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TurfView Power The Dashboard Instructions November 2012 Update.

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Presentation on theme: "TurfView Power The Dashboard Instructions November 2012 Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 TurfView Power The Dashboard Instructions November 2012 Update

2 1Starting the Dashboard

3 Downloading the Dashboard A link will be emailed to you on a monthly basis. Please download the Powerpoint slideshow file (.pps) and save on your computer. Always click the Save button. Do not try to run the Dashboard on the server by clicking the Open button.

4 Starting the Dashboard Doubleclick the.pps file to open the Dashboard. If you do not have Active X enabled and are using Microsoft Office 2007, you will need to do it (a message will come up and ask you to enable it – see below) Same Password as in TurfView CDR You’ll then be asked to enter a password

5 Starting the Dashboard – Office 2010 If you are using Office 2010, you need to configure Security Settings. Open Microsoft Power Point 2010 and click File -> Options -> Trust Centre -> Trust Centre Settings -> Trusted Locations Add your preferred folder where you will save the Dashboard.

6 Dashboard Options There are 3 main sections to the Dashboard 1.The 3 top selections (“pull-down” menus) 2.The 7 Radio button immediately below are 3.The body of the dashboard which varies depending on radio button selection

7 Dashboard Options – The General tab Consists of 2 halves 1.Top shows performance 2.Bottom shows Sell out compared to Sell-in and Stock

8 Dashboard Options – The Power Brand and Speciality tab Has 3 sections, each one of the following is explained below – 1. Pie Chart shows Power Brand, Speciality and Others. On clicking a specific slice it shows top 10 records for that selection with respect to Volume, Turnover, Margin, etc. that are selected from the drop down. 2. Bar graph shows the Actual value for Volume, Turnover, Margin etc. selected from the drop down 3. Line graph shows growth/fall compared with last year.

9 Dashboard Options – The Channel Sales tab Has 3 sections, each one of the following is explained below – 1. Pie chart shows top 10 Channel / Sector wise with respect to Volume, Turnover, Margin, etc. that are selected from the drop down. 2. Bar graph shows the Actual value for Volume, Turnover, Margin etc. selected from the drop down. 3. Line graph shows growth/fall with respect to last year and plan/outlook with respect to this year

10 Dashboard Options – The Customer Metrics tab Has 4 sections – each one of the following is explained below – 1. Pie chart shows top 10 Channel / Sector wise with respect to Volume, Turnover, Margin, etc. that are selected from the drop down. 2. Actual value for Volume, Turnover etc. along with Customer counts i.e. Active, New, Lost,Risk 3. Customer Sales Frequency value for Volume, Turnover etc. along with their corresponding Customer counts. 4. Average Monthly value for Volume, Turnover etc. along with their corresponding Customer counts.

11 Dashboard Options – The Market Space tab Has 3 sections, each one of the following is explained below – 1. Pie chart shows top 10 Market Space with respect to Volume, Turnover, Margin, etc. that are selected from the drop down. 2. Bar graph shows the Actual value for Volume, Turnover, Margin etc. selected from the drop down. 3. Line graph shows growth/fall with respect to last year.

12 Dashboard Options –The Product Brand Variant tab Has 3 sections, each one of the following is explained below – 1. Pie chart shows top 10 Product Brand Variant with respect to Volume, Turnover, Margin, etc. that are selected from the drop down. 2. Bar graph shows the Actual value for Volume, Turnover, Margin etc. selected from the drop down. 3. Show growth/fall with respect to last year and plan/outlook with respect to this year

13 Dashboard Options –The Geography tab Has 3 sections, each one of the following is explained below – 1. Pie chart shows top 10 States with respect to Volume, Turnover, Margin, etc. that are selected from the drop down. 2. Bar graph shows the Actual value for Volume, Turnover, Margin etc. selected from the drop down. 3. Line graph shows growth/fall with respect to last year.

14 2Using the Dashboard

15 The Top Section Results can be viewed: For all Distributors or individual ones By Volume, Turnover, Margin, Turnover/Litre, GM/Litre or GM% Current Year or Rolling 12 months Make your selection/s by clicking on the buttons, and then picking one of the choices. There is also a “Print” button available Financial Terms

16 Navigation Rules To return to previous chart Placing the cursor over a column will trigger text over the column. If volume was selected, it will show actual litres sold in that period vs the Monthly Average Total (MAT). Double-click on the last bar of any bar chart and it will show weeks Double-click again and it will show days

17 Navigation Rules (Contd) Placing the cursor over one of the points of the plan/outlook line, will trigger text showing plan, outlook and actual values.

