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Published byJoleen Fitzgerald Modified over 10 years ago
National Food Security Mission Executive Committee(NFSMEC) Meeting
14th National Food Security Mission Executive Committee(NFSMEC) Meeting Date: 18/11/2014 GUJARAT STATE Presented by : Director of Agriculture, Gujarat State., Gandhinagar.
Gujarat - Agriculture @ Glance
Total Geographical Area : 19.6 M ha. Net Area Sown : 10.2 M ha. Total Cropped Area : 14.5 M ha. Gross Irrigated area : M ha. Net Irrigated area : 4.27 M ha. Average land holding : 2.20 ha Total Operational land holder : 4.66 M
Achievements of State in Food Grain & Oilseed Production during 2013-14
* Year APY as per Fourth estimate CROP Area (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Rice 787 1616 2054 Jowar 128 165 1293 Wheat 1500 4800 3200 Bajra 693 1295 1868 Maize 461 692 1502 Ragi 14 984 Other Cere. 38 41 1079 Total Cereal 3621 8623 2382
Achievements of State Contnd.
* Year APY as per Fourth estimate CROP Area (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Tur (Red Gram) 210 239 1137 Udad 91 60 655 Mung(Green Gram) 183 103 564 math 30 18 595 Gram 247 284 1150 Other Pulses 52 35 665 Total Pulses 813 738 908 Total Food Grains 4434 9361 2111
Achievements of State Contnd.
* Year APY as per Fourth estimate CROP Area (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Groundnut 1842 5445 2956 Castorseed 627 1292 2060 Sesamum 236 124 527 Mustard & Rape seed 282 446 1580 Soybean 60 44 725 Other oilseeds 31 14 441 Total Oilseed 3078 7364 2392
Achievements of State in Food Grain & Oilseed Production during 2014-15
* Year APY as per First estimate CROP Area (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Rice 753 1540 2045 Jowar 33 45 1357 Bajra 177 211 1194 Maize 316 460 1457 Ragi 20 18 919 Small millets 3 2 560 Total Cereal 1302 2276 1748
Achievements of State Conti.
* Year APY as per First estimate CROP Area (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Tur (Red Gram) 211 237 1125 Udad 67 44 650 Mung(Green Gram) 77 35 458 math 9 4 491 Other Kharif Pulses 12 5 457 Total Pulses Total Food Grains 1678 2603 1551
Achievements of State Contnd.
* Year APY as per First estimate CROP Area (000 ha) Production (000 M.Tons) Productivity Kg/Ha Groundnut 1224 2048 1673 Castor seed 800 1619 2024 Sesamum 141 63 449 Nigerseed Sunflower Soyabean 69 52 750 Other oilseeds 6 2 300 Total Oilseed 2240 3784 1689
Action Plan Details under NFSM for the year 2014-15 of Gujarat State
(Rs. In Lakh) Sr. No. Scheme name Action Plan (proposed ) Action Plan (approved ) 1 NFSM-Pulse 2 NFSM-Rice 298.10 207.98 3 NFSM-Wheat 4 NFSM-Coarse Cereals 989.50 925.50 5 NFSM-Commercial crops (cotton) 155.00 154.96 6 NFSM-Commercial crops (Sugarcane) 15.00 16.20 TOTAL
Release of Central Assistace Under NFSM for the Year 2014-15
(Rs. In Lakh) National Food Security Mission Normal SCSP TASP Total NFSM Wheat 610 55.45 115.60 781.07 NFSM Rice 15.55 1.41 2.95 19.91 NFSM Coarse Cereal 361.4 32.85 68.49 462.75 NFSM Commercial Crops 100.3 9.11 19.00 128.37 TOTAL 1087 98.82 206.04 Budget Provision for 247.57 752.07
Physical and Financial progress of NFSM 2014-15 Rs. in Lacs
CROP/COMP. Targets Achievement ( up to Oct-14) Physical Financial Financial* NFSM-Rice 9310 207.98 1697 1.66 NFSM-Wheat 155273 14360 4.08 NFSM-Pulse 508877 101112 82.10 NFSM-Coarse Cereal 19700 925.50 630 0.00 NFSM-Commercial Crop (Cotton) 1228 154.96 374 NFSM-Commercial Crop (Sugarcane) 188674 16.20 NFSM Total 383950 12060 87.84 * As per physical applications received, sanctioning and process for payment is undergoing.
