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Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Working with Collaborators.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Working with Collaborators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Working with Collaborators

2 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Project Membership example Projects have 1 Lead and any number of Admins, Members, and Auditors Typical Class Expiration Typical Research Project

3 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Working with multiple members in a slice Research Asst Slice Lead Post-Doc Slice Member Professor Slice Admin Members of all slices in a project: Project Leads (Professor) Project Admins (Post-docs, researchers) Other can be added manually

4 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Slice Access Being a member of a slice means you can act on a slice: –Add resources –Check status –Delete resources –Renew resources With any tool!

5 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 To ensure access in collaborator’s resources: Option 1: Make resource reservation from Portal or omni Option 2: Use a common public key Add slice member’s accounts to existing resources: $ omni -V 3 poa SLICE geni_update_users --useSliceAggregates –-useSliceMembers Alternatively… $ addMemberToSliceAndSlivers myslice username Slice Access: Logging in to resources Slice membership does not guarantee ability to login to resources! Only works on InstaGENI/ProtoGENI

6 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Solutions to Common Problems

7 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Common Problems Problem: Slice did not come up (“not green”) Possible causes: –Did not wait long enough –Problem with RSpec Debug strategy: –Check slice/sliver status –Use rspeclint on your rspecs

8 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 8 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Three ways to get SliverStatus Flack –“green” is good –Use “Get Status” button to refresh status Omni –Use readyToLogin Portal –On slice page, use “Ready?” button Demo

9 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 9 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Common Problems Problem: Resources disappeared Possible causes: –Slice expired –Resources (aka slivers) expired Debug strategy: –Check slice/sliver status –Reserve resources again if expired  –Don’t rely on nodes for storage Edit scripts locally and scp to your nodes Copy data off machines

10 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 10 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Expiration and renewal slice expiration time ≤ project expiration time each resource expiration time ≤ slice expiration time each resource expiration time ≤ aggregate’s max expiration project slice resource (optional) project expiration time slice expiration time resource expiration time now In general, to extend the lifetime of your resource reservation, you must renew the slice and all resources resource

11 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 11 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Extend slice/resour ce expirations Slice and Sliver Expiration $ omni renewslice 01-31-14 # renew each sliver individually $ omni renewsliver –a gpo-ig myslice 01-31-14 $ omni renewsliver –a renci-eg myslice 01-31-14 $ omni renewsliver –a missouri-ig myslice 01-31-14 # OR renew all known slivers for “as long as possible” $ omni -V 3 renew myslice 01-31-14 -–useSliceAggregates --alap Hands-On

12 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 12 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Common Problems Problem: Can’t login to a node Possible causes: –Slice/sliver expired –Wrong username –Public key isn’t loaded, Private key is wrong or non-existing –Private key has wrong permissions (it should have 0600) –Technical issue with node Debug strategy: 1.Check the status of the sliver 2.Try having a collaborator login Look for loaded keys sudo cat ~other_user_path/.ssh/authorized_keys 3.Ask them to use ‘-v’ option ssh –v

13 Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 13 GREE-SC – July 21, 2014 Clean up now! Try this now: $ omni deletesliver SLICENAME --useSliceAggregates slice project aggregate experimenter resource

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