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Published byJob Hardy Modified over 9 years ago
Fuel Cells Technology Management Association of Chicago
Arlington Heights, IL February 5, 2007 Thomas G. Benjamin J. David Carter Argonne National Laboratory
Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Parting Shots Hydrogen Storage Resources
2004 U.S. Energy Flow in Quadrillion BTUs
U.S. Domestic Energy Deficit (2004)
Total Energy Use = Quadrillion BTU* Total Energy Production = Quadrillion BTU Shortfall = 29.5 QBTU Petroleum shortfall = 27.7 QBTU 2/3 of oil consumption is related to transportation *101.9 Quads used in 2005
U.S. Demand and Dependence on Foreign Oil Driven by Transportation Sector
Million barrels per day Note: Domestic production includes crude oil, NG plant liquids, refinery gain, and other inputs, consistent with AER Table 5.1. Source: Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 24, ORNL-6973, and EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2006, Feb
Comparative Vehicle Technologies: Well-to-Wheels Petroleum Energy Use
1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 H2 from Central Nuclear to H2 FCV H2 from Central Coal with Seq. to H2 FCV Central Wind Electro to H2 FCV Central Biomass to H2 FCV Distributed Wind Electro to H2 FCV NG Distributed H2 FCV Diesel HEV Gasoline HEV Current GV Well-to-Wheel Petroleum Energy Use (Btu/mi.) Well to Pump Pump to Wheel
Comparative Vehicle Technologies: Well-to-Wheels Greenhouse Gas Emissions
100 200 300 400 500 H2 from Central Nuclear to H2 FCV H2 from Central Coal with Seq. to H2 FCV Central Wind Electro to H2 FCV Central Biomass to H2 FCV Distributed Wind Electro to H2 FCV NG Distributed H2 FCV Diesel HEV Gasoline HEV Current GV Well-to-Wheel Greenhouse Gas Emissions (g/mi.) Well to Pump Pump to Wheel
How much power do we need?
Domestic use Computer = 150 W Refrigerator = 800 W House = 2-10 kW Small Building = 250 kW Transportation Honda Insight = 60 kW Corvette = 300 kW Hummer = 420 kW Heavy Truck = kW 1 horsepower (hp) = BTU/h 3/4 kilowatt (kW)
Power Generation Options
Coal-fired Power Plant 1 GW Nuclear Plant 1 GW Hoover Dam 120 MW Largest windmills 3 MW Fuel Cell Modules 1W to 2 MW Photovoltaic Plant 4 MW
Fuel Cells- History and Definition Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- History and Definition Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Parting Shots Hydrogen Storage Resources
Reid describes first Alkaline FC (using KOH electrolyte)
Sir William Grove invents first fuel cell (H2SO4 + Pt Electrodes, H2 and O2) Jacques develops FC for household use Nernst first uses Zirconia as a solid electrolyte Baur constructs first Molten Carbonate FC Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company demonstrates a 20-horsepower FC powered tractor General Electric develops first Polymer Electrolyte FC (PEFC) Nafion first introduced – more stable PEM FC constructed Space applications: AFC used in Apollo missions, PEM used in Gemini missions Oil crisis creates new impetus for FC funding, PAFC and MCFC developed initially First commercial power plant begins operation (200kW PC25 PAFC) 1839 1896 1900 1902 1921 1962 1965 1973 1992 1959 2002 FC systems entering several test markets
Photographs from FC History
William Jacques' carbon battery, 1896 William Grove's drawing of an experimental “gas battery“, 1843 US Army MCFC, 1966 Allis-Chambers PAFC engine, 1965
A Fuel Cell is similar to a rechargeable battery
Fuel Cell – Electrochemical energy conversion device in which fuel and oxidant react to generate electricity without any consumption, physically or chemically, of its electrodes or electrolyte. Fuel cell: reactants supplied continuously and electrodes invariant Overall Fuel Cell Reactions: H2 + O2 H2O + heat + electrons Fuel Cell _ + Air H2 H2O Storage cell: reactants self contained and electrodes consumed Lead-Acid Battery Reaction Pb + PbO2 + H2SO4 2 PbSO4 + 2 H2O + _ H2SO4 Pb Storage Cell
PEMFC: Protons formed ½O2 + 2H+ + 2e- H2O H2 2H+ + 2e- Bipolar Plate
FUEL CELL PRIMER Bipolar Plate Cathode + Anode - Electrolyte H+ HYDROGEN (H2) OXYGEN (O2) O- e - WATER (H2O) + HEAT PEMFC: Protons formed at the anode diffuse through the electrolyte and react with electrons and oxygen at the cathode to form water and heat. H+ ½O2 + 2H+ + 2e H2O H H+ + 2e-
Single cells are arranged into “stacks” to increase total voltage and power output
Cathode: O2 + 4H+ + 4e- 2H2O V Anode: H2 4H+ + 4e V Total Cell: H2 + O2 2H2O V per cell Power = Volts X Amps Ballard PEFC Stack
Thermal & Water Management Electric Power Conditioner
Fuel Cell System Fuel Processor Fuel Cell Stack Spent-Gas Burner Thermal & Water Management Air H2 Exhaust Electric Power Conditioner
On-Board Fuel Processing
Fuel Processor BARRIERS Fuel processor start-up/ transient operation Durability Cost Emissions and environmental issues H2 purification/CO cleanup Fuel processor system integration and efficiency Fuel Processor Power Bipolar Plate Cathode + Anode - Electrolyte H+ HYDROGEN OXYGEN e O 2
Power Fuel Cell Challenges Bipolar Plate Cathode + Anode - Electrolyte H+ HYDROGEN OXYGEN e O 2 Durability Cost Electrode Performance Water Transport Within the Stack Thermal, Air and Water Management Start-up Time and Energy Cost and durability present two of the more significant technical barriers to the achievement of clean, reliable, cost-effective systems.
Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Parting Shots Hydrogen Storage Resources
Five major types of fuel cells
COMPARISON OF 5 TYPES OF FUEL CELLS Fuel Cell Type Temperature Applications Electrolyte / Ion Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) ° C Electric utility Portable power Transportation Perfluorosulfonic acid / H+ Alkaline (AFC) 90 – 100° C Military Space KOH / OH- Phosphoric Acid (PAFC) 175 – 200° C Distributed power H3PO4 / H+ Molten Carbonate (MCFC) 600 – 1000° C (Li,K,Na)2CO3 / CO2- Solid Oxide (SOFC) APUs (Zr,Y) O2 / O- PEM – Low temperature allows for quick start-up, transient response – good for transportation
Alkaline Fuel Cell (AFC)
Applications Space Transportation Features High performance Very sensitive to CO2 Expensive Pt electrodes Status “Commercially” available AFCs from Apollo & Spaceshuttle Spacecrafts-- NASA Equations Cathode: ½O2 + H2O + 2e¯ → 2OH¯ Anode: H2 + 2OH¯ → 2H2O + 2e¯
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell
Applications Distributed power plants Combined heat and power Some buses Features Some fuel flexibility High efficiency in cogeneration (85%) Established service record Platinum catalyst Status Commercially available but expensive Excellent reliability and availability Millions of hours logged UTC Fuel Cells 200-kW Equations Cathode: ½O2 + 2H+ + 2e¯ → H2O Anode: H2 → 2H+ + 2e¯
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
Applications Distributed power plants Combined heat and power Features Fuel flexibility (internal reforming) High efficiency High temperature good for cogeneration Base materials (nickel electrodes) Corrosive electrolyte Status Pre-Commercially available but expensive Fuel Cell Energy MCFC stack Equations Cathode: ½O2 + CO2 + 2e¯ → CO3= Anode: H2 + CO3= → 2H2O + CO2 + 2e¯
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Equations Cathode: O2 + 2e¯ → 2O=
Applications Truck APUs Distributed power plants Combined heat and power Features Slow start – subject to thermal shock High temperature High power density (watts/liter) Can use CO and light hydrocarbons directly “Cheap” components, solid electrolyte Low-yield manufacture Status Vehicle APUs Equations Cathode: O2 + 2e¯ → 2O= Anode: H2 + O= → H2O + 2e¯
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells
Applications Transportation, Forklifts, etc. Power backup systems Consumer electronics with methanol fuel Features Quick start Low temperature Expensive Pt electrodes Easy manufacture Operating window limits 53-67% thermal efficiency Status Vehicle demonstrations underway Stationary/backup power “commercially” available Toyota Fuel Cell Forklift Equations Cathode: ½O2 + 2H+ + 2e¯ → H2O Anode: H2 → 2H+ + 2e¯
Direct Methanol Polymer Electrolyte FC (DMFC)
Applications Miniature applications Consumer electronics Battlefield Features A subset of Polymer Electrolyte Modified polymer electrolyte fuel cell components Methanol crossover lowers efficiency Status Pre-Alpha to Beta testing Endplate O2 in CH3OH out Cathode Anode Bipolar plate O2 out CH3OH in Equations Cathode: O2 + 6H+ + 6e¯ → 3H2O Anode: CH3OH + H2O → CO2 + 6H+ + 6e¯
Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Parting Shots Hydrogen Storage Resources
Anatomy of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell and Challenges
Platinum catalyst Electrocatalyst: High cost of platinum-based electrocatalyst Catalyst support: Loss of surface and electrode contact of amorphous carbon under oxidative environment Component: Gas Diffusion Layer (GDL) and bipolar plates account for 10% of stack cost Carbon support Membrane Catalyst GDL Bipolar Plate Half Cell e- H+ O2 e- H2 H2 e- H2 H2O e- GDL Electrolyte GDL Cathode Anode
Significant Barriers to PEM Fuel Cell Commercialization
Durability Membranes, catalysts, gas diffusion media, fuel cell stacks, and systems over automotive drive cycles Cost Materials and manufacturing costs: catalysts, membranes, bipolar plates, and gas diffusion layers Performance Tolerance to impurities such as carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds, and ammonia Operation under higher temperature, low relative humidity conditions as well as sub-freezing conditions
PEM Fuel Cell System (80kWe) Development Targets for Transportation Applications
Key Challenges Units 2006 Status 2015 Target Cost $/kW 110 30 Lifetime (durability w/ cycling) hours ~1,000 5,000 Other Challenges Precious Metal Loading g/kW (rated) 1.1 0.2 Power Density W/L 525 650 Start-up Time to 50% of Rated Power at: - 20oC ambient temp sec 20 + 20oC ambient temp <10 5 Start-up and Shut Down Energy at: MJ 7.5 n/a 1