New Initiatives introduced in 2014-15
Farmer advisory :- By SMS By I-Kisan Portal By Mobile application State Government has launched Rabi Krishi Mahotsav-Krishi Kalyan Mela Empanelment of Farm Machineries and Agril. Implements
New innovation / initiatives
Glimpses of Agriculture Publication
391468 soil health card has been issued during krushimahotsav 2014.
MICRONUTRIENT FERTILITY MAP 50 STL’s were equipped with micro nutrient facilities under RKVY and NPMSF schemes 3.50 lakh soil samples were analyzed for secondary and micro nutrients In
I kisan Portal ( Krushi Mahotsav-2014
Agriculture Kits Distribution- 1,57,984 Soil health card distribution- 3,91,468 No. of Farmers Guided (Group)- 12,44,906 No. of Farmers Guided (Personal)- 1,32,689 I kisan Portal ( Innovative Approarch in the state for Serving the farmers through Information Technology at their doorstep on 24x7 basis All the services at one place Khatar Adhikar Patra Application for Schematic Assistance Availability of Agril. Inputs Information on Agril. Loan Agriculture related technical information Market Price Weather FAQ and solution regarding farming problems.
Action Plan for Rabi and Summer 2014-15 (NFSM Wheat & Pulse)
In Rabi season availability of latest varieties of wheat, seed is only 7% of total requirement for subsidy. District officials are instructed to plan for maximum demonstrations as well as seed distribution out of available new variety seed. Tender procedures for procurement of inputs like micronutrients, pp chemicals, weedicide, IPM, Gypsum etc. are completed by GAIC Empanelment of Farm Mechanization components are completed. Online Applications for Farm Mechanization components are under processing and at payment stage. Rabi krishi Mahotsav- Kisan Kalyan Melas planned in Dec-2014
Learning from implementation of Coarse Cereals component
To sustain the area and promote coarse cereals, well performing popular notified private research varieties of maize / Bajra may be allowed for demonstration with recommended package of practices. Comparison of private varieties can be done with notified / certified varieties. Farmers can get wide choice in selecting varieties. Farmers learned to adopt use of micronutrients Area of hybrid maize is increasing
Lessons Learnt Use of micro nutrients increased Use of farm mechanization increased Varietal replacement is increased i.e. RICE –GAR 13, GNR-3, NAUR-1, PULSE (Tur)- Vaishali PULSE (Moong)- Meha and Gujarat 4 PULSE (Gram)- Guj 2 and Guj 3 WHEAT – GW 366, GW-11 and GDW-1255 Soil Micronutrient Fertility Maps showing micro nutrients status are displayed in Gram panchayats. Prepositioning of inputs through pre seasonal coordination Cluster approach developed for pulse & wheat
Reason for shortfall in achievement under NFSM 2014-15
El-nino effect on monsoon- Late onset of monsoon, Erratic, irregular and inadequate monsoon observed Long dry spell in mid season, early withdrawal of monsoon Diversification in cropping pattern like Groundnut decrease by 15 %, pulses decrease by 22 %, cotton increase by 11 %, Bajara decrease by 50 %, Jowar decrease by 18 % and Maize decrease by 15 % during Kharif 2014. Farmers provides poor packages to pulse crops due to their low profitability Non availability of <10 year old variety seeds
Reason for shortfall in achievement under NFSM Kharif -14 Contd…..
Procurement of micronutrient was late due to delay in tender procedure Farm mechanization components of the scheme were empaneled by the department and the empanelment procedure was delayed in early season, so the subsidy for this component is till not paid. State Government has initiated ikisan portal and farmers have to apply on line to get assistance in any component of the any schemes. No farmers were allowed to do physical applications so very few online applications were received. In ikisan portal, Initially extension functionaries, input dealers and farmers were less acquainted with new system which resulted in poor progress.