18 Navigation Rules (Contd) Click on a slice of any Pie chart and you can see the trend appear on the right hand side. In this specific case, the trend for the Light Servicing sector Placing the cursor inside a slice will show the actual statistics for that specific section Placing the cursor over one of the line graph points, will show the actual statistics for that month Click

19 Navigation Rules (Contd) Change View – toggle between Pie Chart and List

20 The General Tab – Overall Performance Placing the cursor over a column will trigger text over the column. If volume was selected, it will show actual litres sold in in that period vs the Monthly Average Total (MAT).. Full window option. Each half can be individually expanded to “full screen” mode.

21 The General Tab – Sell in-Sell out-Stock Sell In = Sell Out – Opening Stock + Closing Stock Show No. of Days Stock

22 The Power Brand & Speciality Tab The section shows the Sales statistics as explained before: 1.“Click” on a slice and it will show the trend. 2. Sections can be individually expanded to full window mode 3. Place cursor over pie slice to get statistics & 4. Double-click on last month’s bar chart to get data in weekly and finally in daily statistics

23 The Channel Tab The section shows the Sales statistics as explained before 1.“Click” on a slice and it will show the trend. 2. Sections can be individually expanded to full window mode 3. Place cursor over pie slice to get statistics & 4. Double-click on last month’s bar chart to get data in weekly and finally in daily statistics

24 The Customer Metrics Tab (Top Half) Shows Bar graph for Actual Volume Sales (left Y axis) Also Shows Line graphs for Active, Lost, Risk and New customers (Right Y axis) Normal navigation rules apply to Pie, Bar and line graphs

25 The Customer Metrics Tab (Bottom Half) Normal navigation rules apply to Pie, Bar and line graphs

26 The Market Space Tab The section shows the Sales statistics as explained before 1.“Click” on a slice and it will show the trend. 2. Sections can be individually expanded to full window mode 3. Place cursor over pie slice to get statistics & 4. Double-click on last month’s bar chart to get data in weekly and finally in daily statistics.

27 The Product Brand Variant Tab The section shows the Sales statistics as explained before 1.“Click” on a slice and it will show the trend. 2. Sections can be individually expanded to full window mode 3. Place cursor over pie slice to get statistics & 4. Double-click on last month’s bar chart to get data in weekly and finally in daily statistics.

28 The Geography Tab The section shows the Sales statistics as explained before 1.“Click” on a slice and it will show the trend. 2. Sections can be individually expanded to full window mode 3. Place cursor over pie slice to get statistics & 4. Double-click on last month’s bar chart to get data in weekly and finally in daily statistics.

29 Financial Terms Glossary Rolling 12 months: current month + the previous 11 months Current Year: from January current year to current month Turnover The total amount sold in monetary value within a specified time period Margin Turnover – Cost of Goods Sold Turnover / Litre Selling Price on a per litre basis GM / Litre Margin on a per per litre basis GM% Margin expressed as a percentage of cost of goods sold MAT Monthly Average Total – the monthly average over the last 12 months

30 Customer Metrics Terms Customer Counts : Active customer means “Customers with sales in the current month ”. Customer at Risk means “Customers with no recorded sales in the last three months”. New Customer means “Customers who made a purchase for the first time in the current month plus previous customers who purchased in the current month, but had not purchased for six months prior”. Lost Customer means “Customers with no recorded sales in the last six months.”

31 Customer Metrics Terms (Contd.) Customer Sales Frequency: Month1 means “Customers who only purchased in one of the last twelve months (includes new)”. Month2-3 means “Customer who made purchases in between two and three months out of the last twelve”. Month4-6 means “Customer who made purchases in between two and three months out of the last twelve”. Month7-9 means “Customer who made purchases in between two and three months out of the last twelve”. Month10-11 means “Customer who made purchases in between two and three months out of the last twelve”.

32 Customer Metrics Terms (Contd.) Average Monthly: R1M means “Customers with sales in the last one month”. R3M means “Customers with sales in the last three months”. R6M means “Customers with sales in the last six months”. R12M means “Customers with sales in the last twelve months”.


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