Effect of potential cycling on Pt dissolution/agglomeration
Cycling range: 0.4 to 0.9 V Particle diameters: 2 to 4 nm Some particles have a diameter of 6 nm Particle diameters: 2 to 6 nm Some particles have a diameter of 10 nm Cycling range: 0.4 to 1.2 V Increase in Pt particle size with cycling Particle size increases with increasing potential Increased particle size leads to decreased surface area and decreased activity Improved durability with no performance loss
Improved performance of Pt-alloy catalyst
Mitigation of sulfur poisoning of PEMFC H2S on H2S off Air on Air off N2 purge H2 on Increased Activity: > 10x LANL Anode poisoned with 1 ppm H2S Anode is at OCV before air exposure Air bled overnight Cell recovered almost fully
Current Membranes Have Poor Conductivity at Low Relative Humidity
Membranes with good conductivity (~0.1 S/cm) at low (25-50%) RH would reduce or eliminate external humidification requirements Simpler system lowers cost and improves durability 20 0.01 0.10 1.00 40 60 80 100 Relative Humidity (%) Conductivity (S/cm) SPTES-50 (80C) Low EW PFSA (80C) Nafion 112 (80C) Ideal Desired mV loss at 1 A/cm 2 for 25 micron membrane 250 25 2.5 Nafion® 112, sulfonated polyarylenethioethersulfone (SPTES), and low-EW (<800) PFSA. Desired (50% RH inlet, 150 kPa, OC) and ideal (0% RH inlet, 120 kPa, 100OC) conductivity characteristics indicated (M. Mathias et al. , Prepr. Pap. ACS, Div. Fuel Chem. 2004, 49(2) 471.)
Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Parting Shots Hydrogen Storage Resources
Key Transportation Fuel Cell Targets
Integrated Transportation Fuel Cell Power System (80 kWe) Operating on Direct Hydrogen $45/kW by 2010 $30/kW by 2015 5,000 hours durability by 2010 (80OC) – 150,000 miles at 30 mph
Technology Validation Learning Demonstrations
Objectives Validate H2 FC Vehicles and Infrastructure in Parallel Identify Current Status of Technology and its Evolution Assess Progress Toward Technology Readiness Provide Feedback to H2 Research and Development Photo: NREL Hydrogen refueling station, Chino, CA Key Targets Performance Measure 2009 2015 Fuel Cell Stack Durability 2000 hours 5000 hours Vehicle Range 250+ miles 300+ miles Hydrogen Cost at Station $3/gge $2-3/gge
Technology Validation learning demonstrations
Courtesy K. Wipke, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Representative Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure
LAX refueling station Hydrogen and gasoline station, WA DC Chino, CA DTE/BP Power Park, Southfield, MI Courtesy K. Wipke, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Refueling Stations Test Vehicle/Infrastructure
Northern California Southern California Florida Additional Planned Stations (3) Additional Planned Stations (4) SE Michigan Mid-Atlantic Additional Planned Stations (2) Courtesy K. Wipke, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
No major safety problems encountered.
First 5 quarters of project completed: 69 vehicles now in fleet operation. An additional 62 planned for with 50,000-mile fuel cell systems. 10 stations installed deployment of new H2 refueling stations for this project is about 50% complete. No major safety problems encountered. Fuel cell durability: Maximum: 950 hours (ongoing) Average: 715 hours Range: 100 to 190 miles
Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Parting Shots (of fuel cells) Hydrogen Storage Resources
Stationary Fuel Cell Power Systems
Fuel Cell Energy 2 MW MCFC Plug Power 7kW Residential PEFC Siemens-Westinghouse 100kW SOFC Ballard 250kW PEFC Plug Power 10 kW Residential unit UTC Fuel Cells 200kW PAFC Courtesy of Breakthrough Technologies Institute:
Portable Fuel Cell Power Systems
Fraunhofer ISE Micro-Fuel Cell Plug Power FC powered highway road sign Ballard FC powered laptop MTI Micro Fuel Cells RFID scanner Plug Power FC powered video camera Courtesy of Breakthrough Technologies Institute:
Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Parting Shots (of fuel cells) Hydrogen Storage Resources
Current Status of Hydrogen Storage Systems No storage technology meets 2010 or 2015 targets
Status vs. Targets
Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells
Outline The US Energy Picture Fuel Cells- Definition and History Types of Fuel Cells PEM Fuel Cells Learning Demonstration Hydrogen storage Resources
Fact sheets available in the web site library
For More Information Fact sheets available in the web site library Find.... The latest news, reports & announcements Status information about program solicitations Fuel cell and hydrogen "basics" information
Fuel Cells 2000
US Fuel Cell Council
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