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Published byFelicia Williamson Modified over 10 years ago
1 10 th Meeting of National Food Security Mission Executive Committee (NFSM-EC) on 12.09.2012 Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development M.P. Bhopal
2 Area Production and Productivity 2011-12 (FFC) CropArea (Lakh ha.) Production (Lakh ton.) Productivity (Kg./ha.) Paddy16.6222.271415 Wheat49.01127.032705 Pulses-Kharif11.955.11428 Pulses-Rabi39.9036.52915 Total Pulses51.8541.63803
3 Estimated Area Production and Productivity 2012-13 CropArea (Lakh ha.) Production (Lakh ton.) Productivity (Kg./ha.) Paddy16.6524.631479 Wheat49.50134.152710 Pulses-Kharif12.116.83564 Pulses-Rabi42.6041.31970 Total Pulses54.7148.14880
4 Area, Production and yield of Pulses in M.P. Area ‘000’ ha.,Production ‘000’ tonnes, Yield – Kg/ha * Programme on Pulses under implemented from Rabi season. * * Reason for shortfall production and yield is the occurrence of drought in 17 districts out of 20 districts of NFSM Pulses * * *The reason for shortfall in yield is due to incidence of frost during Rabi and partially due to drought in 37 districts out of 50 district. YearAreaProductionProductivity 2006-0742673351785 2007-08*43982674608 2008-09 * *46373710800 2009-1047954134862 2010-11 * * *52073029582 2011-12(FFC)51854163803
5 Area, Production and yield of Wheat in M.P. Area ‘000’ ha.,Production ‘000’ tonnes, Yield – Kg/ha * Beginning year of NFSM for Wheat * * Shortfall in area is due to occurrence of drought in 24 districts out 30 NFSM districts of Wheat. YearAreaProductionProductivity 2006-07427578481916 2007-08*410167371714 2008-09 * *401072801895 2009-10447188732071 2010-11464592272073 2011-12(FFC)4901127032705
6 Area, Production and yield of Paddy in M.P. Area ‘000’ ha.,Production ‘000’ tonnes, Yield – Kg/ha * * Beginning year of NFSM for Rice * * * Decrease in area and Production is due to occurrence of Drought in all 9 NFSM districts of Rice * * * * Eight districts out of nine districts of NFSM-Rice were affected due to Drought YearAreaProductionProductivity 2006-0716841396874 2007-0816451332853 2008-09 * *17171578969 2009-10 * * *16031363896 2010-11 * * **158417741182 2011-12(FFC)166222271415
7 National Food Security Mission Financial Position (August 2012-13) CropAllocationReleaseBalance (01.04.2012) Total Availability (3+4) Expe. (Physic al basis) Balance (5-6) 1234567 Rice1341.111202.1853.551255.73544.01711.72 Wheat6313.77953.990.00953.99794.39159.60 Pulses9795.232056.970.002056.971842.05214.92 Special Plan Pulses 2018.161693.780.001693.78755.97937.81 A3P - Kharif828.00 0.00828.00707.68120.32 A3P - Rabi4420.000.00
8 PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES (NFSM-PULSES) DURING 2012-13) State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N.InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012Achievement 12345678 1Distribution of certified Seeds (a) For varieties than 10 yearsRs 2200/-Qtl400088.00170757.46 (b) For varieties more than 10 years oldRs 1200/-Qtl12000144.00316489.44 2 Demonstrations of improved Technologies : (a) Cluster DemonstrationsRs 5000/-.Ha.56000650.0010542463.49 3Integrate Nutrient Management (a) MicronutrientsRs 500/-Ha.1610080.501526373.82 (b) Lime/Gypsum/80% WG SulphurRs 750/-.Ha.800060.0026429.42 (c) Rizobium culture / PSB distribution/ Micorrizha Rs.100/-Ha.1610016.101092113.44 4Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Ha. (a) IPM PackageRs 750/-Ha.17000127.5021454142.96 (b) Distribution of NPVRs 250/-.Ha.16104.0213424.08 (c) Distribution of P.P. ChemicalsRs 500/-Ha.161008.501933695.35 (d) WeedisidesRs 500/-Ha.1000050.0025765.78
