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Law & Policy Associates MECKLENBURG COUNTY Detention Operations Master Plan REPORT KIMME & Associates, Inc./Law & Policy Associates with assistance from.

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1 Law & Policy Associates MECKLENBURG COUNTY Detention Operations Master Plan REPORT KIMME & Associates, Inc./Law & Policy Associates with assistance from American University April 15, 2008

2 Law & Policy Associates Adult Jail Population

3 Law & Policy Associates 3 Adult Jail Population History 2,668 beds available 2,668 beds available  North (614), Central (1904), WRRC (150)  2,776 with Youthful Offender Addition  excludes temporary “Sprung” structure 2,671 Average Daily Population CY 2007 2,671 Average Daily Population CY 2007  956 in Calendar Year 1990  179% increase while County grew 70% 2,867 = Peak Day in 2007 (+7.5%) 2,867 = Peak Day in 2007 (+7.5%)

4 Law & Policy Associates 4

5 5 Mecklenburg 2007: 30.7 Mecklenburg 1990: 18.7 Mecklenburg Rate in 1983 = 6.8

6 Law & Policy Associates 6 OvercrowdingOvercrowding Partly function of Peaks & Classification Partly function of Peaks & Classification High security and special needs areas not used for other classifications High security and special needs areas not used for other classifications Overcrowding in minimum-medium pods Overcrowding in minimum-medium pods  14, 56 bed pods; each has 75-85 inmates Averaged 399 inmates “on the floor” daily in 2007 (Calendar year calculation) Averaged 399 inmates “on the floor” daily in 2007 (Calendar year calculation)  Peak of 586 (September 25) 400-500 Bed Shortfall today 400-500 Bed Shortfall today

7 Law & Policy Associates 7 Inmates “On-the-Floor”

8 Law & Policy Associates BASE ADP, Facility, Cost Projections

9 Law & Policy Associates 9 “BASE” ADP Projections (total system: North, Central, WRRC) System processes as they are System processes as they are Linked to county growth Linked to county growth  695,000 in 2000  1,600,000 by 2027 (+130%)

10 Law & Policy Associates 10 Space Planning - BASE Needs Space Needs provided in 2 phases Space Needs provided in 2 phases Phase 1: Phase 1:  Initiate planning immediately  2,404 new beds, 5,180 total when done  Open in 2012  Satisfies needs through 2020 Phase 2: Phase 2:  2,144 new beds, 7,324 total when done  Satisfies needs through 2030

11 Law & Policy Associates 11 Preliminary Schedule - BASE 825 Bed Shortfall by 2012 1,000 by 2013

12 Law & Policy Associates 12 Phase 1 Space Needs 2020 1,060,000 sq.ft. available today

13 Law & Policy Associates 13 Phase 2 Space Needs 2030

14 Law & Policy Associates 14 Construction Costs - BASE Needs (in 2008 dollars) Phase 1: $290-$355 million Phase 1: $290-$355 million  Annual payment at 5%, 20 years  Based on average construction cost  $26.0 million annually Construction Inflation = 7% annually Construction Inflation = 7% annually Phase 2: $240-$300 million Phase 2: $240-$300 million  Annual payment at 5%, 20 years  $21.8 million annually

15 Law & Policy Associates 15 Annual Operational Costs - BASE Needs (in 2007 dollars) Operations/Staffing/Utilities Operations/Staffing/Utilities Current Costs: $80 million Current Costs: $80 million Future costs above 2007 costs: Future costs above 2007 costs:  Phase 1 in opening year (2012): +$12.6 million (16%)  Phase 1 in 2020: +$47 million (59%)  Phase 2 in 2030: +$97 million (122%)

16 Law & Policy Associates 16 Combined Annual Cost Increases- BASE Phase 1 in opening year (2012): $39 million above 2007 costs Phase 1 in opening year (2012): $39 million above 2007 costs Phase 1 in 2020: $73 million Phase 1 in 2020: $73 million Phase 2 in 2030: $145 million Phase 2 in 2030: $145 million  Includes overlapping building payments on phases 1 & 2 ($26.0M plus $21.8M)

17 Law & Policy Associates Recommended Approaches to Managing Jail Population Size

18 Law & Policy Associates 18 Reducing ALOS

19 Law & Policy Associates 19 Consensus Plan Policy Elements, Costs ($2.6 million*), & ADP Savings *Excludes cost of space