Reasons for Probable Poor achievements (NFSM in Rabi – 2014-15 ) ……
Reasons for Probable Poor achievements (NFSM in Rabi – ) …….(Contd…..) Seed age limit criteria: the wheat seed of <10Yrs. new varieties are available in limited quantity. (7 % only) The farmers have not accepted <10 yrs. old wheat varietiy Viz. GW-366 (2009)
Probable Savings under NFSM due to Non availability of New Variety of Seed in Seed Distribution and Cluster Demonstration (Rs. In Lakh) Sr.No SCHEME Component Financial Target Probable Achievement Financial Probable Savings Remarks 1 NFSM-Wheat Seed Distribution 550 15 535 Seed age limit criteria: the wheat seed of <10Yrs. new varieties are available in limited quantity. (7 % only) Cluster Demon. 525 125 400 2 NFSM-Rice 70 10 60 3.75 3 NFSM-Pulses 450 200 250 675 TOTAL 1245
NFSM-Commercial Crop (Cotton) NFSM-Commercial Crop (Sugarcane)
Expected Physical and Financial progress of NFSM up to March Rs. in Lakh CROP/COMP. Targets Achievement Savings Physical Financial NFSM-Rice 9310 207.98 5586 124.8 83.18 NFSM-Wheat 155273 100928 797.01 935 NFSM-Pulse 508877 254438 425 NFSM-Coarse Cereal 19700 925.5 9000 432.5 493 NFSM-Commercial Crop (Cotton) 1228 154.96 724 46.14 108.82 NFSM-Commercial Crop (Sugarcane) 188674 16.2 NFSM Total 383950 4994.1 559350 2045
Reasons for Probable Poor achievements (NFSM in Rabi – 2014-15 ) ……
Reasons for Probable Poor achievements (NFSM in Rabi – ) …….(Contd…..) The gram sown on conserved moisture will decrease because of poor rain in sep-14 and early withdrawal of monsoon The gram area will decrease due to less remunerative market price which do not attract farmers Crop diversification will be observed in place of gram in irrigated areas e.g. cumin & coriander Very low quantity (68%) of water in most of reservoirs in state e.g. North Gujarat 52%, Saurashtra region 39% and in Kutch region 11%. will restrict area under wheat and other rabi pulse crops.
Future Strategy for better achievement
State is hopeful for new variety of wheat GDW-1255 released in During rabi GSSC has taken seed program for Rabi to supply 10,000 quintal of certified seed in next year. Moong variety Meha –is replacing GM-4, seed program is planned State has implemented new innovative scheme under RKVY through GSSC to popularize newly state released varieties of major crops by producing labled seed and distribute among farmers as demonstration for period two years or till notification, which will help to promote variety in field and after notification immediately can go on mass multiplication in seed chain.
Future Strategy for better achievement….(contd…2)
To overcome the problem of non acceptance SAU varieties by the farmers, GSSC has initiated trials comprising good varieties of ICAR/Other states and tested them in Gujarat condition on farmers field and after getting farmers’ opinion, GSSC bring them in seed chain to provide quality seed to farmers. The examples are as under Hybrid Maize CO-6 (Variety of Tamil Nadu) Hybrid Maize HQPM -1 (Variety of ICAR) Hybrid Bajra MPMH-17 (Variety of ICAR) Mustard - NRCHB-101 (Variety of ICAR) Hy. Paddy – CORH (Variety of Tamil Nadu)
Future Strategy for better achievement….(contd…3)
To overcome the problem of timely supply of inputs , farm implements, equipment's, tractors and water caring pipes etc., State Dept. of Agriculture has called suppliers for EoI and empanelment procedure is now almost completed, the benefits are- Inputs for subsidy will available at competitive rates From trusted, authenticated suppliers With good quality and timely supply At farmers door step from GAIC retail ABC With full transparency through online application
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