9 PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-PULSES (NFSM-PULSES) DURING 2012-13) State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N.InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012 Achievement 12345678 5Resource Conservation Technologis/ Tools : (a) Knap Sack SprayersRs 3000/-Nos.180054.00938471.63 (b) Zero Till Seed DrilsRs 15000/-Nos.203.0021.20 (c) Seed DrillsRs 15000/-Nos.40060.0041555.50 (d) RotavatorsRs 30000/-Nos.400120.00378125.80 6 Efficient Water Application Tools : (a) Distribution of Sprinkler sets Rs.7500/-Ha.100075.00108375.67 (b) Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler Rainguns Rs.15000/-Nos.20030.00110 (c) Incentive for pump setsRs.10000/-Nos.1300130.001276119.00 (d) Pipe for carrying water from source to the field Rs.15000/-Nos.2000300.001989351.30 7 Cropping System based trainingsRs.14000/-Nos.30042.0026724.63 8 Miscellaneous expenses 052.00044.83 9 Local Initiatives : Pipe for carrying water of source Rs.15000/- 20030.0011517.25 Total Financial 2124.62 1842.05
10 PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-RICE (NFSM-RICE DURING 2012-13 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N.InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012 Achievement PhyFinPhyFin 12345678 1Cluster Demonstrations (a) Direct Seeded Rice/Line Transplanting/ SRI (Target 1.5% of area of District) Rs 7500/-Ha. 3200240.00 3295165.70 (b) Cluster Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice (One Cluster or 100 ha) Rs 7500/-Ha.2200165.00213795.44 2Seed Distribution : (a) Hybrid Rice SeedRs 2000/-Qtl50010.003305.96 (b) HYVs SeedsRs 500/-Qtl1500075.00590326.79 3Plant and Soil Protection Management : (a) MicronutrientsRs 500/-Ha.20000100.001268358.43 (c) Plant Protection Chemicals & bio- agents Rs 500/-Ha.25000125.00792038.10
11 PHYSICAL & FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION-RICE (NFSM-RICE DURING 2012-13 State:- M.P. (Financial Rupees in Lakh) S.N.InterventionsApproved rate of Assistance Unit Targets Kharif 2012Achievement PhyFinPhyFin 12345678 4Resource Conservation Techniques/ Tools : (a) ConoweedersRs 3000/-Nos.150045.0048712.30 (b) Knap Sack SprayersRs 3000/-Nos.200060.00209618.96 (c) Zero Till Seed DrilsRs 15000/-Nos.203.0020.00 (e) Seed DrillsRs 15000/-Nos.40060.0021729.70 (i) RotavatorsRs 30000/-Nos.10030.00226.60 5Incentive for Pump SetsRs.10000/-Nos.1700170.0053849.60 6 Cropping System based trainingsRs.14000/-Nos.507.00433.34 7 Miscellaneous expensesRs.13.87 lakhNo. of District 971.111521.27 8 Local Initiatives : Ppe for carrying water from source to the field Nos. 1200180.007911.82 Total Finacial 1101.11 544.01
12 NFSM A3P Year 2012-13 Physical & Financial Progress Report Aug.-2012 S. No. CropTargetAchievement (Tentative) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1.1Urd 150720.00155601.00 1.2Tur 20108.002270.68 Kharif-2012 170828.00 1.3Pending Payments of 2011-2012 36.00 G. Total828.00707.68 Total Available fund – 828.00 Lakh Unit - Fin. In Lakh
13 Special Plan to achieve 19+ Million Tones of pulses Production Achievement in Kharif 2012 S.NoIntervention Target Achivement in kharif 2012 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 123456 1Pigeonpea+Cotton415024.90195011.70 2Pigeonpea+ Groundnut/soybean1943001165.8079987479.92 3 Moongbean/Urd+Maize/Sorghum/Pea rlmilet35500426.0013880166.56 4Ridge & furrow Method650065.00312531.25 5Additional Pipes for water carring6500195.00113033.9 6Urdbean Sprinkler1500112.5034225.65 7Mungbean Sprinkler22516.8800 8Critical inputs/ Catalysis Urdbean Target300010.5018656.528 9Critical inputs/ Catalysis Mungbean target4501.581300.456 Total 2018.16 755.97 * Balance amount rs. 1262.19 Lakh use in rabi 2012