20 Law & Policy Associates 20 Total estimated annual cost of $2.6 million to: Implement revised bond / pretrial release policy Implement pre-warrant screening of citizen complaints Expedite resolution of jailed misdemeanor cases

21 Law & Policy Associates 21 Total estimated annual cost of $2.6 million to (continued) : Expedite disposition of jailed non- homicide felony cases (45% of total) Expedite resolution of jailed homicide cases Prompt resolution of jailed probation violation cases Enhance capacity of problem-solving courts

22 Law & Policy Associates MODIFIED ADP, Facility, Cost Projections

23 Law & Policy Associates 23 BASE & MODIFIED ADP Projection Summary

24 Law & Policy Associates 24 Space Planning - MODIFIED Phase 1: Phase 1:  Initiate planning immediately  Similar 400 bed shortfall as today by 2012  1,644 new beds, 4,420 total when done  760 beds less than BASE needs  Satisfies needs through 2020 Phase 2: Phase 2:  1,848 new beds, 6,268 total when done  1,056 total beds less than BASE  Satisfies needs through 2030

25 Law & Policy Associates 25 Construction Costs - MODIFIED Needs (2008 dollars) Phase 1: $205-250 million Phase 1: $205-250 million  Annual payment at 5%, 20 years  $18.2 million (based on average project cost) Phase 2: $210-255 million Phase 2: $210-255 million  Annual payment at 5%, 20 years  $18.7 million

26 Law & Policy Associates 26 Annual Operational Costs - MODIFIED Needs (2007 dollars) Operations/Staffing/Utilities : Operations/Staffing/Utilities : Current Costs: $80 million Current Costs: $80 million Future costs above current costs: Future costs above current costs:  Phase 1 in opening year (2012): +$3.1 million (3.9%)  Phase 1 in 2020: +$32 million (40%)  Phase 2 in 2030: +$70 million (89%)

27 Law & Policy Associates 27 Combined Annual Cost Increases- MODIFIED Phase 1 in opening year (2012): $21 million Phase 1 in opening year (2012): $21 million Phase 1 in 2020: $50 million Phase 1 in 2020: $50 million Phase 2 in 2030: $107 million Phase 2 in 2030: $107 million  Includes overlapping building payments on phases 1 & 2 ($18.2M & $18.7M)

28 Law & Policy Associates Estimated SAVINGS from Implementing Consensus Changes

29 Law & Policy Associates 29 COMBINED ANNUAL SAVINGS (Base minus Modified Costs) Phase 1 in opening year (2012): $17.3 million gross savings Phase 1 in opening year (2012): $17.3 million gross savings  Gross System Change Cost = $2.6 million  Net savings = $14.7 million annual  More than 5 to 1 return on investment

30 Law & Policy Associates 30 Gross Cost Estimate Summary (annual project and operational costs in $millions) Calculated In Current Dollars

31 Law & Policy Associates 31 Gross Life Cycle Cost Savings Includes Building Financing Includes Building Financing  20 years, 5% average rate  7% inflation for Ph. 1  4.5% inflation for Ph. 2 Includes Inflation: Includes Inflation:  CPI last 3 years = 2.7%  3% assumed Over 19 year life cycle: Over 19 year life cycle:  $780 million saved

32 Law & Policy Associates 32 Gross Life Cycle Costs of Consensus Change & Net Savings Life Cycle Costs of Consensus Changes Life Cycle Costs of Consensus Changes  $2.6 million in current dollars  3% inflation annually, grow w/population  Costs begin in FY 2008-09 GROSS Life Cycle Costs = $125 Million GROSS Life Cycle Costs = $125 Million NET Life Cycle Savings = NET Life Cycle Savings =  $655 Million

33 Law & Policy Associates 33 Maintaining the Savings Continue to monitor/assess progress Continue to monitor/assess progress Develop monitoring tools and processes Develop monitoring tools and processes Re-assess need for additional supporting assets regularly (staff, space, technology) Re-assess need for additional supporting assets regularly (staff, space, technology)

34 Law & Policy Associates MECKLENBURG COUNTY Detention Operations Master Plan REPORT KIMME & Associates, Inc./Law & Policy Associates with assistance from American University April 15, 2008

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