, Manufacturing, Quality, Service, Vendor development and Marketing personnel in the development process enables the cross functional team to view the development as a total responsibility and this results in better communication among the various departments. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 17

18 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering merits: Robust products Concurrent approach to product design results in products with fewer errors It avoids the loss of goodwill of the customers due to poorly engineered products The entire product development team looks at each and every aspect of products – cost, specifications, aesthetics, ergonomics, performance and maintainability. The resulting product will naturally satisfy the customer. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 18

19 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering merits: Reduction in lead time for product development Time compression in product development is an important issue today. Concurrent engineering reduces the product development time significantly as the preparatory work in all downstream functions can take place concurrently with design. Elimination of the errors in design appreciably reduces the possibility of time overrun, enabling the development schedule to be maintained. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 19

20 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering implementation via CIM: Concurrent (Simultaneous) Engineering is an orthogonal concept that defines how concurrent and simultaneous work flows are organized and the information flow, storage, retrieval and decision making can be supported and controlled. Information Technology(IT) is the backbone of CE. Software tools are available today to perform all the manufacturing related activities. CIM tries to permit almost seamless transfer of data from one application to another. The challenge to engineering information systems today is to have the ability to handle very large amount of data and information which the engineering organizations have to cope with. Design changes, status reviews, releases and their effects on cost, delivery and quality have to be managed. It has to be made sure that the workplace of each engineer, planner and manager is not overloaded so as to make the work ineffective. Concurrent or simultaneous engineering is an orthogonal concept that defines how concurrent and simultaneous work flows are organized and the information flow, storage, retrieval and decision making can be supported and controlled. In particular the principles and methods of concurrent or simultaneous engineering integrate these activities through the information technology (IT). Hence IT is the backbone of this approach. Software tools are available today to perform all the manufacturing related activities. These tools today permit almost seamless transfer of data from one application to another. The possibilities of extensive reuse of data are another welcome feature. Naturally IT assures productivity increase and shorter overall cycle times with improved quality. The product design is currently carried out using a wide range of related and reasonably well integrated design support tools. A number of tools exist in the market which addresses the specific requirements of certain design activities. The manufacturing engineers have a wide choice today to manage product development through product life cycle management (PLM) software. However, there exists no coherent view yet as to how the design activity should be structured to provide rapid throughput of satisfactorily validated designs. The approach therefore will be to identify the necessary tools required for the design of products and include all of them in some kind of integrated platform. Concurrent engineering together with CIM aims to achieve this objective. Thus concurrent engineering helps to create an environment in which teams of product engineers can develop products from initial concept to prototype and to final product with the integration of manufacturing engineering and design of production facilities. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 20

21 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering implementation via CIM: In every phase of the product development, from concept to final design, sufficient information has to be provided to the product development team The members of the team need to take the right decisions with respect to production, production planning and product support. Special attention has to be given to the adoption of new production technologies and to take make or buy decisions including the early integration of the suppliers into the development process. The pressure to be the first in the market with a new product requires the design to be right from the beginning. Therefore in every phase of the product development, from concept to final design, sufficient information has to be provided to the product development team based on which the members of the team take the right decisions with respect to production, production planning and product support. Special attention has to be given to the adoption of new production technologies and to take make or buy decisions including the early integration of the suppliers into the development process. As a result of these requirements, information systems have to be developed which integrate the different engineering disciplines and their support tools, promoting and pushing a conversion of the currently practiced sequential work flow into a more concurrent work flow with a higher degree of parallelism to shorten the product development lead-time. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 21

22 Product lifecycle management (PLM)
Concurrent Engineering implementation via CIM: Through CIM concept, information systems have to be developed which integrate the different engineering disciplines CIM moreover integrates the various engineering support tools, promoting and pushing a conversion of the currently practiced sequential work flow into a more concurrent work flow with a higher degree of parallelism to shorten the product development lead-time. As a result of these requirements, information systems have to be developed which integrate the different engineering disciplines and their support tools, promoting and pushing a conversion of the currently practiced sequential work flow into a more concurrent work flow with a higher degree of parallelism to shorten the product development lead-time. Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology Automation (21541), Session # 5 22

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