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Chief Operating Officer Annual Report. Xaada’a ‘la’a isis (Good people) Dii’ uu xaat’a’agang (I am Haida) Ga qu’udaas uu dii k’wa’alaagang (I belong to.

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Presentation on theme: "Chief Operating Officer Annual Report. Xaada’a ‘la’a isis (Good people) Dii’ uu xaat’a’agang (I am Haida) Ga qu’udaas uu dii k’wa’alaagang (I belong to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chief Operating Officer Annual Report

2 Xaada’a ‘la’a isis (Good people) Dii’ uu xaat’a’agang (I am Haida) Ga qu’udaas uu dii k’wa’alaagang (I belong to the Eagle clan) S’ak’saani hi’n uu di’I kya’a’ang (My name is S’ak’saani ) 2

3 Haida Name:S’ak’saani Tlingit Name:Daanna’ Shawa’at (Money Woman) Haida Clan: Eagle/Frog/Sculpin Tlingit Clan: Raven/Coho 3

4 2014 Overall Results Trust Fund 2014 General Fund 2014 Shortfall & Tribal Direct Deficit Reduction 2015 Amended & 2016 Proposed Budget 2014 Accomplishments 4

5 2015 Initiatives Committee Introductions New Manager Introductions 5

6 DescriptionAmountAudit Page Beginning Fund Balance$11,132,55144 Interest and Dividend Income264,40244 Realized loss/gain381,08244 Change in Gain98,71144 Investment Fees-39,11244 Transfers Out-493,26044 Ending Balance$11,344,37444 6

7 Completed 2014 Audit with no findings VTRC incurred net losses of $19,634 Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall incurred net losses of $103,706 –Loss of lease to MCA (Multiple Charities Association) –Moved Child Care and Vocational Rehabilitation to the space formerly leased to SEARHC Moved Office of the President to the Thomas Building 7

8 DescriptionAmountPage In Audit Miscellaneous Income22,78548 Administration-5,197,39748 Indirect Recovery6,131,68448 Tribal Direct-216,16448 Total Expenditures718,12348 Excess Revenue over Expenditures740,90848 Trust Fund Transfer for 2014493,26044 Shortfall-146,93548 Proprietary-136,57448 Total Other Financing Sources In209,75156 Net Change in Fund Balance950,65948 General Fund Beginning Balance599,15248 Fund Balance End of Year1,549,84148 8

9 FundShortfall BudgetShortfall Actual CSBG$43,610$77,409 Child Welfare Services$10,587$16,575 NAGPRA$2,150$12,145 Youth Suicide Prevention$673$13,916 SE Rural SS0$17,608 Preserving Heritage1160 State Training & Employment0$9,282 Total$57,136$146,935 9

10 DescriptionAmountPage in Audit Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall-82,478100 VTRC-19,634100 THTI Miscellaneous-12,845100 Income(loss) from Operations-114,95723 Interest In loss of T&H Services-146,74223 Contributed Capital141,00123 Interest Expense-21,22823 Total Non-Operating Revenue & Expenses-26,96923 Transfer Out-113,42623 Trust Fund Transfer In250,00023 Total Other Financing sources (uses)136,57423 10

11 BIA Compact –2014 Direct Expenditures $7,200,224 –2013 Permanent Sequestration of $246,254 Eliminated Department of Self-Governance that funded two positions Transferred duties to Business and Economic Development and Finance Department 11

12 Eliminated shortfall on VPSO grant by: –Submitting an administrative rate –Negotiating with the SOA Department of Public Safety Eliminated shortfall on the USDA Food grant Transferred health insurance to Federal Employee Health benefit plan that resulted in savings of $123,650 to the tribe 12

13 Transferred 50% of Tribal Assembly cost to the compact Transferred 50% of Executive Council costs from the indirect cost pool to the compact Added receptionist position to the Thomas Building Added Communication Coordinator Added $35,000 to upgrade accounting software Added $125,000 to support THTBC 13

14 Effective December 23, 2014 Required that tribes exclude 50% of Executive Council costs from the Indirect Cost Pool Required that tribes exclude 50% of Tribal Assembly costs from the Indirect Cost Pool 14

15 3.0% COLA Budgeted 15

16 Completed 2014 with no audit findings Completed Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall prior to 2014 Tribal Assembly Replaced the sprinkler system on the 3 rd floor of the Hope building Submitted applications to put all the Juneau Indian Village lots into trust 16

17 Awarded a Department of Justice grant to fund the second chance program to help inmates secure training and employment Awarded a Department of Energy grant to retrofit the mechanical and electrical upgrades to the Hope building Opened a Facebook page for the tribe Moved from Mendenhall Mall to the Federal Building resulting in savings 17

18 Remodel 3 rd floor of the Hope Building Install energy efficient lighting Replace the exterior of the Hope Building Obtain a tax exempt loan to pay for the trusses, 3 rd floor remodel, and new siding 18

19 19

20 James Jack, Sr. (Chair) Marvin Adams Veronica Dalton Will Micklin Helene Simpson 20

21 Yodean Armour Jackie Johnson Pata Catherine Edwards Sam Hanlon, Jr. Diane McKinley 21

22 Jodi Wise, Human Resources Manager Elizabeth Moore, Employment & Training Manager Stephanie Masse, TANF Manager Brian McHenry, IT Manager Grace Singh, Special Assistant to the President Carley Jackson, Administrative Assistant, Office of the President Helene Bennett, Administrative Assistant II to the COO 22

23 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this last year! Háw’aa Gunalchéesh 23

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