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Overall the recurring budget increase is $9.8 million. In addition, the budget has $9.5 million of carry forward funds. This budget reflects no tuition.

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2 Overall the recurring budget increase is $9.8 million. In addition, the budget has $9.5 million of carry forward funds. This budget reflects no tuition increase for either the undergraduate or graduate programs In addition, this budget is based on 10,300 FTE. We are projecting to have 10,187 FTE. Therefore, it includes a reserve for enrollment shortfall. Funded new initiatives addressing UNF needs that also respond to BOG metrics

3 Total general revenue and lottery for 14/15 is $91 million. After 6 years, general revenue and lottery now is higher than $90.8 million in 07/08. Without including PO&M dollars, general revenue and lottery for 14/15 was $72.3 million compared to $79.2 million in 07/08. This increase in general revenue and lottery is the highest increase and the second highest increase in total budget including tuition since 2003/04

4 The budget increases recurring and non recurring reserves to $5.4 million or 3.4% of the total budget. Adding in the reserves for enrollment shortfall, the overall reserve is 3.9% of the operating budget. Of the total E&G budget, 77.0% of the budget is salaries and benefits and OPS, 4% is utilities and the remaining 19% is operating expenses

5 Each division reviewed their operations to determine expenses that could be reduced. A controlled spending committee continued to meet to review spending throughout the year and look for methods to create greater efficiencies. Year to date, the university had purchasing savings of $657K this fiscal year due to sourcing and contracting by the Purchasing Department The vacancy pool committee continued its review process.

6 Development and Alumni Affairs will be combining Alumni Services and Annual Giving to create a more strategic approach to engagement and giving with a greater long term return on investment. Shifted the Office of Academic Testing from being underneath the Office of Institutional Research and Testing, to being underneath the Division of Continuing Education. This change significantly increases the future revenue potential for the center, as Continuing Education brings promotional expertise, knowledge of new markets, and needed operational attention. Use of part-time nurse practitioners to help staff Student Medical Center. Savings supported the department’s ability to pilot a nurse triage after-hours care line

7 Restructured Academic Affairs, in which we: Eliminated an Associate Provost position Created a full-time AVP of Academic Technology & Innovation Hired a new Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies / Director of Honors Reallocated five lines among the colleges Administration and Finance reallocated resources to fund a new IT Systems Engineer and additional operational expenses for Information Technology.

8 Increase: Annualization of Tuition Increase - $441 thousand Decrease: Base tuition adjustment for FTE – $1.2 million Increase: Plant, Operations and Maintenance for new warehouse - $675 thousand Increase: $7.4 million in performance funding Increase: $3.1 million in Culture of Completion and Career Initiative

9 $4.5 million - Allocation from new $100 million to the system $676 thousand ($2.9 million – Base Funds Reallocated, $3.6 million – Base Funding Allocated) $2.2 million – Performance funding from 13/14

10 1) 2013/14 Educational & General allocation (Initial) $144,028,962 Salary Increases $1,759,292 Health benefits $1,372,318 Retirement benefits $242,896 Adjusted 2013/14 base allocation $147,403,468 2) 2014/15 New Allocation Funding: Enrollment growth none for the system Annualization of 12/13 Tuition Increase $441,068 Base Tuition Adjustment ($1,205,820) Performance Funding(net) $7,360,977 Culture of Completion and Career Initiative $2,500,000 Plant, Operations and Maintenance for new space $675,325 New E&G Funding $9,771,550 2014/15 Educational & General allocation(recurring) $157,175,018

11 New E & G Funding $9,771,550 Reserves (2013/14 Recurring) $5,733,503 Savings from Alternative FICA $175,000 TOTAL RECURRING DOLLARS: $15,680,053

12 Culture of completion and career initiative $600,000 Callback, Enrollment Shortfall and Tuition reserve $5,059,000 Prior year balance(Unallocated) $1,707,000 Unspent funds, salary savings $2,484,000 Interest $300,000 TOTAL NONRECURRING DOLLARS: $10,150,000

13 State callback $1,769,431 recurring $3,585,688 nonrecurring Reserve for enrollment shortfall $800,000 Executive reserve $200,000 recurring $400,000 nonrecurring

14 State Funded FTE 2013/14 Actual FTE 2014/15 FTE Targets Lower division 3,6203,4733,620 Upper division 5,4695,7015,609 Master's level 827797814 Doctoral level 130136138 Total 10,04610,10710,181 College Percent of Target Arts and Sciences 44.9% Brooks 22.8% Education 15.2% Coggin 12.3% Computing, Engineering, Construction 4.7%