14 Utilization of balance Amount Kharif 202 in Rabi 2012 Proposed Action Plan for Special Plan to achieve 19+Million Tones of pulses Production in rabi 2012 S.No.InterventionsPhysical (Ha.) Financial (Rs. In lakh) 1Wheat + Gram13662683.10 2Wheat + Lentil2500125.00 3Mustard + Gram3683184.17 4Additional Pipes for water carring5370161.10 5Sprinkler1451108.83 Total1262.19
15 Input planning and strategies for Rabi 2012-13 Issue of District wise Pulses (Rabi) & Wheat target. Arrangement of Pulses (Rabi) & Wheat seed discussion with seed corporation, beej mahasangh, N.S.C. & S.F.C.I. Arrangement of Fertilizer availability in Rabi. Arrangement of Micronutrient, P.P Chemicals, Culture and other Inputs. Resource Conservation technologies/tools (Seeddrills, Knap sack sprayers etc)
16 Appointment of Project Management Team (PMT) in NFSM Name of the PostPosition of various Posts SanctionedFilledVacant (A)State Level Posts (1) Consultants (2) Sr. Technical Assistants 5454 -4-4 5757 (B) District Level Posts (1) Consultants (2) Technical Assistants 59 198 46 162 13 36 Unit – Nos.
17 Brief over view of NFSM and A3P 1-The impact of NFSM under Paddy, Wheat & Pulses is very encouraging. 2-Production & Periodicity of NFSM crops has been considerably increased. 3-Farmers have adopted improved package of practices as demonstrated. 4-Farmers have adopted improved agri equipment as seed drill, Rotavator etc. 5-Farmers have adopted irrigation sources as- Pipe line, sprinkler, diesel pump. 6-Other farmers of surrounding area are also influenced with new technologies and have started adopting them.
18 Specific issues & Suggestion * Assistance on purchase of Breeder seed and production of foundation and certified seed should be provided. * Subsidy on irrigation water saving devices should be raised up to 75%. * Relaxation in Rice & Wheat on distribution subsidy for above 10 year varieties should be provided. * 75% financial assistance should be provided to SC/ST & small Marginal farmers in GOI schemes.. *In pulses except gram there is lack of improved disease resistant varieties.
19 Specific issues & Suggestion *Shortage of certified seeds of improved varieties at proper time. *Unavailability of notified hybrid varieties of rice from resource institution. * Lack of interest in seed production programme of early duration pulse and paddy varieties by the farmers due to their low yield potential. *To overcome the problem of availability of gypsum from IFFCO and PPL. some more companies should also be authorized.
20 * Proposal to GOI under: Utilization of Unspent balance amount:Special Plan to achieve 19+ million tones of pulses production in Kharif 2012 in Rabi 2012 - Rs 1262.19Lakhs "Increasing chickpea & pigeon pea, mung,urd & lentil production through Intensive Application of IPM under NFSM"Scheme -Conversion of 10 pigeonpea units to Chickpea units (total 20 units) Utilization of Unspent balance amount of direct seeded rice-wheat system of Rice in NFSM Wheat 2012 -Rs 159.60 Lakh * Release of amount under Pulses (Rabi) & Wheat 2012-13 from GOI for the State. * Release of amount under:Special Plan to achieve 19+ million tones of pulses production -Rs 324.38Lakh -Distribution of Sprinkler sets -Pipe for carrying water from source to the field Specific issues & Suggestion……..contd.
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