16 School Basic metric Increase Decrease FIU $35,100 -1% FAU $34,900 1% USF $34,600 4% UNF $34,200 4% UCF $33,700 1% UF $33,100 6% FGCU $32,900 0% UWF $31,00 0% FSU $30,300 0% FAMU $30,000 5% NCF $21,200 -1% School Basic metric Increase Decrease FAU 70% 0% FGCU 70% 0% UCF 69% 0% UNF 69%* -2% USF 69% -1% FIU 67% -1% UF 63% 0% FSU 61% -3% UWF 60% 0% FAMU 60% -3% NCF 44% -5% Employment Wages FIRST -YEAR POST-GRADUATION EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME *Prior year UNF was at 71% and tied for first place

17 Personnel Assistant director of marketing and programming for Career Services. Goals include increased student participation in career exploration/development and connecting current students with UNF alumni for mentoring and internship programs. $60,570 Move COAS career coordinator to a fulltime position. $16,358 Operating Expenses Increase marketing and outreach budget $5,000

18 School Basic metric Increase Decrease UCF $21,060 4% USF $24,340 4% UF $24,940 0% FSU $25,500 2% FIU $26,730 0% UNF $29,3503% FAU $32,430 -2% NCF $74,640 0% FGCU$29,240 -2% UWF$31,080 1% FAMU$37,950 2% AVERAGE COST PER UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE

19 Personnel 17 visiting faculty lines (Arts and Sciences, Education, Construction Management) $965,900 Adjuncts and overloads for all colleges $1,053,155 Faculty salary increases 4% and CI* Accounting Examination of principles of financial accounting Examination of differential course effort More efficient course scheduling *While faculty raises will increase the overall cost, it’s assumed that other universities will also be giving raises

20 School Basic metric Increase Decrease UF 96% 1% FSU 90% 0% USF 87% 2% UCF 86% 0% NCF 81% -2% FIU 78% 3% UNF 76% -2% FAMU 72% 7% FGCU 72% 1% FAU 70% -3% UWF 63% 0% School Basic metric Increase Decrease UF 86% 1% FSU 76% 1% NCF 66% -3% UCF 66% 1% USF 61% 7% FIU 50% 3% UNF 49%* 2% UWF 44% -2% FGCU 43%-1% FAU 40% 0% FAMU 39% 0% Graduation Retention GRADUATION AND RETENTION RATES *57% graduated from SUS schools

21 Personnel Math Emporium Director $54,000 Coordinator for supplemental instruction $63,456 Advising lines $242,200 Retention, recruitment, outreach coordinator for computing and engineering $53,840 Technology College Scheduler $18,000 JumpForward $14,500

22 School Basic metric Increase Decrease FAMU65 % 13 % FIU 47% -2% FAU 41% 0% USF 41% 0% UWF 39%2 % UCF 38% 2% UNF 36% 1% FGCU 35% 1% UF 32% 0% FSU 30% -1% NCF 29% -1% PELL GRANTS - ACCESS

23 Incentive and support funding Need based grants from Tuition Differential dollars - $3,214,811 President's Diversity & Inclusion Awards - $6,225

24 School Basic metric Increase Decrease FAMU39 %4 % UF 59% 2% USF 57% 4% UCF 47% 3% FIU 40% 1% FGCU 36% 5% UNF 34% 6%* FAU 33% 2% FSU 31% 0% UWF 29% 2% School Basic metric Increase Decrease NCF 56% 6% UF 47% 1% USF 46% 4% FAMU43 %3%3% FAU 40% 3% FIU 40% 1% UWF 39% 2% FGCU 35% 2% FSU 35% 1% UCF 35% 3% UNF 33% 1% Undergraduate Graduate DEGREES IN HIGH NEED AREAS * Most improved

25 Construction PECO funds for renovating Skinner-Jones Hall $11,750,000 Personnel Medical lab sciences director $91,000 Electrical engineering faculty $104,000 2 Public health faculty $169,000 Nursing faculty $97,500 Support and incentive programs Marketing and recruitment in STEM fields $15,000

26 School Basic metric UNF 71% FIU 70% UWF 65% FAU 63% FGCU 62% UCF 60% USF 56% FAMU31 % DEGREES WITHOUT EXCESS HOURS

27 See graduation and retention rates

28 School Basic metric Increase Decrease UNF9 % 2% GROWTH IN DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES

29 Positions Telepresence specialist $51,016 Technology support Operating budget for AVP in technology$20,000 Support for blended and hybrid technology$20,000

30 Funding summer school with recurring dollars $300,000 Academic Affairs Operational Support$400,000 Flagship Programs$558,924 TLOs$300,000

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